They need to make a movie about Varg and Euronymous

they need to make a movie about Varg and Euronymous.

Who would you cast and who would direct?

btw Varg is innocent what he did was self defense

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Lords of Chaos already coming out, my dude

They already made a movie
Varg is played by a jew

Vargas wasn't innocent, but someone was gonna kill euronymous eventually. He was just the one that got there first. Look at all the docs and interviews, nobody even gives a shit that euronymous died. Even the band mates don't care.

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Varg would be John Boyega
Euronymous would be Daniel Kayuuga
Jordan Peele to direct
Varg is a murderer and should still be in prison.

Zendaya should be vargy

>Varg is a murderer and should still be in prison.
He's not exactly Breivik.

Not surprised lol

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Doesn't Varg say he knew Euronymous had plans to kill him and was being shifty one day? lol

DiCaprio as Varg, Jude Law as Euro

Varg isn't exactly what you might call a "reliable narrator"


He should've just become a qt trap

Top 10 Anime friendships

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why does he look like the guy from korn

It's like all of them realized that they fell for Euronymous' dumb childish edgy bullshit (he was the oldest dude in that scene thus the ones they all looked to) and suddenly started hating him. The early 90s scene now just feels like a bunch of guys trying to get away their legacy that was initiated by a guy who essentially their cult leader in Euronymous.

Euronymous was the Master
Varg was the Apprentice

>Euronymous claimed Dead had killed himself because death metal had become 'trendy' and commercialized.
Was he right?

the goose could make a good older varg, not sure about young varg though

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>implying Hollywood would make an impartial movie, ever
>implying Hollywood and the media wouldn't do all in their reach to trash the movie if some indie did an impartial movie
If the french government invading his house didn't tip you off, they don't like him very much. And it's ironic because true to form, the politician who sent the order for the cops to raid his home likely did so to avoid an scandal about him that was about to pop. So when all European media started talking about Varg he could settle his deal on court silently. He was also from the Socialist party.
Funny how things work.

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When is lords of chaos getting a wide release?

Well no one in the scene denied his version so far. One of the dudes did in the 90s, which led to Varg's inprisonment. A couple years later he retreated and said he was pressured to contradict Varg's version, but it was true. Varg remained in prison for several years though.

What, a documentary, or a fictional rendition? I'd watch a documentary, but damn a drama will be terrible, guaranteed.

Fictional. There are already multiple documentaries.

Dead was really fucked in the head. Everyone in the scene talked about how Euronymous was a raging faggot who would lie his ass off to look cool and trve. Norwegian black metal in general was a reaction to the commercialization of death metal, which had already ocurred while Dead was still alive.

You can watch it online, I did a while ago. Seems very amateurish desu

He thought Euro wanted to kill him, so he went and confronted him. He happened to be carrying a knife, which he used to stab Euro in the back like 17 times. Not saying it was much of a loss, but obviously he was guilty.

Wait I mixed it up with another movie about it. But I still don't expect anything trustworthy to come from Hollywood

I can't imagine what level of shit they'll try to use for music - it's not like any of Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor or Darkthrone will license them music for a dramatic rendition of what happened.

I predict the biopic will be good, and that black metal purists will hate it anyway. For one thing, it's uncool to like Lords of Chaos, and for another thing, they'll hate "normies" finding out about their little scene.

To be fair, I'm sure people who see the movie and get into the music will distance themselves to keep from seeming too antisocial. It will be the thing of "I like black metal, but not that old KISS make up stuff. More like Deafheaven and Liturgy."

The book is actually a really fun read, especially the pre-Norwegian scene section. That said, it is problematic - it does have a tabloid feel to it, and I think the issue is that the author had no respect for the subjects. He was older, and was already well established in the industrial music scene, so I think he saw the Norwegian scene as "look at all these dorky metal heads doing stupid stuff, like murdering people and burning down churches, just to be edgy." It's the same effect as when a bad anthropologist doesn't try to understand his subjects, and then presents them as freaks, like "look at the savages" (a la Mondo Cane).

>he thought
He was in the car with a common friend of theirs, who was on the cellphone with Euronymous, who was explicitly saying he planned to immobilize Varg with a taser, take him to the woods and torture him to death. Varg heard it directly from Euronymous on the phone. What would you do in his position? Thoughts and prayers? You don't think the police would help the dude from the scene they already hated, right? And even if they did, would he hide with them until when?

Varg made a video about that
The movie makers asked Mayhem, Darkthrone, Varg himself even for the copyrights to their music. They all told them to fuck off

I bet Immortal would go for it, though.

I'm also not sure about Darkthrone. Fenriz might be too punk to "sell out" like that, but then again, he's always been more lighthearted about black metal than most of his contemporaries, despite also being more legit in a lot of ways.

It wouldn't surprise me if Mayhem did, they have been releasing shit for years and are irrelevant these days. If the whole 90s drama didn't happen no one would know who they are.
Off topic, but Fenriz has some good house music recommendations on an interview with the Quietus. Pretty much all worthwhile black metal acts from back then have diverted into more ambient territory.

If anyone would do it, my bets are on Immortal. Talk about attention whores

He wanted something sensational to sell books - a balanced account was never going to fly.
He also knew Euronymous was a mouthy little twit who never followed through on anything. Euronymous literally didn't get involved in one church burning despite all his edgetalk and encouragement to others who were actually taking part.

Not to defend the church burnings, but honestly, if Euro wasn't going to get involved in that do you really think he had it in him to kill someone?

Yeah, probably true re: Immortal. Shame.
Fenriz seems like a good guy who's if anything a bit embarrassed by where black metal has ended up. Something tells me he's not likely to be a Watain fan.

Mayhem's music is in the movie, they never asked varg for his music

lol Burzum's music was in Meadowland, though. They actually used it really effectively. The whole movie is just about grieving parents of a missing/dead child getting so depressed that they go kind of crazy. Dunkelheit is sort of the soundtrack for losing it. Really good movie, actually. The only time I've liked Olivia Wilde.

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So what would you do if you were in his shoes? Wait to see if Euronymous surprised you with a tazer one day?

He literally never would have. The guy was soy before soy was a thing

Meh, I'm not so sure. Even the biggest betas sometimes sperg out (see Elliot Rodger for example). Better safe than sorry. Only mistake Varg did was stab him 17 times which was overkill.

That is an assumption from your part. Are you willing to risk your life over an assumption?

I think it was that many times because he used some tiny knife he had on his boot

Might have also helped his case if he'd stabbed him 17 times in the chest instead of in the back.

I think you guys might like this
Fag knows his shit

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Yung Lean

How's it going bros? Today we're going to talk about the kikes!


Film could use some diversity.

Varg played by Michael B Jordan. E played by Vince from Entourage.

That would be lit.

Euronymous was a fag but he had the riffs. I wish he lived for a few more albums

They got a jew to play Varg

make euronymous black and they'll watch the shit out of it

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he changed his story like 6 times but every time he describes the actual stabbing he almost gets hard over it