Do you pay for popcorn and tickets when you take a girl to the cinema or do they usually pay for their own ticket?

Do you pay for popcorn and tickets when you take a girl to the cinema or do they usually pay for their own ticket?
Asking for a friend.

If you are the one who asked her out for a date then you pay, but if she offers to split then you split.

If you are dating then you pay. She will be flattered and you can tell if she's taking advantage of you by her reaction. It can only help you.

If you have dated for several months and decide to make it an exclusive relationship, 'going steady' 'going out' "long term relationship' or whatever they call it in your area you should establish that you each pay for yourself because you'll get stuck footing the bill for potentially years.

I pay and tip a little more than I would normally

normies please get out, get shot, go to hell

At what point do you start splitting the bill? Like 2 months in?

after she lets you stick it in her ass

most couples don't make it that forensic, just 'oh you got lunch, ill get dinner' type thing to even it out

What if she's the one who asked me out?

She should ostensibly pay for everything. You can still offer to pay for something, but she should politely decline since she invited you.

What if she stares awkwardly at me when the lady at the ticket counter says the total?

Feign a look of confusion, as if you were not expecting it. If she calls you on it act incredulous, 'oh i just thought since you were the one to invite me...' at which point she should understand the error of her ways.

If you want her to ride your pee pee after the movie, it's usually a good idea to pay.

If you don't want your dick in her mouth, then definitely do not pay.

If this happens, what are my chances of getting laid?

Start screaming about white male rape culture, and as an act of contrition and reparations you reject your traditional gender role in relationships and insist that she in fact should pay for everything to indicate that he's equal.

Both of you split the tickets, but you pay for the crab legs.

You should let her pay for falcon roosting, since she'll find it empowering

They're better than good, you're not some pushover beta, you're doing *her* a favor by agreeing to go out with her.

>but if she offers to split then you split.
idk if I would trust her offer

This, even if she invited you, you should at least offer to pay or split. If she was planning to pay she'll be glad you offered and if not she'll feel pampered. If she was just leading you on the whole time you're just out of luck

This is all to confusing think i might cancel, i mean falcons, what?

You are wise not to trust this. Odds are she said spit as in spit roast with her well-endowed black friend.

If a girl offers to split it's usually not some test, it's because she really doesn't want to make you pay everything. If you want to be sure you're not being rused you can just turn her down once, and if she insists again then split.

It depends. If we've been dating for a while, then I pay. Otherwise, everything is split.

>If we've been dating for a while, then I pay. Otherwise, everything is split.

This but the opposite

>paying for everything when you've been dating someone for awhile

For what purpose? At that point you should both be comfortable with each other paying for dates.

A lot of girls think the man should always pay

Girls do tend to want to split it on the first date or three, after that or if you guys start having sex or have been dating for a while you tend to start paying for things more often than her because its easier and she'll probably give you a hand-job while you watch the movie if its kinda shit and theres not many people in the theater and then you have to sit through the rest of kickass 2 with a pool of cooling cum on the inside of your t-shirt

l fucking hate going to the movies

>she'll probably give you a hand-job while you watch the movie

This, it's pretty well understood

desu if a girl offers to split its because she knows she doesnt have enough money on her so you'll have to pick up her half.

Just like at restaurants where you pay for everything except the tip because she happens to have only 5 dollars

>not letting her pay for everything

fucking normie. I bet you have a job too

I took this girl to my favourite chinese restaurant. Bill ended up being $89 and she's like "oh want me to pay half?" "nah that's okay, you can pay for the next one"
"okay haha also can I get a takeaway container for the leftovers"

Get her to pay, user. I still feel betrayed. There was no second date and yet she got dinner twice. Maybe even three times.

Just pay for everything, tell her to get the tips, as above user said $5 should cover it, w 1 going to BO attendant, 1 to Usher, cashier etc.

I feel what works best to impress her and yet not be extorted is to pay for the main course and let her pay for extra stuff. Like pay for dinner and let her buy ice cream/dessert. Pay for tickets and let her buy popcorn/slurpees. I make a higher income than my fiancé so that works for us.

my girlfriend pays for me

>There was no second date

You should have taken her back to your place and fucked her on the couch while watching Terminator 2 on the FIRST date you fucking scrub

i dont go to the movies

Always assume you're paying. If she offers to pay or pay for herself, refuse once. If she insists then just go with it. If she buys both of your tickets then insist on paying for popcorn.

>if we're watching kino I pay
>if we're watching a movie we split
>if we're watching a flick she pays

She was like the Terminator 3 of women

> 'oh you got lunch, ill get dinner'

I sorta did this with one of my buddies through highschool. Like I'd get lunch or snacks and sometimes he would.

balls still didn't touch so its not gay, right?