So...what was the message of this movie?
So...what was the message of this movie?
u kno nuthin, hoomans
That progress is only possible if we work together as a species because every background is one piece of the puzzle, and if you let your redheaded wife pussy out and take a morphine shot for the pain of childbirth your kid will grow up to be a drug addict.
Short story: new perspectives on life are possible and useful
Movie: women are magical
Why did the aliens need help in the future?
What a worm you are, writhing in endless anxiety in the dirt
Did you see this on accident thinking it was a Transformers sequel?
Cant see why collaboration is the message, also why she seems surprised when she talks to the chinese guy if she knew that the conversation was going to happen?
time is the love dimension
Accepting death as an essential part of your life and treasuring every moment.
Also protip: there is no singular universal message everyone should get, films don't work that way, everyone "get's" something else from it
No. Why? What transformers has to do with anything? I don't know. Watched the screener, so might have missed something. Aliens just came and gave gift and said that they need help in 3000 years or something.
Be nice to aliens because they could just be here to give you superpowers
If you don't shoot at aliens, they will give you cool shit
That Obama, or another competent intellect, would be better to have when the aliens come than Trump.
You should totally give up the right to defend yourself on your and abolish borders and separate cltures and shit, shitlords
That it's ok to knowingly destroy a mans life because you yourself want a child with a short shelf life.
I think the social commentary of this movie was that in order for humanity to move forward we must come together as a species, and language is one of the biggest barriers not only because it requieres a lot of time and effort to learn a new one, but because of how they shape the way you perceive the world.
The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is absolutely true.
Fabianist cuck
>Sapir–Whorf hypothesis
is bullshit though- noone takes it serious anymore.
Communication and language are the most powerful tools we have. You can beat a population into submission with weapons, but they will forever resent you after. If you understand language and its psychological subtleties you can use it to control a population who at large will always take it at face value and not stop to learn its intent or power over their minds.
This is how mothers control their children.
And you get a girl to fuck you by flexing in front of them, right?
When she first develops clairvoyance it's incomplete. The phone call was a small amount of the future that she was able to make out
Just shut the fuck up you embarrassing spastic.
Dont B Scared 2 Live Ur Life
- Cher
what the fuck are you even talking about, cuck
>anything above transformers tier
you know where to go back to
Hey /pol9k/, how are you feeling today? Uptight and agitated? Ready to just LET LOOSE on someone? Jeez, I'd better stay out of your way!
Villenueve can and will make the most dull, lifeless first contact film ever. And plebs will eat it up.
Well to break it down for you I'm both insulting your intelligence and laughing at the way you live your life, both of which were easy to gather by the content of your post.
Kys. This board proves it correct.
One explosion wasn't enough for you?
Great meme, you enjoy the films of christopher nolan? Because the exposition in this rivals him. As does the shit tier hammy acting
If anyone's interested this is a good episode of the excellent "Lexicon Valley" podcast on the linguistics of the film.
The acting wasn't great but it did everything it needed to in a film that relies more on imparting sensation and concept to its audience. The exposition was Pulse-esque, meant to lull you into a trance, hardly a vehicle for action like a Nolan film
wtf i love open borders now
wars can break out over a simple misunderstanding
Villeneuve is so much better a filmmaker than Nolan it's absurd.
>Nolanfag replies with emoji
Sounds about right.
Which is why communication needs to come before action. It doesn't mean that action should never be taken, it just needs to have thought behind it.
Incendies ok
Prisoners 6/10
Enemy 8/10
Sicario 5/10
Arrival 2.5/10
He's done for whatever reason be it his french canadian ideals or whatever he makes imdb trash
I didn't find it encapsulating or emotional
You sound so smart when you go against the grain
Villeneuve tries hard to be Cronenberg but it still comes out as Nolan in the end.
Some technicalities in which he excells don't change the fact the overall movies he turns out are sterile as fuck, no-consequence "smart" wide-release blockbusters.
He's occupying the exact same niche as Nolan.
>Movie: women are magical
So you didn't understand the movie and you're just triggered by female leads?
How in the fuck do you figure he's trying to be Cronenberg? His films are only as sterile as anything else with a hollywood budget and a "technicality" stops being a technicality when its an intentional choice.
