God damn, how's he going to recover this time?


Other urls found in this thread:



> Occupy Democrats


>negative tax returns


>bankruptcy is a crime

>the system is broken and it's his fault

hate the game not the player

Hillary is a criminal

Vote Trump 2016

Trump is a fat fuck


>ogguby degmograts
People actually listen to these chucklefucks?

dont think about it to much its just liberal faggotry

Buffett said it best.

>reporting losses on taxes and bankruptcies are illegal

You motherfucker you just stole my Occupy Democrats bait thread of the day. Now I have to go find something else to trigger the Sup Forumstards with...fuck you.

This really makes you think, though.

>occupy democrats
lost me there
also forum flood thread

>wanting someone this terrible with money to fix economic woes.

I don't care he has to resort to bankruptcy and borrowing cash to fulfil his lifestyle, I just don't want him doing it with our whole country

If he's so terrible with money why is he a billionaire? Are YOU good with money? Better than trump? Then why aren't you a billionaire? Fuck off. Anyone who says he's bad with money is a jelous poorfag

>I don't want someone that resort to legal ways to ultimately fix problems

hu, ruly meyks yu thunkk


>2 posts by this ID.

I guess I'm #shillforhill



can Sup Forums refute this?

>he's really rich, he must have stolen all that money
Such a pathetic mentality.

I'm with you Op, i can't believe my fellow burgers are supporting this man.

Bankruptcies are illegal now?

He's just big boned.

>Back over 500 businesses and start ups.
>~10 fail
>Complete and utter failure

So is this message here that if you aren't perfect to just give up? Should we gas everyone on welfare too?

The best person to fix our economy is someone who has basically no experience in business and made all their money by being a political whore.

If they do have experience, they have to have a 100% success rate with everything.

I don't see how the below statement is criminal in anyway.

There's no mention of fraud, laundering or tax evasion.

Fucking idiot OP.

wtf i hate trump now

His equity is most likely negative

In communism, yes. Compare the Soviet Union or Revolutionary France executing generals who lose.


Let's become #cruzmissels

Do you not understand how capital works? If I have a million dollars and do nothing it's really not hard to make money off it just sitting there. It's arguably harder to lose money.

fucking hillary shill, you realize she wants Bubba to fix the economy? the guy who essentially cleaned out our factories by shitty trade deals for the sake of free trade?


>The best person to fix our economy is someone who has basically no experience in business and made all their money by being a political whore.




read his image user, he's fucking with you

I seriously cannot tell if you are genuinely this retarted or baiting


yes, you just fell for the bait

I haven't had coffee today, I can't sniff out correct the record without it.

drop your caffeine intake incrementally over the course of a month or two, your dependency on it will go away and not only will you be able to think like a regular person again, you could actually make use of the positive effects of caffeine

Do you seriously want some old fuck who has to pay people to tell him where he stands on political issues?

Occupy democrats is code for "Occupy my asshole".




It's not OP that's an idiot. He's just a faggot

He's just making bait threads of retarded OD statements so all of us on Sup Forums can look and laugh at/bang our heads on the keyboards




What the fuck is negative tax returns?

Daily Reminder

Hillary is already prima facie guilty of 2100 violations of the Espionage Act, and her oath of office as SecState, and her signed non-disclose about handling classified information.

The Big Deal is what the FBI-CI is finding out about who ended up with the information. Which governments got which bits out of her system, and which on-going or then-on-going US operations, technologies, sources, or methods her setup allowed to be given away to foreign spies, and how those governments used that information.

All the damage she did to the entire Intelligence Community will be hung around her neck because she was the source that allowed the cats out of the bag.

All of that is just the appetizer for what they will find at the Foundation. She had not one, but two /signed/ documented agreements with the President himself that she would disclose donors to the Foundation (1) and any apparent conflicts of interest she encountered while SecState (2).

We already now she broke both of those and repeatedly in order to sell influence, using the Foundation as a money launderer. Bill was also a go-between.

The short name for that is bribery.

And finally, the FBI has all those emails she thought she deleted. Pagliano has now been granted immunity and has spilled all his beans; an immunity offer means that a federal judge is involved directly now, and that necessarily implies that a secret grand jury has been convened.

I can tell you this - the deals with high-profile journos to get exclusives on the pieces of this story are already being made. Pretty soon even Trump actually shooting someone isn't going to be able to compete with the scope of this story.

People don't know what Bankruptcy even means. They through the word around so financially retarded people can nod. Restructuring debt doesn't mean you lose everything. He pulled his company out of major debt crisis four times and made it more profitable in the process. What a criminal.

