This will be their first flop

This will be their first flop.

I thought it was going to be Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange

Nah, Captain Marvel will be. Not even comic fans like her.

nah, there'll be a wise cracking character to lighten the mood and bring in the crowds

Asia is going to be a tough sell for these flicks, where females are property and blacks are lower than animals.

Yeah. It's gonna bomb so hard. Especially in international markets. Blacks just aren't interesting. Not to mention the fact that their monkey antics are completely offputting.


Captain Marval is just a shitty superhero to begin with.

T-this will be the one that flops guys, just watch!


Lets see...

>He'll start of as an asshole
>Something tragic will happen
>Quip quip quip
>He will fight forgettable villain
>He will save the day
>Quip quip quip
>Post credit shenanigans

There now you don't have to watch it

My dick ain't flopping once she squeezes them titties into that tight outfit

>this is gonna be their first flop!!1
>this is gonna be their first big hit!!1

Why? Genuine question. I only know what her powers are.

Nah, the selling point will be a cross-over character from Tony Stark in Spiderman.

This movie wont flop...but it likely wont be as huge as other marvel flicks.

>Making a flick whose title and main character fetishize scumbag domestic terrorists

The comic character came first, idiot.

She used to be cool then Marvel rebranded her to look like some feminist dyke and turned her into a huge bitch.

Every new Marvel movies "supposed" to flop and they never do. Stay mad Dcucks

>No chinese market
>No east asian market whatsoever
>Character with little build up

It won't be a "flop" in the major sense, it will probably barely make its money back but actually be a decent film.

The problem is that the cast is almost entirely black, and for black movies in America, hitting maybe 40% non-Whites in the demos is considered a success. If Black Panther is anywhere near that low then it'll see massively underwhelming numbers.

The plus side for Marvel is that they have Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp out in the same year, so they're probably going to make $2bn at the box office in 2018 either way.

Oh, I see. I wouldn't worry then. The MCU writers and directors will just do whatever they think the audience will like.

The Madea movies hit #1 in the box office every year. It'll do fine. It's an all black cast so it'll be marketed to shit by SJWs and all the blacks will flock to it

The only way I see them getting the Chinese market on board is if they emphasise the mysitcal stuff and the martial arts stuff.


They stuck gold with Guardians of the Galaxy.
Groot alone prints money.

>This will be their first flop.
I remember when Iron Man 3, Avengers 2, Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange were supposed to be Marvel's first flops.

Who writes these? Freshman college students? I swear I see the same shitty amateur dialogue in the thousands of amateur scripts I've read. I've even made the same mistake when I first started.

Forcing cussing to make it sound "natural" will never sound natural. Even then, all the Marvel comics dialogue sounds the exact same. You can replace the character but not the words and nothing would change.

they can always just make ads with Kobe

Black Panther doesn't have fans to begin with and it'll flop. This will be the beginning of the super hero bubble bursting.

Oh it will be a hit just not a real one, just a PR one. Do you remember when Dr Strange got absolutely crushed by Suicide Squad but clickbait websites were writting editorials about how it broke the record of the highest grossing superhero movie on a thuesday with full moon or some shit? Same shit, just like every Marvel movie without Robert Downey Junior.

Basically a flying brick who was hated by the old guard of Marvel from the 70's for being feminism push. She was effectively put on the side lines in a story where she was raped, birthed, and married her own son under mental suggestion. Came back and hated her friends for being okay with it.

Modern times she's treated as if she's loved when in the past she's been a legit fascist who would kill a mother in front of her weeping child and an alcoholic who has problems with the fact that she has been alienated from her past by someone taking her memories.

Basically they're trying to sell incompetent Hitler as some feminist hero, but then they mindwipe her and erase her past so you get a by-committee feminist military dyke surronded by her gay space GI Joes who make those space refugees their spots on Earth.

I think you mean China

t. increasingly nervous dcuck

This would have worked in 06 back when race relations were less violent

>This will be the beginning of the super hero bubble bursting.
The bubble's been at the "gonna burst any day now!" stage for almost an entire decade by now from what you guys have been saying.

Brie Larson

Didn't The Incredible Hulk flop?

Falcon is black, as is War Machine...expect one of them in a trailer.

Plus black audiences love Avengers and Captain America despite the casting being mostly white. BP will draw audiences

It's going to do very well because niggers who wouldn't watch capeshit are going to this flick anyway because YASSSSSSS PANTHER SLAY #WOKE

People say this about literally every Marvel kino and it's always a success.

Unless Klaww isn't in it I anticipate it will be good.

I'm sure MvCIfags will save it

>implying they won't completely change her chatacter to generic likeable hero and make it succeed, then turn comics Carol into the movie version

They already said they will change her origin because it's too similar to Green Lantern

In cape comics, scripts are basically written after the plot has been determined by management. In the olden days, people like Stan Lee's job was to basically add script to already drawn stories. So the script always ends up being extremely retarded because it just explains what happens on the page.

But Steve Rogers knew what it was to be heroic from the very beginning. It's how he became Captain America in the first place, being A GOOD MAN.

Hey, wanna go watch some Lucifer or Preacher? Those shows really capture the original comics perfectly!

So this is why all capeshit dialogues are fucking retarded? Because the comics are this bad?

400 in box office screencap this, chinks don't like niggers

Well that particular event was written by Bendis who's the most hated writer on Sup Forums. His dialogue is extremely obnoxious.

Production Budget: $150 million
Domestic Total Gross: $134,806,913

Worldwide: $263,427,551

Anybody who thinks Black Panther and/or Captain Marvel will flop, is delusional.