Let the little boy sleep with his belly full of tendies
he's the same as Nolan, but for some reason his fans think his movies are actually smart
It's capeshit
>How in the fuck do you figure he's trying to be Cronenberg?
i dunno, from watching his movies? Why did you even ask me this useless fucking question
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad
>Rush Limbaugh convinces a bunch of high spec soldiers to commit treason for absolutely no reason at all
It was shit.
So were they basically talking to the aliens at crotch level for most of the film?
Kek, go buy some more juice for your vape big man
Crying contrarian is a silly argument. Sicario and Arrival will not be remembered in the future
This also you should view your life as a whole not one piece at a time
The military is full of impressionable shitbags, they're pretty much the fuel keeping it alive.
Yes, but i mean, in the future it seems like she didnt remember that she was gonna talk to the chinese general, its weird
How can we even call them an advanced species when they love drawing pictures with their spunk?
most american linguists don't take it seriously.
it is now almost universally accepted that the "medium is the message", how is it possible this doesn't apply to languages as well? even if it is possible to find common grammatical structures everywhere, the subtle differences make a world of difference.
You really didn't learn anything from Interstallar, did you?
Imagine having that level of control over your cumshot.
The one thing that bothered me about the movie was that the aliens were just big squids. I want a director to have some balls and portray them as the horrific unsightly incomprehensible beings they would more likely be. The Edge Of Tomorrow was the closest to capture that imo
Communication is key to mutual survival . That's the hippy message. if we could converse etc we could live in peace.
but what it really tells us is that your language is your world. it restricts your world. you can't understand other people without knowing their language. some linguists even suggest that's not enough because you still live in a world constructed by the language of your birth.
message is we'll never understand each other because the way in which they do understand the aliens and their language etc is completely impossible
>he comes to Sup Forums for arguments
You're never going to touch a titty at this rate.
Even if we never fully get there, immense progress can be made just by trying
carry on
Screeners are literally used for awards consideration. I'm not really sure you understand what you're implying.
You get btfo and this is how you react? How are you gonna survive in this world once your mommy dies?
Sup Forums has hated this movie from day 1
Must be pretty good then.
But you are not watching it for awards consideration, you have a choice to watch it in cinema or atleast wait for a brrip to come out.
These screener threads always gather around a special bunch of people who think retelling literal plot points and the order of a narrative is actually "discussing" a visual medium like film.
Just look up any thread about a movie which has a screener out and tell me I'm wrong, 50% of the post is people explaining the plot to one another, it's ridiculous.
Yeah not really.
People who "hate" this movie actually hate the people who like the movie more then the movie itself.
Identity politics are fun! Wheeeeee!
"Give an Oscar or suck mah dick"
-Denis Villeneuve
Watch out, we have an autist over here. I'm sure you're treasured among your "group" of friends xD
Arrival will get an Oscar for sound design and sound mixing and that's that.
But the sound design really was something, with audio clues from the future being played in the current narrative, it was a proper tool which served the narrative instead of just filling out the form
You're right, true discussion is limited to cuckspamming, dubs, and casual racism. Who do these people think they are, appreciating the visual arts on a board devoted to television and film
I love it when film makes use of the same elements used in hypnotism, its downright erotic. Obscurity is sexy.
>talks about how film is a visual medium
>while defending a Villememe movie
TOp KEK!! Yeah the most entry level movie possible is all style over substance, that's why it sucks!!1!1!
He's just mad cause he feels dumb, notice how he peppered his post with arbitrary big words while not making anything resembling a logical point
You all clearly understood the point of my post and got pretty triggered by it so you had to reply back.
Also give some arguments of why do you think the movie is shit then
without the use of buzzwords and "it's boring" please, actual arguments
This tbhfam. They even had an alex jones parody in it
embrace the "other"wordly and in the process enable yourself to grow and expand
We can also take the cool shit by force
It's ok to judge others by how they speak because how they speak affects how they think.
The message is actually godawful.
Your parents love you a lot.
>Movie: women are magical
commence the triggering
That life is worth living even in pain and times of suffering. That even if everything is already ordained it doesn't take away any of its beauty
This is the true answer
the movie has you leave right where you began, so the message is you've been had, thanks for the $10