Hilary Clinton has been implicated in covering up rapes and murders.

Sure she has son, you just let that Fox News vibe flow through you.

Are you trying to say Hillary doesn't do the same thing or even has her own innate ability to know how to garner the most votes with insincere political posturing and promises?

My friend, let me invite you to a wonderful world. You may have heard about it, but you clearly don't know much about it. It's called the world of "politics"

He forgot to activate his almonds

Wow, this really made me think.

I was going to vote Trump, but after reading this I say we all #DumptheDrumpf and vote Hilary instead. I'm man enough to vote for a woman, are you? #HeForShe

Like most politicians Hilary will hire people to advise her on trends and what actions may be more popular or favorable so she can go through with her platform and agenda. Trump is just flat out hiring people to tell him what his platform and agenda is or even just how politics actually work.

Most of the things we hold against Hillary are largely just stuff that gets repeated over and over by the right in hopes that it will stick without sufficient evidence. If there was all this damning material I would think they'd be using that instead of fucking e-mail servers as a silver bullet. And surprise surprise no one on the right besides Trump wants to talk about Bengazi anymore, gee it couldn't be that their is mutually damning implications for both parties there or that maybe she's not as culpable as they would like everyone to think she is in the matter.

Oh but let's not talk about Trump's dubious business practices that seem to revolve around him defaulting on any and all losses at the expense of the system, that's clearly someone I want running an economy. I wouldn't want someone like Hillary who knows how to actually manipulate the system to make millions which get fed back into the system and other ventures to make even more millions. No give me someone like Trump who's first act as President won't be to build a wall between us and Mexico, but to create his own designer line of "Mini-America" islands in the south pacific, so luxurious, you've never seen more beautiful venues and then when they fail as a business venture he writes it off as a loss for the american tax payer.

I like how everyone on Sup Forums suddenly has a humanitarian conscience and sense of moral outrage when it comes to issues concerning Hillary, but when Trump threatens to deport anyone who doesn't pass the Sherwin Williams white test or nuke other countries or default on foreign debt we're suddenly fine with Mad Max dystopian economics.

Wow, this really made me think.

I was going to vote Trump, but after reading this I say we all #DumptheDrumpf and vote Hilary instead. I'm man enough to vote for a woman, are you? #HeForShe

Mate, you're so far up your own ass that you just had to write four paragraphs telling me how they were the same except not really

Trump has not only created wealth for himself, but for many others. Quite a few black women that have worked for Trump praise him for the opportunities he allowed them.

How has Hillary made anyone rich?
Through a corrupt, crony oligarchy.

That's right, why actually refute anything I say when you can just dismiss it with ad-hominem. Funny how all these people championing the right here on Sup Forums can never be bothered to make single fucking argument in their favor and, instead, just rely on "Heh, fucking libtards." as a sufficient response.

Call them the fucking same if you want, but when I see Hillary I see a successful wallstreet sycophant who can make America a successful country where as when I see Trump I see a nepotistic and inept business man who has always relied on a larger system to default on in order to be successful with his shotgun approach towards ego-driven enterprise.

What about all the people from numerous failed Trump ventures who were never paid or the thousands of lawsuits currently pending against him over similar allegations. Oh but a couple of black women said he's great, so that's good enough.


Its all over Boys! Brexit is here! Time to celebrate! WATCH:


What is the fucking deal with Canadians? Do you people that by pretending to be conservatards that you'll somehow make yourselves globally relevant?

Some win, some lose in business. Everyone can't have the big house on the hill.

Who has Hillary helped enrich monitarily? The only person hillary has gotten rich, is herself through corruption.

Fucking idiot OP not knowing what an LLC is. He played the system, the same way you and I can.

Fucking idiot OP thinking playing the system is equivalent to having a private email server while SECRETARY OF STATE

Fucking idiot OP thinking filing bankruptcy on an LLC is equivalent to getting people killed in Benghazi then blaming it on a youtube video

Now fuck off you shrill

Holy fuck you are stupid, off yourself immediately
I recommend diving headfirst off the top floor

That and the Clinton Foundations numerous charities and organizations as well as its numerous constituents and beneficiaries.

Who has Trump helped make rich? Two black ladies? And how many people are suing him for not being paid? Doesn't seem he's made anyone very rich so I'm not sure what your point here is.


That's right, why actually refute anything I say when you can just dismiss it with ad-hominem. Funny how all these people championing the right here on Sup Forums can never be bothered to make single fucking argument in their favor and, instead, just rely on "Heh, fucking libtards." as a sufficient response.

Way to set the bar you uneducated parrot.

