This man contains more evil than Olaf. This isn't debatable, right?

This man contains more evil than Olaf. This isn't debatable, right?

Intelligence is seen as just and good in its very essence.

So the opposite must mean he is surely something far worse than Olaf, correct?

Well yeah. And not even in terms of intelligence. It's his apathy that makes him truly deplorable.

But user, his cough :(

i hope poe gets killed

He had caring, but he couldn't channel that properly with his low, low, low, low intelligence. His brain must have a clock speed lower than that of a cat.

Seeing him figure out the tattoo part was like watching my kid learn to read. Amazing because you just didn't think they could do it.

Why is that whole family so cunty?

I don't think so. He was determined to put in the least possible amount of effort in any situation he was placed in.

Because it's funny


>one son in the light, the other in the dark
>one becomes a banker, the other lives in a cave


The true poetry lies in the question of which is which.

He definitely represents the common workerbee who just wants to live his live without incident and keep his head in the sand. But yeah, being passive to evil is hardly different to being an accomplice to evil. A lot of people like this actually do tend to cough impulsively when they hear something they hear uncomfortable truths too, its cognitive dissonance

Was this the author saying journalists live in caves, i.e. echo chambers?

This, and that they're also cowardly gossipers at their core

The author is massively redpilled.

Also notice how the one clearly feminist villain was complaining about how marriage is a patriarchal institution in the first episode, but would do nothing to help a 14 year old girl being forced to marry her uncle.

Good post

Seriously, every single passage of the series is a social commentary. I would never have been able to appreciate the books as much as I do now without the Netflix series. If Sup Forums wasn't so overwrought with teenage Sup Forums dunces it would be much more celebrated.

>forcing a Sup Forums agenda on everything
Christ, just enjoy it for what it is

i didnt know that netflix only made 5 episodes

they were all so good

There's nothing Sup Forums about recognising the incompetence and apathy of modern feminism, moron.

Also this . You literally cannot "enjoy it for what it is" if you ignore the social commentary.

fucking this, Sup Forums infestation and forced memes from ACTUAL redditors have ruiined this place.

Explain to me how criticising feminism, which was clearly the author's intention in this scene, is Sup Forums.

Is this show any good? How does it compare to the Jim Carrey film?

A lot better than the film. Follows the spirit of the books much better and is of course able to get much more of the plot in. There's more humour than in the film too. Some of the acting is meh and the CGI is pretty bad but it more than makes up for it.

Starts weak, Miserable Mill is kino.

I like that they made Sir and Charles faggots.

He put more in than he needed to. His wife was the one that lacked apathy much more.

Of course she was worse. But still, if he had listened to their concerns instead of dismissing them because he'd rather do other shit, or monitored Olaf properly, or done a hundred other things, it would all be different.

they were always faggots, you just didn't notice the first time.

Is it bad that I want to see them fug? Sir looks like a kinky fucker.

what do you mean??

Yeah and I think that's the intelligence part more than anything. Seriously, cat-like brain at work.

>Had to explain that they were homos to everyone I was watching with because they didn't get it


>Orwell's comment about how Charles enjoys following orders

C'mon indeed.