Remember Anakin won even without the high ground?

Remember Anakin won even without the high ground?

Post best/favourite moments

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None of this happened.
Wake me up when my ((Disney)) overlords tell me what poorly written garbage to buy this month.

>non canon
>better than any canon thing that came out after the ot
makes me think

From his point of view, he had the high ground.


>Sheev's sheer amount of cool when confronted by the General

Holy shit that was cool. Why isn't this canon?

Because it's too high quality for Star Wars. Seriously, this series is one of the few things I've ever enjoyed from that shitty franchise and everyone on Sup Forums only ever talks about the new 3D model show that sucks.

It made the prequels interesting,

Because Lucas honestly felt threatened by the quality of the series, and did a lot to try to ignore it ever happened.


What was the point of this scene?

>What was the point of this scene?

What did he mean by this?

Is supposed to be deep?

I always liked how grievous was a genuine threat and Dooku trained him specifically to be unpredictable and make good use of the robotic capabilities of his body:

It's just cool foreshadowing with nice graphics and well integrated in the subplot of that particular storyline m8.

>It's another triggered drumpfkins triggered by the kickass canon where minorities and women kick ass thread

Your cheeto dick KKK leader lost the culture war and your canon is dead.

Can't wait for hillary and bernie to get in 2020 to tear down the electoral college and for rey to kick ass for this whole trilogy.


Go to bed Chuck

The jousting scene always cracks me up

Anyone know a good place to watch this?

I know the old Cartoon Network site used to have full episodes up there before they released the new one.

Kisscartoon. I've been using for a few years now.

even in the 3D clone wars they made grievous a jobber who fucks up spectacularly and runs off like a bitch in every episode

I'm pretty sure they're all free on youtube

Thanks a lot man.

Huh, it's just the last time I checked it was all small clips, and I doubt much has changed in-

>the last time you watched this show was 10 years ago


Have they ever made any real Owen and Beru figures?

Didn't take long to find

>mfw Obi Wans helmet gets clipped off
Also ARC troopers get shit done

Every character in the films has at least a book, two toys and three comic books about it

The arc trooper episodes were literal operatorkino

Everything about the last episode.

I wish it would have been a full 30 minute episodes season.

Genndy clones>BF2 clones>movie clones>Filoni clones

Republic Commando (game) clones>Gennedy ARCs>BF2 clones>Filoni 501st>Movie Clones>Filoni clones>Gennedy Grunts

Well, we now have the book "Dark Apprentice", that's canon.


I like how Grievous knows not to mess around with Windu, he instantly busts out every saber


And now Rex is the only competent clone

"Surprise motherfucker"

>there will never be a high quality bluray release

George didn't make it, post-2014 Lucasfilm didn't make it.

>Anakin's trial of the spirit
>Has to rescue a group of beaten disfigured aliens that have been broken by their masters into slave war machines
>this foreshadows his future
>his vision shows how the pursuit of some great power will eventually consume him and hurt those he loves despite him seeking the power in the first place to protect them

Absolute kino

nothing made me fantasize about being a clone trooper than Captain Fordo and Obi Wan fuck up the San Hill banking clan and Durge

theyre all disorganized

I really wish Grievous was this threatening in the 3-D version and revenge of the sith.

He's just so much better

I get so fucking triggered when someone says the new series has "better writing" than the old series

why do people think this? is it just because it ran for longer and has more dialog? it doesn't even hold a candle, genndy series does so much more to showcase the fall of darth vader in a more visually interesting way

George was jealous

based sheev

Because muh Ahsoka

Remember when Grievous was a cold, ruthless, horrifically efficient Jedi Killer who stomped 5 into the ground with minimal effort, and was about to kill a 6th when the troopers interfered?

The CG one did a really good job of showing just how unhealthy the relationship between Anakin and Padme was, but that's about it.

> that scene where she falls out of the gunship on geonosis and her ass and tits is illuminated by the sunlight as she rolls around

i thought Lucas was going to do a slave leia type outfit for Padme like a hot Naboo bikini


Someone post the edgy Polish guy's DA page on legends.

Only Obi knows how to exploit the high advantage. It's his secret move.

Got any caps?
this entire fight is godlike holy shit

things like this make star wars better in animation than in live-action.

It's literally the dark side of the force, he wards it away from his village, but it becomes a part of him, then he uses it to continue to protect his village, and as he uses it more, it grows until it consumes him and his village, and eventually him too, leaving only Vader
This fight was pure kino

because the CGI series dedicates a lot more screentime to getting to know the different Jedi on the council besides Anakin and Obi-Wan, the unhealthy relationship between Anakin and Padme, the brotherly relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and places a huge priority on showcasing how the Jedi were a positive influence in the Clones' lives. The writing of the CGI show is laser-focused on making the ending to RotS (Order 66, Anakin's fall) hurt when you watch it.

obiwan killed darth maul after he was dangling off a ledge like 10 feet below him, so i'm not sure where obiwan got the idea that being higher up = its over.

Obi Wan always has the high ground from a certain point of view

Is this on Yavin?

But then why continue serving Sheev after Padme died. How did Sheev convince Anakin not to betray him to found a rebellion or kill himself or something?

He hated the jedi irrationally, and Sheev was the only way to get more power to kill them all.

you okay buddy? you seem upset

that "garbage" is canon, and a lot of us want to read what Disney puts out. Deal with it

But there were basically no survivors of Order 66 in the nucanon

>he prefers the roflcopter sabers

You can have Disney you pleb

It's definitely the more dialogue and . The whole clone wars is completely inane though: How are you going to fight a galactic war with only 2 million soldiers?

Pic related.

Many jedi survived, and vader personally killed most.

besides the first three movies what the fuck is even canon on this series?

Also after irder 66 Sheev cared less about the jedi than vader. All Sheev cared about was power, and he got it, vader wanted genocide.

luke, did I ever tell you about when I fought in the clone wars? my clones turned on me so I ran away and hid until now on this desert planet.

it was a good war.

The 2D stuff isnt canon. The 3D show is.

Whatever, how else am I supposed to know why grevious was coughing like a motherfucker in episode 3

by reading the CANON books and watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ on Disney XD™, also available on DVD!

Thanks i'll totally go out and buy all these amazingly written Star Wars™ books and be sure to turn into Disney XD™ every Sunday like a good goyim!

Friendly reminder that OG Grievous had a legitimate reason to hate Jedi after they intervened in a war that genocided his people and killed his waifu
Friendly reminder that nu-Grievous is a mustache-twirling bitch with no credibility as a fighter or tactician

>Dat sheev walk


>Cuck Wendig
Holy shit, who the fuck cares if a character is gay, don't push your fucking agenda on people who just want a fucking star wars story

>genndy will never make more starkino

But it taught Obi wan the importance of hitting up.

Wasn't Cuck only chosen because he can churn out shit at an absurd rate, and they knew a new Star Wars book would sell regardless of quality?

i just watch an episode of the 2d show and i loved that even with the lack of dialogue they can tell a story visually

That's Genndy my man, the dude's a legend at visual storytelling and atmosphere.
>only 2 months till season 5

2003 Clone wars was a great series. It was so over the top that nobody tried to take it too seriously when compared with the CG series. It also was short and too the point, while giving some interesting extra flavor to go into Episode III with. I don't understand why Lucas was not okay with keeping this.

This. This series gave the perfect backstory for Grevious.

stop falseflagging