>Scotland and Northern Ireland are leaving
>Companies are already moving to the EU (e.g. Carnival Cruises moving from Southampton)
>The pound has plummeted
>Various shares have plummeted (e.g. housebuilders have dropped by 30%)
>Our Prime Minister has resigned
>Our next PM will be unelected
>Our credit rating is about to go down
>Inflation is going to go up
>Government borrowing will become more expensive (due to worse credit rating)
>Our economy is now smaller than France's due to value losses
>Investment in Britain will be stunted for a generation due to massive uncertainty
>The UK will become an irrelevant shithole while France, Germany, Italy and Spain enjoy the fruits of our losses

Other urls found in this thread:


remainians are so mad!

Great Britain will soon be just Britain. Your empire is smaller every year, just like Serbia's dream empire. Kek.

>muh economy

Fuck off, you money obsessed twat

Still mad, I see!

Faggot ass nigger.

You're gonna have another referendum in ~6 years and people will vote to rejoin the EU

but by then you'll have to accept all conditions like the rest of the countries

no special snowflake status anymore

you'll get a worse deal

screencap this


>>Our next PM will be unelected
lel unlike David who was voted in by direct election

It's better to be based and poor than cucked and well off.

Haha! People are losing money! Haha people will lose their jobs! Haha the suicide rares will go up

Le meme magic xDDDDD

>this is what leavecuc.ks actually believe

>Scotland and Northern Ireland are leaving

>Companies are already moving to the EU (e.g. Carnival Cruises moving from Southampton)
>The pound has plummeted
>Various shares have plummeted (e.g. housebuilders have dropped by 30%)
Everyone predicted a short term economic hit.

>Our Prime Minister has resigned

>Our next PM will be unelected
Still more democratic than the EU

>Inflation is going to go up
>Government borrowing will become more expensive (due to worse credit rating)
>Our economy is now smaller than France's due to value losses
>Investment in Britain will be stunted for a generation due to massive uncertainty
What part of "short term economic hit" don't you understand?

>The UK will become an irrelevant shithole while France, Germany, Italy and Spain enjoy the fruits of our losses
The UK has been an irrelevant shithole since we lost the empire, we would become even worse anyway once we became a muslim country.

>we are a small voice in a large union!
>we want to leave the UK!
>so that we can join a large union where our voice is even smaller!

>the EU is going to exist in 6 years

OMG how will you ever live without Carnival Cruise?

You're whining about temporary things shill. The result of panicked cronyists. You'll survive and be better for it.

The price for freedom is high, but it cant be too high.

It will still exist in 60 years.


I think that alot of what we asked the eu for will be granted to other member states in an attempt to keep the union together, its catch-22 for us as staying in would have meant full federalisation but elaving will give power back to other countries

>Happening happens. All this salt.
The fuck happened Sup Forums? Get comfy and enjoy the ride.

Freedom isn't free. Fucking britcucks would sell their future for some shekels.

>willing to trade freedom for 500 points on the DJIA

>for a generation
>short term


Its unbelievable.

Told that taking part is as valuable as winning their entire lives, faced with a defeat.

Top kek.

So mad.

Explain how it's worth losing sovereignty again?

britbongs fill me in

how much freedoms did you gain in this

You're right, it's like a crazy ex-gf.

>Boo hoo our economy is worse than France. Now we're the SIXTH largest economy :(

You're still a smaller economy than California so shut the fuck up

>the pound has plummeted
Last time I looked it went down like 2-3% How much is that in US pennies?

All the freedoms. You can tell by how salty remainers and cucked Europe are.


I am now an #EUmissile

You have existed for 1000 years without the EU. Why are you so sure that you will fail now?

>Carnival Cruises

Oh no not Carnival Cruises! what ever will we do!?
Might as well nuke our little island and start over because without Carnival Cruises we will surely never recover. Seriously I can't stress enough just how fucked we will all be without Carnival Cruises. We can forget about ever becoming a space faring civilisation now that Carnival Cruises are cutting jobs.
I'm a Carnival Cruz Missile now.


Renainers are masochist. All of that should make Brits further want nothing to do with globalist swine. Good Job Brexit Bongs

Holy shit lol you're so moronic. Every investor I know braced for impact. Sorry if you're too stupid to manage your own money. For a fee I hear there are people who will do it for you.

Freedom isn't free faggot.

Pretty certain we just voted to leave mate.

>House prices will fall
>Inflation will be high


I heard it stopped raining in uk since leave won. Guess your ancestors aren't crying no mo

Eurocucks, please don't stop being salty. Your tears and asspain over LOSING really are delicious.

Suddenly Liberals care about the economy. Where did this come from?

>how much freedoms did you gain in this

All of them.

May I also make a point about "big business".

People say "fuck big business!"

May I remind you that THE UNITED STATES, the biggest economy in the world, is BUILT on big business? Big business is literally the BACKBONE of the US economy.

