Really? Jesus Christ

Really? Jesus Christ...

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I got chills the first and second time I saw that scene.

Could a transgender kill him?

It's a bit better in the book. It's explained there's a magical spell where literally no man will ever kill him.

Would've been better if they just had a character named Newman instead

>I am Newman

Fuck you user I loved this scene.

Anyone could kill him


fucking wrong

I am numale.

Shitty Macbeth rip-off

>I was born from a c-section :^)

No, it was a prophecy made by Glorfindel

>"Do not pursue him! He will not return to these lands. Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man shall he fall."

I dunno. I kinda like the idea that magic has these loopholes built in. We've seen other examples: Monkey's Paw, Genie bullshit, Macbeth, etc.

Better version:

These films are cringekino with this shit and frodo and by cringekino I mean shitty. Sad!

no it isn't, it's just a sort of legend that springs up around him since the Witch-King all but wiped out Arnor and the line of Kings.

Also the Hobbit films were wrong to assume the Necromancer resurrected the Nazgul, they never died in the first place just fled to Mordor.

Same shit.

>that Eowyn

waifu material

Not sure why they got some potato faced aussie with lank hair instead of a glorious golden shieldmaiden in the movies.

Fuck off Faramir. Go back to your LARPing.

She only killed him because Pippin stabbed him with Bombadil's magic dagger.

End this meme.

I always thought thought this was meant to convey the dubious nature of prophecy as prediction. It was ironic that a woman, although still of the race if man, slew the witch king.

Maybe the interpretation of prophecy, but the prophecy came true.

>that voice

>Bombadil's magic dagger.
The what now?

It was a prophecy made by based Glorfindel, that turned out to be true when the witch king was eventually slain by a halfling with a dagger of westerness, forged by the kingdom of arnor specifically to kill the witch king, and a lady.
It's a cryptic prophecy, like how Macbeth would be killed by someone not born of a woman. It's cosmic irony.

Witch King realized that he could double his defense by focusing all his points into gender-specific damage reduction instead of general damage reduction. That's why he was so powerful. He was min maxed to fight men, and didn't expect to run into a woman on the battlefield.


When the hobbits were captured by the barrow wights and tom saves them, he clears out the tomb and gives them all daggers that had been horded in the barrow. They were from the northern kingdom that fell after a long war with the angmar... you know, where the witch king came from.
Those weapons were made to undo the spell that makes him immortal, more or less. So Merry broke the spell, eowyn killed him. Or fucked him up so bad he was out of the game indefinitely.

It's Tolkien shitting all over Macbeth with his "no man born of woman." crap.

Also the march of the ents is a reference to " Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane."

Tolkein is riffing on tropes from MacBeth by being literal with them.

>"You can't go out there, Wonder Woman! It's No Man's Land!"
>"I am No Man."

Jesus Christ.

user that kind of ironic prophecy is as old as fortune telling itself.

>"You can't go out there, Wonder Woman! It's No Man's Land!"
>"I'm actually impervious to bullets."
>"Oh, that's fine then."

Everything went better than expected.

The Macbeth twist is shittier IMO, since "no man" seems like it could mean an elf or dwarf or something, whereas the c-section thing is semantic bs.

What went wrong?

It was Meriadoc actually, but anyway

Merry isn't a man either. He's a halfling. They worked together to overcome great evils. Its kind of a theme that runs through the story.

Its not really a shitty twist, c-sections while having existed for a little over 1500 years at the time of the plays writing, it was still incredibly dangerous, and rare. There is also the fact that we must consider, that in europe, and specifically england within the 1600's, saw in order to be born, one must pass through the birth canal of their mother, a c-section was considered not being born, but rather being thrust into existence.

That scene almost ruined Return of the King for me. Cringed so hard my dark iron helmet imploded on itself.

Okay, I guess that's a good twist that is only ruined if you take it out of its historical context.

>that is only ruined if you take it out of its historical context.
Try explaining this to autists.


>you can't go up there wonder woman! it's no man's sky!

Scene would have been fine if it wasn't for her pathetic scream and "war face" when she stabs him. That was embarrassing

An aborted fetus could kill him?

Really makes me think...

Skeletor, is that you?

yeah, that was a shitty Shama-lama-ding-dong-esque twist

>No man can kill me
>Did you just assume my gender?!


holy shit it IS skeletor!


i can't watch her scenes anymore because of this

well she only did like 70% of the work so

>Cringed so hard my dark iron helmet imploded on itself.
I want to shake your hand for using "implosion" correctly. I haven't seen that for quite some time. Most retards tend to think that an implosion is an explosion that happens inside something.

spoiler that shit

Can't? What are you, some kinda homosexual?

I never took this to be a feminist thing. Just a witty remark is all.


back to your containment board with you lad

Why didn't the witch king just carry around shiny jewelry to distract any women that might try to kill him?

It was a nod to Macbeth you uncultured fucks.

The problem with it is that any non-moron saw it coming, making it seem lame.


>A cold voice answered: "Hello...Newman,"

fuckin lost it as soon as Witch King speaks


Tolkien also got inspiration for the Ents from the "Birnham wood did seem to move" bit during the final showdown in Macbeth.
Apparently he was disappointed that they weren't really walking trees, just soliders holding branches, and thought he could do it better.

I wanna fuck that shieldmaiden

The Witch King sounds like a fuckin NEEERRRRDDD


I'm literally crying at that voice
It sounds like a villain from Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law
The floaty eyes are pretty rad but oh shit that fucking voice

>Let fall they blade on vulnerable crests, I bear a charmed life! Which must not yield to one of woman-born.
>Despair thy charm, and let the angel whom thou hast served tell thee, Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped.

Broke my dick at that part. Wish more Shakespeare shit was made into movies.

>That moment where I can't even tell if this is a real line or not.

>Most retards tend to think that an implosion is an explosion that happens inside something.

I have literally never seen anyone use the word "implode" to mean that.

>Really? Jesus Christ...

It kind of worked because there wasn't a bunch of SJW and feminist shilling in these movies prior to that.

lmao whoever wrote this plot point is probably a $hillary C(uck)TR(eddit) SJeW

Why does the Witch King sound like Skeletor?

What else would he sound like?

>Wish more Shakespeare shit was made into movies.
Are you memeing user? I

Something actually mysterious, powerful, and imposing.

>No man can kill him

When I first watched this, I assumed they meant he couldn't be killed by man, as in mankind or human being, not specifically a man, as in male.


Nice buzzwords /r/teh_donahld. You fit right in!

So just like Skeletor.

I basically meant to say that the guys who did the Macbeth movie with Fassbender should adapt every Shakespeare play.


>talking shit about J.R.R. Tolkien

user, please. Kill yourself before you speak.

why would you reply?

>hurr muh stronk wimmen
>hurr muh different races working together
>hurr muh trees
>hurr muh industrialization is bad

What was wrong with Macbeth? It looked gorgeous and the dialogue is god-tier.

Saruman of the Many Colors did nothing wrong

Tolkein was conservative. .

Because replying to his bait was part of my plan to get you to respond to my reverse double-bait. And it worked!

Yeah but conservatives can still be anti-capitalist.

>not being a classical liberal

Except that I knew that you knew that I knew it was a trap, and so I've cunningly rused you into a trap you didn't even know about.

I actually liked the strong female archetype back then


fuck you fagmagnet

It's probably been mentioned but not only is this scene in the book they rewrote it so it didn't sound so faggy in the movie.

t. never actually watched He-Man

The rewrite sounds like crap

No, only that chick could kill him. It is prophecy and shit.