What actor/actress has done the best non-native accent you've heard?

what actor/actress has done the best non-native accent you've heard?

Matthew Rhys' American accent on The Americans is pretty much perfect, I was real shocked when I found out he was Welsh

My top pick for replacing Jacked Man as Wolverine right thar


This one is the best, consideing his actual name is Kristian Palsternakka and he comes from Finland

Matthew Rhys is the best actor on television, no one comes close to creating such a divided, empathetic main character. He has to do horrible shit but he stands by his morals and you understand why he does what he does.

I'm only just about to watch the season 1 finale of The Americans but yeah he's pretty great so far


Remember when in the pilot he's joking around while chasing some traitor of the Motherland and then they have a martial arts fight and he beats him easily?

That's when I liked The Americans. Now it's all so depressing and boring

It's interesting to note that the couple is married in real life as well



well yeah, that's to be expected


dumb pleb

Jude Law in the young pope does a pretty good american accent

Also, Hugh Laurie on House

>Jude Law in the young pope does a pretty good american accent


JLM's Scottish accent in Trainspotting, fooled a lot of us natives.

probably the best example of how an Asian man portraying a white man can carry a movie on his own

Not a native speaker and I've always wondered:

How was Martin Freeman's accent in Fargo?

It's not really an "American" accent so much as a heavily exaggerated Minnesota accent so it's not really able to be judged. No one in Minnesota actually talks like they do in the Fargo universe.

If you hadn't known he was British, could you have told by his accent?

Probably not, so I suppose it was good in the sense that it was different from his natural way so speaking, but it isn't an "accurate" accent because it isn't trying to emulate anything.

hes off to fight fascism, you know

good actor, though

Jamie Bamber on BSG is impeccable.


Brad Pitt's Irish traveler accent in Snatch.


>plays an amazing mob enforcer on Justified for all of 15 minutes

but them was some good 15 minutes

Why don't you go suck a dick, faggot

Most Brits do a pretty spot-on American accent.

Most Americans can only do a British accent that is essentially parody.

Daniel Day Lewis in Gangs of New York

How is Seth McFarlane's British accent?

ur mom is a goat lmao

Garbage , much like his singing and writing. Big toothed , square headed wankshaft.

I don't believe you

Thankfully facts don't require your belief. Thanks for playing Seth x

You obviously have an axe to grind, I only value objective opinion, not fee fees.

Thanks my friend x Have a nice day.

Your vagina has no power here.