Used to think this website was great. Edgy fucks were on Sup Forums, Sup Forums was fun to frequent...

Used to think this website was great. Edgy fucks were on Sup Forums, Sup Forums was fun to frequent, Sup Forums was great to talk about films and television but now I cannot go a day on this board without seeing Sup Forums threads, porn, and other worse shit. The amount of bait webms that seem about to be about movies but have some disgusting content is ridiculous.

> Then leave reddit

Call me whatever but everyone knows this board has substantially declined. Whether it's phoneposters, Sup Forums bleeding into other boards, or the straight up awful shit, its unbearable.

In the end, czech em one final time

Well these meta whining threads aren't going to change shit and you know it.

Just make quality posts in threads you like or if there aren't any make them yourself, simple as that.

Sup Forums's still a valuable important resource on the internet, it's just flooded with paid shills and disinfo now so you have to have to carefully intellectually filter what you view there.

Sup Forums has become complete shit though, and I'm not sure if you're trying to be ironic by contributing to it with that image? This star wars garbage and disney shilling is a big facet of the problems turning this board to abject trash.

Sup Forums was always shit, who fucking cares

I tried that man. I really did but most of the posts are reply to end up being destroyed by fartposters and other shit and ends up getting derailed. Idk if you were here last night but this almost did not have a single thread about movies in the catalogue, it was all illegal shit.

>Used to think this website was great

I really did. I used to laugh a lot and actually have real conversations about movies.

Just spent the last ten minutes reporting every Sup Forums thread in the catalog. Fucking hell, lads.

It is ridiculous man. But I would not waste my time. I would report them all and they just kept coming back

I'll always be amazed how little people here actually know about filmmaking.

Sup Forums really needs to be broken up into /film/ /starwars/ and /celeb/ and /brap/ because right now it's serving too many different audiences

Dude, I don't even care about the cunnyposting or the porn webms, but the politics has got to stop. It's annoying and unpleasant when I just want to hang out and shoot the breeze about movies.


The politics is definitely the one of the worst because not only are their threads everywhere but they derail the shit out of threads.


We did not have this level of shit being posted on this website. Illegal shit was not posted on this website regularly especially to the extent it is posted now. Go on this website at midnight and it becomes a cesspool.

There's plenty of brapcapeshitcunnystarwarsraimifoot threads for you to fuck off to

>mentioning how the quality has declined

How old are you?

Heating up a plate of spaghetti and watching Raiders of the Lost Ark on my Xbox. Did you know that some people believe Han Solo would beat Indiana Jones in a fistfight?

Pic related.


Jones would definitely beat the crap out of Han.


OP is a faggot

Also dubs


Then leave reddit

You're part of the problem you fucking cancerous meme hustling star wars pleb.

It's treason then


Why do people like op only complain when there is racism?

Why do they gleefully post when theres cuck spam?

Why do they pretend they're not here because of reddit themselves?

Why is the world ending when it's Sup Forums and not all the other Sup Forums garbage that's up at all times and has been since 2013?

>confirmed new fag

wasted dubs


I am the senate

Nice blog post.

>>>/numale general/

>found the pedo and cuck

>Illegal shit was not posted on this website regularly

Meant this board not Sup Forums in general