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I was on with this movie for the first 20 or so minutes, then it gets hella retarded

spoiler: they 3d print dead people

shits retarded senpai, cool sets though

A netflix movie with decent special effects. When I heard "ghost movie" and netflix I was expecting badadook levels of editing

>Moldovan superweapons

I only believe moldova can make one thing.

Now that I think about it, the story was really basic, so basic in fact, that it felt like I was watching a COD cinematic

they could have simply cut out half the fucking movie and nothing of importance would have been lost

also the undestroyable, invisible bodies had no fucking appeal as enemies, you don't get attached to any of the characters

but again, cool effects and sets

Yes, the sets and props were great

They should have at least explained who was actually making the ghosts. The end where they just go into a room and the machine is just making them with nobody running it. Wtf.

Even a basic "Terrorist group with insane guy who wants to use the dead to fight for vengeance beyond the grave" would've been acceptable. But we got nothing. Just a factory and a throw away line that there's someone doing it

Pretty neat concept and got better as it went along. Though there were some MacGyver-like asspulls when they cobble together tech for weapons. Sets are fantastic (reminds me of Pandorum for some reason). Acting is so-so.

That's like 99% of all movies though. Glittered turds.

I would invest in Netflix if I thought they could deliver quality TV. People are giving up the Networks. People want streamed content to watch whenever they want. Netflix is in a great position to take advantage but the quality of their originals is sub par

i really really like the suits and weapons

yeah but it's very apparent though

I have to give them that the idea, however simple it was, is somewhat original ( the printed ghosts)

Moldovans are also good as a replacement ukranians/poles as cheap labor.

We have them this time brother.


It was filmed in Hungary and Slovakia.

A shitty eastern europe country making unbelievably advanced weapons with technology that was still only theoretical even in the close future of the movie took me right off the movie desu

I liked it

it was still cookie cutter but it was alright

>Fighting the Moldovans
>Never actually see the Moldovans
>It can't be active camoflauge! Not even the U.S. is anywhere near that capability! It's out of the question!
>But making ghosts controlled remotely by nervous systems is something people can do.
Also, not that I have any better ideas, but it annoyed me that the way they decided to handle the ghosts of people killed in the war by bombs and guns was to kill them again... With more advanced bombs and guns.
Like it was clear they had an anti-war tilt to the film, but they solved everything by shooting it.

Moldovans have potato blood in their veins.

>DARPA Nerd builds an entire arsenal of prototype bleeding edge plasma rifle for like 50 soldiers in a matter of hours with some spare parts, a Sony laptop, and a blowtorch.

So this.... is the power.... of SONY.

Those fuckers tried to build a Metal Gear in the 60's, so yes, I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for a brief moment.