Find a flaw

find a flaw

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lack of diversity

your plebeianism isn't a flaw

It's boring. The way it's shot, the way actors behave. Mind numbing.

why do you think so?

Textbook example of dishonest filmmaking.

Can't. To all people criticizing this film: kys

Take some Ritalin and then watch it spaz

No explosions.
No T&A.
A """Western""" set in Italy.

what Textbook?

>No explosions.


not on my dick

Very dishonest

classic. BUT I hated that scene in the extended version with Tuco eating chicken with his brothers. If it was cut for good reason why put it back in? The scene is irrelevant.

The only ones who can find any flaws are the ones least deserving to watch it.

Boring as fuck like 99% of westerns.

2 > 3 > 1

Eat shit

The good the bad and the ugly is that 1% mr 99

I could eat all the shit in the universe and that wouldn't make the movie any less boring.

ITT: ADHD riddled kids who can't sit still for 3 hours call the archetypical spaghetti western "boring".

I've sat through F&A, Out 1, Satantango, 1900, Mysteries of Lisbon and I consider every single Leone film dull and boring in every single level I can think of.

>it's boring

Not an argument, high schoolers

Maybe you just don't like westerns, user.

I do like them, I just don't like Leone at all.

The Morricone score isn't as good as Once Upon a Time in the West

Name one western film. You literally can't.


Some of the voice dubbing was off

nothing happens and it feels 5 hours long


It ends

You haven't seen the movie

The extended version fucked up seven minutes of voicing in some foreign versions because the original dubbers were long dead by the time the extended came out
Literally the only flaw there is

Not a flaw, Tumblrina.

>implying user thinks.

>He thinks Star Wars was set in Tunisia

The dubbing was really bad. Like all dubbing.

Also it inspires shitposting.

3 hour runtime where most of the movie is people staring at each other.

Yeah instead there should have been dumb car explosions, quips, and after credits jokes

Fucking millenial marvel babies I swear to fucking god

I can't. Anything Leone is pure kino.

that's kino as fuck
holy shit

>duh you have to like car chases and explosions made with CGI wrapped up into 1 hour 20 minute runtime if you don't enjoy a 3 hour movie where very little happens beyond a few scenes

also you're a millenial too faggot. get a job.


It's the greatest movie of all time


the scenes that weren't in the theatrical version and are now mandatory because of "purists". most add nothing and break the rhythm

Yeah Ecstasy of Gold is so fucking badass, I remember hearing it in a beer commercial and rewatching Good the Bad and the Ugly in response.

Was he really?

He was always being a dick to Tuco, and I don't really remember him doing anything that could be considered good, aside from letting Tuco live at the end.

The shootout with angel eyes thugs was pretty shit other than that no complains. Film was great

The bit with the soldiers and the war at the end seemed kinda out of place

He had pity for the soldier and comforted him in his last moments I think?

Not enough revolvers.

> be conscript in Spanish army
> get sold to wageslsave for some fat dago and build a bridge
> the great day comes, get ready to blow the bridge up
> push plunger, textbook explosion, big badaboom
> the fat fuck forgot to roll the camera
> have to build fucking bridge AGAIN

Kino, pure kino

dishonest filmmaking at its finest

He's not even ugly though, he's just average while the other two are very handsome.

ugly was more reffering to his character

there's a mexican in the movie

not enough
who cares about mexicans

t. bipolar user

hes actually a jew


your a jew


This. Otherwise it's good.

Whilst blowing the bridge up was benificial to him. He did it for the army captain