The massive financial institutions, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, BOA, Wall Street. All the massive technology companies, Apple, Google, Facebook. Massive car manufacturers, General Motors, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler. Oil companies like Exxon-Mobil and Chevron. Retailers like Walmart. I could go on.

Are SMEs (small and medium size enterprises / businesses) important? Of course. They make up 50% of private sector jobs. But they cannot EXIST, they cannot PROSPER, without the economic prosperity afforded to a country by big business.

Poorer countries have SMEs too, but what sets them apart is the lack of BIG businesses. That is why they are poor irrelevant countries and why the US, the UK, France, Germany are big important economies.

What will happen to big businesses in the UK, we don't know yet. But the point I'm making is if you voted for Brexit because "FUCK BIG BUSINESS! WE DON'T NEED THEM! THEY CAN FUCK OFF FOR ALL I CARE!", then you're a complete and utter fucking moron.

>Scotland and Northern Ireland are leaving

both are literally not possible

The UK economy puts more in to the EU than it gets out of it.

The UK wealth gap is increasing and this is decidedly anti british. Yes, there has always been one, but I believe they have moved past it, culturally.

It doesn't really matter if the UK doesn't have as much world political power, but it does have more sovereignty. And why shouldn't they? Why should a small group of UK citizens become very wealthy on the backs of the majority? Why should UK citizens work to support weaker economies? Economies who's investment in their human capital and culture is less than that UK's?

Thats what the EU is. "This country is struggling, British people work so they can survive (and breed more struggling people)"

If it comes to that, I hope your sacrifice won´t be in vain Britbro, you are our greatest ally!

Meanwhile in reality:
EU stocks are plummeting faster and to a worse degree than UK is
Future of EU is absolutely uncertain while the future of the UK is pretty solid, and investors are showing this
Other EU nations are now having pushes for referendums to leave the union
Germany has to figure out how to cover an extra 3 billion to pay for the EU
UK can now make better trade deals with the US, China, Canada, India, Australia, Japan, etc.
UK can still make trade deals with individual EU nations and there's strong incentive to keep current trade deals in place

The actual losers here are the EU. Hopefully we have a netherlands exit next year.

Gets more from EU than it pays in
Pays in more than it gets out. Shut the fuck up you are just mad the NEETbux won't flow in anymore

I hope a combination of these things happens 2bh.

Hopefully the EU will reform things like freedom of movement, things that are causing people ALL OVER EUROPE to want withdrawal from the EU.

Then we can rejoin it, keep all our big businesses, and be the 2nd biggest economy in Europe again.

>Northern Ireland Leaving
Lmao, most of our population supports the union. We just got cucked by Sinn Fein in the nationalist part of the country scaremongering

you do realise this won't actually change muslim immigration to the uk

you voted to keep out other europeans, not pakis

50% of british law were implemented by EU with the brits having no say

Freedom is priceless

>implying that now that the third largest contributor has voted out it won't start sagging under the huge economic weight of migrants and Greeks, not to mention other countries following suit and leaving, until it completely implodes.

So you'd rather become a part of the Caliphate of al-Europa?

What the EU *must* do before I'd even consider it a good idea to think of rejoining it, would be the creation of an actual constitution and an actual bill of rights.

But it's a kike-run globalist union, giving people civil rights, or acknowledging their natural rights, is off the table for them.

kek, keep thinking that

>Scotland and Northern Ireland are leaving
Northern Ireland can just vote to leave?

Why does the IRA even exist?

The hysterics are unbelievable. Total drama queens.

>I hate freedom! I hate it!
>Put the chains back on!
>I need them!
>Why did you free me?!
>Put the chains back on!

>all these EU shills

Kekking my tits off.

Why do you want all Europe under the control of a German lead EU central government?
Freedom and alliance is better than submission and being controlled.
But EU leaders seem to think that anyone who leaves the EU must be punished.
Stay in this abusive relationship if you want Slovenia.

He was elected by the majority of people in his constituency and his party won in the most constituencies.
Don't you have some delegates to nominate?

>Haven't left yet
>muh short term market panic
This is how Remainians actually think.

There will be outright ethnic violence throughout the EU in 6 years

>Gets more from EU than it pays in
Hardly, we are close to being net zero. Up yours Achmed.

Pretty sure they come through EU countries mostly.

>>Inflation is going to go up

I love how after years of desperately trying to get inflation higher, the establishment has all of a sudden turned against it.

Fuck off Rubin.

It's kind of hilarious

I was hedged against brexit because, unlike every paper I read, I knew Britain were stupid enough to vote leave. The second I heard it was raining I sold off my index funds & rebought them the next day.

Fucking idiots

Fear mongering attempt 1 failed
Calling everyone racist failed
Trying to use a womans death failed

Now they are back to Fear mongering after they lost vote hoping they can trick enough leavers into asking for 2nd vote

Yes, yes, let it flow through you...

It's the short term price for long term freedom.

