Go to the kitchen

>Go to the kitchen
>Turn to parents
>"Hey guys, want to watch a movie tonight?"
>They pretend I'm not there
>Stand for half a minute waiting an answer that never comes
Flick for this feel?

>go into kitchen
>turn to parents
>father asks me if I want to watch an action flick
>tell him that I will absolutely not watch that garbage with him just like every other week he asks me

>playing vidya in the basement
>mum brings me two cups of tea and a duvet
>asks if i want to watch Big Bang Theory
>instead I suggest Seinfeld
>watch the one where Elaine takes Georges IQ test
>both laugh and have a great time
>mum takes empty cups upstairs
>snuggle up with my new duvet and get back to vidya

Feels nice man.

How old are you user?

you're not helping me at all

the virgin suicides


>collect parcel from reception
>see electronic signature pad has a signature still embedded on it
>"uh, do I need to sign for this?"
>"yes you do"
>stand there for five minutes waiting for her to do something to make the old signature disappear and indicate it's time for me to sign
>other people enter
>she looks up and beckons them over
>stand to one side confused
>receptionist asks me if I signed it
>"t-there's still a signature on the pad"
>"oh i know, just ignore it"
>sign it in 2 seconds and then leave

I'm not autistic, honest

i try to explain to him that you guys dont approve but he thinks you're all in my head but you're right here god damn it

Entire thread disregarded.
Post again when you're at least over 26 so I can have a good laugh.

>Go to the kitchen
>Turn to parents
>"Hey guys, want to watch a movie tonight?"
>Dad has actually been dead since 15 years, mom is overworked and never has time for movies
>"Maybe saturday night user I'm too tired now..."
In any case user watch a feel good movie like We Were Warriors.

>want to enjoy kino with my family
>none of them are intelligent enough to "get" it

They make fun of my taste then,completely ignoring the fact that I'm intellectually superior to them.

fuck off

>Go to kitchen
>Turn to parents
>"Hey guys, want to watch a movie tonight?"
>"Sure, user! It's been a while since we've watched something together."
>I put on Elle (2016) as per friend's recommendation
>Shit immediately starts to get awkward in the opening rape scene
>"user, is this the kind of stuff you've been watching in your room lately?"

>get home and realise
>I forgot to pick up the parcel from the countertop.

>dad asks me if I want to watch some capeshit
>say yes because I want to spend time with him even if his taste in movies is awful
>have to put up with Joss Whedon's awful dialogue for the 100th time

>not helping your stressed, sexually frustrated mommy relax

>god damn it
shut up nigger

>Go to kitchen
>Turn to parents
>Dad is prepping Henry, our neighborhood black bull before he enters Mom
>Tell them I'll come back later after they finish
Parents just don't understand.

>living with your parents

What's wrong with you my man?

>dad always wants to watch capeshit and action flicks with me and I do to spend time with him
>he falls asleep like an hour into it
>dont want him to catch me sneaking away
>sit there and watch the whole thing by myself
every time

>tfw dad is a Sup Forumsfag
>tfw have to watch cringey superhero cartoon clips from YouTube he shows me

wrong thread, fucko

kys weeb

>dad knows I like movies
>constantly asks if I want to watch a movie with him
>his taste is ultra pleb, so it's always capeshit and action blockbusters like Transformers
>put up with this for years
>finally snap one day and scream at him that I cant stand watching movies with because of his awful taste
>he hasn't asks me to watch movie with him since

Feels good

>writes fantasy stories about his father being a cuck, tells others to kill themselves.

>dad discovers some dumb new cartoon
>watches episodes of it on Youtube
>hey user look at this!
>shows me the cartoon while I'm doing stuff
>have to sit there and pretend I'm entertained by the cartoon
>sometimes he tells me about an episode he watched and I have to laugh and pretend I find it amusing

Shit, this is how parents must feel when their kids do dumb shit and wait for them to say "oh yeah haha how funny and interesting"

>tfw excellent relationship with my parents
>watch all sorts of kinos with my dad when i visit
>never with my mom because she doesn't like anything, but she's cool all the same.


Really. Do it.

why would i reply to myself, retard?

and you can't bring your laptop into the living room with you to open when he falls asleep cause....?



because we're watching the movie on the laptop idiot

>Be 29
>Haven't spoken to my parents in almost a year
>Haven't seen them in person in almost a decade
>They'll probably die soon

Feels indifferent man.

>the laptop
>he doesn't have his own laptop
>his family doesn't have a television
user, im so sorry

what a piece of shit son you are. They are probably glad they never see you

not everyone is a millionaire on here you spoiled fuck

i usually Sup Forums on my phone or play chess

They were shitty parents, I really don't care.

sorry to hear that m8. at least you got dubs

You're a good son user

>calls it barmy
>author is a woman

We're not here to help you, dimwit. Get a job, move out. Stop aggravating those folk. They probably would be decent people if it weren't for you.

>have to watch
why not change it up a bit you fucking pussies. Expose your dad to some kino

not really surprised
not being able to find someone to couple with you is definitely a symptom of larger problems

me and him been watching man in high castle but he hates the main girl doubt we will make it to the end he cant stand female characters especially if theyre strong and beat up guys

I just cant watch movies with my family
they slap their faces to their smartphones while watching
they fall asleep, or just dont care about movies I want to watch

coulda just tried to meet him halfway at least, i'm sure he would've put up with watching a movie only you liked just to spend time with you

>being this autistic
>dad tries to take interest in son's life
>son screams at him
>dad gives up trying


>go to parents
>turn on kitchen

Gr8 b8 m8

Or I truly hope you get ball cancer

Not sure if im more disappointed that 90% of you are still living at home or that you are assholes to your loving parents.

tell us the full truth, u were wearing a fursuit?

>23, NEET, and proud of it

I honestly feel bad for you wage cucks.


Not really. I'm actually pretty normie, aside from posting here.
Guess they just don't like me.

i dont like you

But I don't care what you think of me, you dumb faggot