Is this any good or is it pure reddit?

Is this any good or is it pure reddit?

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>movies are either good or reddit
Here's your You

The redditcore image has all my favorite movies and i've never even used it.

Literally tumblr: the movie

I read the book (which wasn't that good to start with) before watching it and turns out the movie has far less depth, but Ezra Miller is good. It's better than Fault on Our Stars but not on same level as The Spectacular Now. If you want a lighthearted movie with a failed normie protagonist this should be good.

It's not even a movie, it's just Reddit.

Enough of this normie bullshit. Where are the movies about the antisocial outcasts? And no, Breakfast Club is normie bullshit too.

post it

I really like Ghost World; Seymour is basically a pre-internet Sup Forums user

>ezra miller

it's shit m8

Cmon you cynical assholes, it's comfy.
I really liked it.
I just thought the aunt final twist was kind of meh.


7/10 it's alright
Worth watching once

Watch the documentary Crumb. R. Crumb himself may have ascended loserdom to fit in with the hip normies despite still being a weirdo, but his brothers not so much.

The protagonist of the movie is close to an outcast, thats why its interesting at first glance, but its clear at the end he is just a failed normie and not a true robot.

We Need To Talk About Kevin is about a school shooter robot but its too artsy and isn't mainly about the r9k guy. Its more about the perspective of his mother from his birth to his prison.

Elephant is even more artsy, and also edgy as fuck, but its literally /r9k/ + Sup Forums and Sup Forums so this should compensate.

The Way Way Back is basically The Perks of Being a Wallflower, but better imho, and the protagonist is a more convincing outcast.

You decide. I'm sure there are more out there

It was pretty comfy so give it a try.

>No woman would ever molest you

I actually like it a good amount. 8/10 for me.

That said I can't stand Lerman. I loved seeing Brad Pitt slap him around in Fury.

It's pure cringe

Its pure kino

>le perks of being a le speshul snowflake

Yeah, that's reddit.

I Saw We Need To Talk About Kevin and it was great.

Doesn't the Way Way Back have that fat ass white girl in it?

One of the best scenes in the 21st century is the tunnell scene featuring David Bowies objectively best song. Kinda gives you chills.

The book was even worse about skirting around the issue. I really enjoyed both though - the film got rid of the abortion plotline and I didn't like Emma Watson as Sam, but aside from those it was a good adaptation.

>and in that moment, we truly noticed...the perks of being a wallflower


Want to watch The Spectacular Now but can't stomach a film starring both Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley

not even reddit-tier, its 9gag-core cringeshit.

It's either a
>loner powerfantasy
>delusional normie "nerd's" powerfantasy

Not sure which. Either way it's alright but riddled with cliches and predictable events and character development. Soundtrack is pretty gud tho.

Absolute tumblr tier trash of the highest order

Emma was great as sam. Erza was pretty good. Lerman was fine to good.

Don't bother then you have good taste. Perks was better anyways.

someone kill ezra miller already

I want those lips wrapped around my cock

You MUST watch this movie. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen. On par with the room. You'll be laughing the whole time OP

I thought it was better than I expected it to be, it puts enough interesting modern spins on the typical John Hughes coming-of-age story (mental illness, sexual identity) plus I like Logan Luhrman and Ezra Miller. Emma Watson a shit though.

Would happily watch again.

You should really be watching Kings of Summer.

>tfw I'm actually a previously molested loser who made friends with the seniors as a freshman and got into hard drugs with them but then they all graduated leaving me alone with the same problems I had before except this time with a thirst for cocaine.
Honestly he power fantasy aspect of dating Emma watson is a little bit of a reach but if they had replaced her with a homelier druggy looking girl it would have been totally believable.

my second favourite high school movie after 10 things i hate about you

Even ignoring Chbosky's totally plain work as director, this screenplay is an unstoppable train of dull cliches and stock characters, and not even ones rendered in any remotely novel way. The soundtrack is good, but that's not enough, and is part of the unfortunate stock 'indie' packaging of so many of these movies, recently, which combines some of the worst impulses of commercial and independent film.

This scene

I liked the bit where he gets told to kiss the prettiest woman in the room and he puts the lips on Hermione instead of his gf.

The rest is shite.

Emma was good, for a highschool film it was definitely good

>tv calls emma watson unattractive when they want
>tv calls emma watson unobtainable when they want

>tv is one person

>Implying any of the autistic losers here would pass up the chance to date Emma Watson

I never said that I impied the opposite since that one user said one of those things. It seems there's contradictions

In principle you're right however some are legally retarded faggots

I can't take Emma Watson seriously after she came out as a feminist. Also hated the fag character.

Call me an idiot, but I didn't see the plot twist coming so that made it a little more interesting.

Solid 6/10

>caring whether something is reddit or not
I get that you're trying really hard to fit in, but seriously kys if you desire validation from autistic manchildren with no worthwhile skills or accomplishments

you fucking loved the movie didn't you, reddit?

I liked it a lot two thumbs up 4/4

It's really good imo.

We all agree, now go back, reddito man.

It doesn't get any more reddit than this shit

Same here friend

>movies is about a social """""outcast"""""
>has friends and women lusting after him

this movie STINKS

I just watched this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath. Overall, a pretty good film.

Sup my fellow redditors

I want to grab twinkflash by the boipussy

>knowing what's reddit
You shouldn't blow your cover like that next time. You can all escort yourselves out.

/fit/ the movie

That was pretty cringeworthy