>tfw with uncertainity in UK, more Chinese and Russian billionaires will purchase safe homes in Vancouver

Thanks Britain

>Muslim country

The EU has completely cucked mainland Europe, but every little shitskin on your island is there because the UK wanted it. For fucks sake, what do you think Calais is? Do you really thing the French kept them all there because they love the UK that much as opposed to waving them through?

>Total EU spending in Slovenia – € 1.142 billion
Total EU spending as % of Slovenian gross national income (GNI) – 3.12 %
Total Slovenian contribution to the EU budget – € 0.327 billion
Slovenian contribution to the EU budget as % of its GNI – 0.89 %

Stop lying janes you fucking cunt

But you get to be ruled by local liberals/Jews instead of pan-European ones, wasn't that the point?

Is this number accurate is some asspull?

>muh material wealth

who fucking cares, you have freedom, do what the rest of europe secretly wants to do and become nationalist.

>tfw frenchman working in uk

You did the right thing, bongs. It sucks for me, but it's definitely the right choice for yourselves. The UK will not become any more irrelevant that it is; if anything, it will protect itself from the shitstorm that's coming in the EU.

France will leave and the EU collapse, I guarantee it. And at that point you'll be glad you're out.

There's not really much uncertainty in the UK

Far more uncertainty in what the fuck will happen to the EU now.

>all these british people afraid to seize their own destiny
>afraid to suffer ANY short term hardship

I just don't get this. What happened in the last 100-200 years? Imagine if us Americans had the same attitude.

>WHAT!? Resist the british!? do you have ANY idea how many people will die!? We would be comfortable under british rule, we should just submit. No deaths that way. Think of all the YOUNG PEOPLE that will have to live with this war!

I feel like everyone has become too soft to resist any oppressor these days. They just want to talk and keep things the same and are too scared to be independent. They all want a dad to just tell them what to do as long as they get to keep their comfortable lazy lives.

These people don't seem to be aware that the world is not post scarcity. We aren't a self sustaining utopia. We have been at peace for so long that we have completely forgotten what it is to have to fight and actually suffer for an ideal. They're just so used to complaining on facebook and getting what they want that they honestly think that's how everything is done now.

It's actually true. Not only that they won't stop the shitskin inflow, the leave campaign even said they will import more from commonwealth.

>a 60 year old organization will cease to exist in a couple of years because 1 out of its 28 member states decided to leave


All that I can say about this is that now it is cheaper for me to buy video games in pounds than in dollars, thanks UK!

Also, i guess my eu passport is going to be useless in a couple of years but I don't really care.

piss off Hamish

Now I understand why Merkel took in all those immigrants.

None of that is happening and NI and Scotland aren't going anywhere.

maybe second generation immigrants, but not refugees

it's not a matter of thinking it, it's a matter of fact. extra-communitarian peoples get into the uk through visas. the UK was already not in schengen to begin with. you didn't change anything.

So now you can carry folders and pepper spray in your pocket, buy extensible batons and gunz and write mean things to people in social media without worring about the police? good for you.

They're one of the few countries who actually contributed anything positive though. The number doesn't matter, 100 Portugals banded together would still be shit

maybe. but a lot of billionaires have homes purchased in London to store their money and there is a good chance the value of those homes will drop if London is not seen as an attractive place to do business anymore. Chinese and Russian billionaires are always looking for houses so they can act as money holders from their corrupt governments

>Northern Ireland leaving

Haha, no we aren't. If that even gets to Stormont, we're still going to be firmly in the UK. Surveys from recent years show it would be a landslide and this referendum won't change things.

>What will happen to big businesses in the UK, we don't know yet. But the point I'm making is if you voted for Brexit because "FUCK BIG BUSINESS! WE DON'T NEED THEM! THEY CAN FUCK OFF FOR ALL I CARE!", then you're a complete and utter fucking moron.
But big businesses can still survive in the UK. The people in the glass towers get to stay there. They didn't want Brexit because this removes the EU regulations that are specifically designed to stop people from creating new businesses. Big businesses wanted us to remain so the regulations would eliminate or stagnate the competition. With the regulations of no more concern people can start up businesses much more easily, which leads to competition for the boys in their glass towers. Protip: competition is a key ingredient for a healthy economy. Why do you think everything in the UK is so fucking expensive in comparison to other places? Big businesses can still survive, it just means they'll have to offer affordable prices to the consumers to compete against upcoming businesses and / or improve the services / goods they're selling.

I don't. Enlighten me.


Fourth largest, we are the third

I voted to leave for sovereignty and self governance, and for no other reason, I could not even slightly care if we get a bit of inflation and economic uncertainty, this is the price of freedom.

Muslims vote logically for the people who make them better off

Britain cuc.ks just illogically voted against their best interests

They're literally dumber than Muhammad and his wives

>Germany has to figure out how to cover an extra 3 billion to pay for the EU

I doubt 3 billion more or less will matter at this point... If anything I really hope the Dutch will do their Nexit. They actually have a reason to be butthurt.

oh wow you have really opened my eyes. i'm a #cruzmissle now