At this point the general audience loves anything Marvel Studios shit out. They will love those movies as well.

Even Ant Man, fucking ANT Man made 500 million, those two movies will easily make at least that much.

Thor and Loki's powers are nothing alike, though.

no women are new niggers

>it's a Tony "I restored Matt Murdock's sight for a day just to fuck with him" Stark takes the moral highground episode

They already 'have' had a flop. The Incredible Hulk made $263m worldwide on a $150m budget.

That's not how it works

The Stan Lee method was: he made the plot, then the issue is drawn based on the plot, and the script is written for the scenes

It allowed a better story/art interpolation and it succeeded tremendously over the typical way of writting of the time.

This method is rare nowadays, though. Last one I know to be that way was New 52 Wonder Woman, and there wasn't any other during that time.

Sounds to me that she was a shitty character, but the name has several years.

It's easier to re-do a old hero and then when normies look for it they can say it was already there the whole time. It becomes available by, and promotes, itself.
Like buying an old short-named site domain and naming your new movie like that.

And how it is done this days?

Why do you still give a fuck about Marvel movies in 2017

Apparently Luke Cage was a hit, so there's definitely a huge market for super heroes in the american black community.

geez, how desperate you dcfags are, even drawing this shit

That's different though because it's memeflix, people will eat up anything Netlfix makes. If they released a Luke Cage movie in theaters nobody would watch it.

The script is written entirely and the pages are drawn following the script, that details not only dialogues but exactly how every panel should go (with vaying degrees of liberty to the artists)

It's rarer today to have comics crediting plot to one person and script to another, than it was in the 80s and 90s

Incredible Hulk was also Universal. Disney can't actually make any solo Hulk movies due to something with the distribution rights.

>If they related an Ant-Man movie in theaters, nobody would watch it.

>th-this will be their first flop. I SWEAR THIS TIME

said the increasingly nervous DC cuck

>Nah, Captain Marvel will be

I agree. If it's not a qt short haired blond on screen like in that one comic book I saw I ain't going to see it.

>for the fourth movie in a row


i hate 92% of (american) black people and im still gonna see this shit. definitely going to lose money in china though

>The archetypal Hero's Journey is bad
and implying steve rogers started as an asshole, kill yourself commie

>liking worst carol with a dyke cut

jesus christ

If it came out now it might not do so well. People were clearly hungry for a space opera movie. 2014 was the right time. It was a hit, it's got potential cameos, gotg2 will be huge. We're in a star wars a year world now, I dont think gotg would have been as big if it came out now, unless like, iron man or hulk joined the team, they'd have to sell it.

There will be no bubble burst. This is an established genre now. You won't see superhero movies die any more than you'd see sci-fi or fantasy die. Marvel might overreach, they might start doing four movies a year and need to pull it back a bit, but you won't see capeshit die within the next 20 years. No chance.

Well at the moment it looks like Marvel Comics is regretting going the SJW route (and I suspect will reboot soon) so maybe they'll dodge all the feminist stuff in the movie altogether.

That was a typo. I meant to say non-Black audiences.

Do you realize how long ago that was?

>China meme
Deadpool did just fine without China.

Plus, they can always shove Bucky in and slap him on all the posters, that way chink fangirls will still flock to the movie.

China won't buy it, simple

More like best and the only one I know. I don't give a shit about children comic books.

Every black person in the Western world will see it minimum twice in theatres regardless of quality, so no.

It won't flop but it won't do as well because it's illegal to show black people in Asian markets
Also illegal to show panthers in South American markets

>he doesn't know

Bucky is going to be in deathlok movie

Who knows. Maybe they might enjoy the novelty of it and there's a resurgence of blaxplotation in China.
The later Fast and Furious movies are popular there and they have black comic relief characters.

Which ugly jew will they get to play Cap Marvel?

Pretty sure Brie Larson is not a jew.

I'm sure they will keep trying until racism is completely defeated worldwide.

There's a maximum allowed foreign films that can get into China each year. There's competition to get one of these spots which is why you see sympathetic asians in all major movies, from arrival's general ching to rogue one's two asian bros. Also chings hate blacks and this will have to pay a major bonus to be accepted and even if it will dingfei won't go to see this

Disney and Marvel have the production rights but Universal has the distribution rights, so Marvel can make Hulk movies if they want, but Disney just wouldn't be able to distribute it.

The Hulk movies have never really done super well. Universal getting profits and deciding the advertising partners does slow it down, but its a combination of all these things that keep us from getting another hulk movie

Deadpool was a smash hit though. You can't bank on something like that.

Her brown eyes trigger me.

The distribution rights should revert back soon. I don't think Marvel would shoehorn Planet Hulk stuff into Thor: Ragnarok if they didn't trust the character to make money.

jesus this is meant to be ms marvel?

Sometimes she looks okay, sometimes not.

She needs a good make-up artist.

the image file leads to believe you didn't find this here. what is it?

Why does Sup Forums always try to make me fap...

lol did that happen? Hilarious

>dat gap

> Post-credit scene of CM movie will be Carol "Yaaas Queening" Wanda deep and hard.

who is this attractive lady?

>This will be the film that kills the Marvel's money train.
>Okay, it wasn't, next one will be because actor.
>Okay, it wasn't, next one will be because hero.
>Okay, it wasn't, next one will be because setting.
>Okay, it wasn't, next one will be because hard to adapt.
>Okay, it wasn't, next one will be because sequel.
>Okay, it wasn't, next one will be for sure.