No I mean you have absolutely no idea what you're really talking about

I'm not even making an argument, you're just dumb

But you're making a claim with absolutely no evidence or substance to back it up. And this is all you people ever do, if facts don't suit what you want to believe you just dismiss them outright without any credence or evidence to do so.

You're a tool, a puppet who can't be bothered to have one single original thought in his uneducated head.

the "strongest wealthiest people" aren't going to leave to a country where the trash of that same country its going too
you dont save 3 or 4 lives of outsiders sacrificing 40 of your own people, that's a stupid trade

>activate his almonds
thats an old meme my friend

The same Clinton Foundation that is also under investigation?

The same Clinton Foundation that recieved millions from Saudi Arabia?

"But m-muh Arabian duhlors help peepol"

Hypocritical moron. "Trump bad but hillary good because womyn"

Saudi Arabia? You mean one of our country's only and longest standing ally's in the middle east? Oh, but all those countries in the middle east are evil aren't they?

And under investigation by who exactly and for what?


The house of Saud are fucking Bond villains.

>somehow amassed a $10 billion fortune

You mean the Foundation that accepted money from countries like Saudi Arabia with horrid treatment of women while she wales about the war on women?

And also her suspicious speech payments, with new info coming out that she was paid for speeches, that she was in no way able to be present.

Bottom line, Trump may not be a well liked candidate, but Hildebeast is disliked and distrusted more.

Investigation by the press. My mind is blown how close minded you are to the situation at hand and how it opens a door for other countries to bribe.

Just stay stupid. Seriously. The long standing joke that liberals are backwards fucking morons is not a coincidence. Just look at you.

Trump bad bc bankruptcy

Clinton not bad even though accepting money from foreign countries

You realize that these are all just legal subsets of maybe ten to fifteen actual enterprises right?

Really makes you think...

Full house senpai

Praise kek

>Actually having the nerve to defend Shillary

>ten to fifteen actual enterprises
>somehow amassed a $10 billion fortune


Oh and suddenly you care about women how, how convenient. You're just a regular white knight when it benefits Trump, but fuck those liberal femminists who support Hillary. Saudi Arabia also flogs and executes rapist and people who victimize women. We may not like what all other countries do, but Sharia Law is an unfortunate norm over there and it's largely immaterial to whether or not a foundation accepts money from a national ally.

And what did this investigation from the press find? I though the press investigated everything. All of Trump's ventures are currently being investigated by the press so does that make him just as bad.

>1 post by this ID
just how dumb are you? nobody wants the waste their time 'refuting' your retarded OPINIONS because you don't actually understand how business and venture capitalism works. how about educating yourself instead of kicking and screaming like a baby and demanding other people spoon feed you the answers to why you're so painfully ignorant

A classic meme if you will.

Wow, that's impressive!
My guess few months ago was that his tax returns is exactly zero, just to show how corrupt system works. But negative? Simple genius!


That's right, why actually refute anything I say when you can just dismiss it with ad-hominem. Funny how all these people championing the right here on Sup Forums can never be bothered to make single fucking argument in their favor and, instead, just rely on "Heh, fucking libtards." as a sufficient response.

I guess you kids are so used to preaching to the choir that you've never actually had to discuss anything with someone with an IQ above 70.

Hillary is a mess

If you get tax returns by cheating the system technically they're paying you and thus "negative taxes"

This. He's just functioning how you're supposed to in a capitalist society.

I guess he just abused already known loopholes. Probably something related to bankruptcies as well and plus his very well known brand.

>Implying Fox news would ever report anything like that
All the major news sources are so fucked both indivdually and collectivelly it is disgusting.


And Hillary isn't?

>things we hold against Hillary are largely just stuff that gets repeated over and over by the right

Let me throw you for a loop. I am against Clinton but from her Left.

On trade, Islam, foreign policy and fiscal policy she is a supporter of corporate vulturing of the US, regressive scum, mitary contracts and the war machine to destabilize entire regions and up the ante on our proxy wars without a clear objective.

Also like any good comrade I support the right of the proletariat to me armed and ready- which is not going to happen if she chooses the next 2 or 3 SCOTUS nominees and scores of US attorneys and federal judges.

>Look at me I use the term "ad-hominem", therefore I win even though I'm using incorrectly!
>Argue me! I'm a debate master even though I espouse retarded nonsense that isn't even remotely close to anything resembling a formal argument!
>S-stop calling me a libtard, y-you big meanies!
>Heh, nothing personnel kid
>Uses ad-hominem after just crying about others using it.

I love how Occupy Democrats kept on shilling Bernie but they became Hillary drones immediately after he lost.

Why are liberals so fucking spineless?