

Attached: 71VEGsGIqAL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 244K)

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best thread since 2015

thanks cuzzo

this and Sister are my favs


Best Youth album. Good thread, OP.


Top 3 Sonic Youth album

based basedposter

based '96 sonic


'87 Sonic

Goo is better

Best non-SYR release


Sonic Poop.

like the best version ive heard of this


Honest to god this is the best SY opinion.

Sister may be their best album, but Bad Moon Rising is easily my favorite.
This is a great underrated live performance

it's not.

Attached: Whatabastard.jpg (409x605, 55K)

Best album coming through.

Attached: Sonic Youth - Evol C.jpg (400x309, 60K)


I'm digging all this live footage
def not
good pick, but no
This is Sonic Youth at their best.


cant wait to watch the whole show
That's from the Gila Monster VHS.


Kind of sad watching this knowing this was cutting edge back then.

Guitar music is gone for good in 2018.

These two albums and Goo

I saw them in 2004. They are broken up now and most people don't care about experimental rock music at all anymore.

Confusion Is Sex > Bad Moon Rising

Nobody cares about any kind of rock music at all anymore.

I can't really say I blame them. There's not much going on there anymore. Where are the Sonic Youths and Bardo Ponds and shit like that of the 2000s-2010s? The stuff coming out now just doesn't stack up. There are no Bad Moon Risings or Boces or Yerself is Steams or any of that anymore.

It's gone underground again, I suppose. I guess it's harder also to find because the mp3 blog scene is pretty dead, YouTube screws people on algorithm, Rap, Pop etc is pushed down everyone's throat.

In the 2000s-mid 2000s you still had a strong "rock" sort of culture going on in the background, also all the games (Rock Band, Guitar Hero) also really pushed it. Seemed like everyone was picking up a guitar of some sort back then, but not at all now.

The pleb opinion

why can't we have that on Sup Forums? Why can't people post good shit on here?

It's sad really. It's possibly an agenda to stop it from rising up. Soundcloud in opinion was a great thing that also has fell the way of Myspace, abandoning the independent artists and instead focusing on the mainstream. They all sell out eventually, or get threatened by big business (the music industry). It's basically now at a point where they are controlling the avenues of reaching other minds, by placing these blocks in place and not allowing others to see outside that small realm of possibility.
They kill culture and kill the future of the youth as well.

I mostly just feel like everything has been done already.
I think many more people need to see this documentary. It's also hosted by Thurston.

yrself is BORING
and youre gay

I think Evol is better than Bad Moon, but not by a lot.

Sister > Murray > Evol=DN > Bad Moon > Washing Machine > Confusion is Sex > Goo = Experimental = A Thousand Leaves > Sonic Nurse >Dirty = Eternal = Rather Ripped > S/T > NYC

NYC is pleb filter

Dirty is easily Sonic Youth's most underrated record. They went for a more trendy sound for the time and I think that's why people don't like it much, but imo there's not a single bad song on it.
>Theresa's Sound World
>Wish Fulfillment
>Sugar Kane
>Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit

come at me

It's like an old man doing beat poetry in a coffee shop

you seem to be confused about how excellent eternal ripped and nyc ghosts are, friend

are you ok?

do you even Karen?

all thurston is like beat poetry, cuz thats his fucking thing

do you even rocknroll consciousnes?

Thurston's only good solo albums wer Demolished Thoughts and The Best Day

maybe Physic Hearts if Im feeling like a good day

Imagine being such a naive teenager you think the entire world is equally as ignorant as you

Imagine being such a naive teenager that you think there's been an innovative guitar album released post 90s.

DN = CIS > Sister > Evol > SN > BMR > WM > ATL > RR > MS > EJS > Dirty > NYC > Eternal > Goo

Attached: shrug.jpg (554x439, 65K)

psychic hearts is fucking genius.
rocknroll consciousness is waves of sonic hot cunt enveloping you

the best day is dope
chelsea light moving has some nice stuff

demolished thoughts is one of my least TM joints, so you must be a gay virgin, which is weird cuz gay bois get fucked all day

Really? You think Goo is that bad?

I've tried to get through it a handful of times and it never excited me. Honestly, I think early 90s Youth in general was their overall low point.

The album no one ever talks about. When their drummer was Richard Edson was an actor in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Attached: sonicyouth.jpg (300x299, 26K)

Probably has my favorite Sonic Youth song

That is a great song.

soundcloud is pozzed with meme rap
bandcamp is pozzed with hipster experimental drone
Where is the end?

I'm all about 80's era before they signed with Geffen, but they do have some great songs in the 90s and after as well.

Sorry, didn’t mean to strike a nerve


Bandcamp isn't that bad. All those drone ambient projects almost never go anywhere. They're mostly some suburban kid's single project that they abandon immediately. Called Moon or something.

Fucking youth

Shall be watching this later

There is a nice noise rock scene in Europe. Some bands use synths or drum machines heavily, but the music is still punk/krautrock to the core.
It doesn't get posted on Sup Forums because anons here focus mainly on Anglo shit and go to meme concerts instead of supporting their local scenes. (this band unironically has three drummers, it's amazing live)

>1st minute
>kikes, niggers and social (((justice)))

Good riddance, (((corporate))) soygoys

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Good taste

Sister is good but it's literally just a rough draft of Daydream Nation

"100%" is probably the dumbest song they ever recorded, "YAF" isn't gr8 either but you're right about the rest, def underrated

Attached: Bad Moon Rising.png (674x577, 60K)