More stuff like this?

Found this while going through YouTube. I need more I fucking love this album so much.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hi Finn, when do you turn 18 again?

hipster newfag cuck

go to bed mort you're like 90 years old how are you still shilling this on 4 chan

Woah, too many buzzwords

fucking mort garson shills !!!!! at it again!!!!!! Talk about an INDUSTRY PLANT

here ya go

give me money now

Attached: 1511291747495.jpg (636x636, 27K)

Highly corporate industry plant shill

sent ;)

Fuck off unhelpful faggots. It's a good album and OP is clearly just a casual who wants more vintage synth music, which is a great kind of music.

Thread is now vintage synthcore general

Finally, thank you. This stuff is great

Eco Virtual is the closest thing OP. it's on bandcamp.

Attached: 0000949742_10.jpg (500x500, 78K)

damn now all the cool kidz will like u. ur a hipster now!!!!!!

i smirked user, thanks

Literally anything by Koji Kondo, or just pick a random popular or acclaimed SNES game and listen to the soundtrack.

I hadn't heard this song before you mentioned it. This is fucking garbage why would I listen to this?

Eco Virtual is a side project of Blank Banshee's fyi
which also might be worth checking out OP. Not all of it, but he has some slower ambient shit which reminds me of plantasia.

t. insecure teens that get assblasted whenever normies enjoy good music

we shouldn't encourage normies who just hop on to every trend they see. any mu user who isn't braindead lurked for atleast a month before posting for the first time. and this cuck comes along after watching finn wolfhard asking for more meme albums to listen to.

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I've been on here for a year. I'd just found this in my recommended, I just hadn't listened to this album and I liked the preview in he video. I literally just asked for a recc, why do you people get so assblasted when people are looking to find new music that stems from Sup Forumscore? How do you expect people to find new music?

do you want a similar album without vocals or just instrumental?

meant to write 'with vocals' sorry

Doesn't matter, I just really like this really spacy classic synth stuff, sounds like the Red Dwarf soundtrack or an old sci fi movie soundtrack.

I would agree if he was posting about garbage, but what he posted is a good album from a good genre, and I too would like more recs of this style of music

don't know about spacy but soft cell has some good synth pop and new wave albums in their discography. check that out if you haven't.

check out james ferraro's work especially iAsia


>based on 5 critics


>finn wolfhard
wait where did that little shit mention this?

Anything by Claude Larson
Joel Vandroogengord or whatever
and some of Morts other albums are ok

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he had a whats in my bag video recently and now a bunch of teens are gonna meme it till its dead