Back in the day when America was free could you legally ride a dirt bike without lights, plate, and helmet at Johns age...

Back in the day when America was free could you legally ride a dirt bike without lights, plate, and helmet at Johns age? Just curious. Seems like he would just be asking for trouble but maybe it was legal. Hoping an old fag can clear this up.

Also Terminator thread.

Hoping based Jim can save the franchise by making the future war movie we all want.

You might as well ask if it was legal to hack ATMs.

26 years ago is not when america was free.

You could ride an under 50cc motorcycle or moped or mini bike without a license.

But that bike is probably a 150cc dirtbike so, yes, he is riding it illegally.

T. Seventy Three Year Old Man

>Back in the day when America was free could you legally ride a dirt bike without lights, plate, and helmet at Johns age?

It's not about freedom. The difference is if he crash and spilled his brains all over the street his parents wouldn't sue the motorcycle manufacturer for manufacturing motorcycles that murdered their son and the federal government for building roads that murdered their son the way your whiny bitch parents would you millennial pussy crybaby.

>>Americans are pussys because of lawsuits

riiiight. suuuuuuure thing pussyfaggot. enjoy having no healthcare. lolz

It was california.

That place has always been a lawless shithole.

Good experiment to see what happens in a state that always votes democrat.

>You could ride an under 50cc motorcycle or moped or mini bike without a license.

Would you still needs lights to ride on the streets or are hand signals good enough?

The stunt double used a XR100, but the bike of john and the one that the actor used was a XR80,

Neither one were 150cc

Depends on the state. In NY if it was built before 1985 turn signals are optional, even for road only motorcycles. The only reason I know this is I own a motorcycle built in 1985.

Before 9/11, there were a lot of things you could do in America that while not technically legal, people mostly looked the other way as long as you weren't hurting anyone. When they say everything changed that day, they really mean it, EVERYTHING changed.

so there you go, still illegal.

not really though

>when America was free
>you are free to be run down and killed by a retard on a dirtbike who has no training or accountability

Hurr durr muh freedums. Libertarians truly are the scum of the earth.

Life was literally a paradise before the Bush regime bro.

not really though


How is he a "pussy cry baby"? Lol. You seem like a total faggot my friend. Might wanna consider walking off a cliff.

This desu

def. this

Except I'm advocating more freedom. You know how many things you're free to do if you're dead because of some moron? None.

>Back in the day when America was free
the 1800s?

>T. a babby
the 90's was the golden age of frivolous lawsuits in America

>Except I'm advocating more freedom like taking little fingers on the excuse someone somewhere might get hurt

Pre-911 I spent the entire summer between 7th and 8th grade riding a moped around my suburb with no license and no insurance and didn't get pulled over once.

>making people get training to ride a motorbike = taking their little fingers

Ha ha nice slippery slope argument you ignoramus. You're out of ammo. Kill yourself before you embarrass yourself any further

tort reform came in the 90s. The golden age of being a plaintiff's lawyer was the late 70s and 80s.

As America becomes a more shitskin country, you will have less freedom

The shitskins always abuse stuff, white people can bike on sidewalks and its nbd
While niggers run into elderly and ruin it for everyone

>>Back in the day when America was free
moron OP obviously hints 2 days

California is literally nanny state USA

>30yrs ago you could smoke at the mall
>soon you won't even be able to smoke in your car

Really makes you think.

>30 years ago you could spread cancer to minors with impunity because the government was bought by the tobacco industry and actively helped suppress the truth in order to maintain profit margins

Really makes you think.

>motorcycle can't escape truck

What a hack Jim

yes, americans are pussies because they'd rather cry and sue then take responsibility for their actions. glad you understand

>He believes the second hand smoking meme
And I'm sure all that smog in LA is caused by it too!


You can still do this today.

As long as you're smart about it you won't get caught.

No. He was breaking the law. That's what made young John Connor cool.

How will Jim push bikino forward with Terminator 3?
