What are some movies about an undefeatable force who destroys everything in their way?
What are some movies about an undefeatable force who destroys everything in their way?
>Alarmgate now
When will patsfags of this board finally admit that Brady is a cheater?
don't you mean movies about cheater's who've been caught cheating more than once?
This. And he's also a whinny little bitch.. Fuck the pats and anyone that supports them.
>being this triggered
Brady is a liar and a cheater and deflategate proved that.
But he is still a pretty good fucking player.
why can't they stop winning
now that MUH NECK is gone Brady will keep winning until he retires
Come on Atlanta, you're our only hope
How can Tom compete?
You're just mad that your city doesn't have that many Super Bowl wins and a strong team. Lawl.
Like most Pittsburgh jobs it was moved out of state.
Yeah I am mad. Boy you sure are a genius.
Fuck faggot football fans, I'm glad this semen slurping sport is being called out for WWE teir """"""""""""sport""""""""""""" that it is.
>these hoes dont realize the dirty birds are a team of destiny
WWE is moar semen slurping than NFL, faggot. Go Pats.
Fuck the pats. They always beat my team
My autobiography.
Which tean, nig boy?
Okay so since none of you autismo fucks gave an answer to OP...
Ip Man
t. Texans fan
>never actually got caught cheating in a way that mattered
they are just so fucking good I love the people that cant accept that.
sports fans are huge plebs.
>A controversy about shitstain second-string team interfering with game
>obvious proof
>A controversy about the guy on the cover of Backyard Football 2009
>Rumors and speculation
>Months of belabored investigation
I don't even like the Pats, but c'mon man.
>my team hasn't cheated
Feels good. That's why I don't support the Pats (cheaters)
Hey, Tom
>all the tears ITT
Pats truly are based
All we need is a QB lad. Our time will come.
Oh shit. I'm sorry. Don't worry, once Brady retires, you can kill us all you want. But we'll still be there, laughing.
Falcons will win.
I mean the Black men who fuck his shit up are at least three times as aggressive and probably have some history of drug and mental problems. His wife is such a pussy in comparison.
Who's your team?
>all we need is a qb
We haven't had one since the beginning of the franchise and now with trashwiler contract we have to wait yet another year before making a move.
>inb4 trade watt for romo
What's up, faggot?
Would there be a more elite owl than loins v patriots? Two teams on opposite ends of the spectrum, David v Goliath type shit
The Texans GM is not very smart, so that would probably happen. Romo will get injured in the first game, lel.
You know Texans were the original deflategate right?
You wanna hear a joke?
I didn't see them in that image you posted so I assumed not.
First row, AFC South
Nigga, stop. It's quite obvious that you have never slept wiyh a supermodel this hot. Sit the fuck down. She is strong and will burn any nigger that comes her way. The salt in your post tastes delicious on my Omaha Steaks.
Oh I'm blind. Oh well, I still like the Texans and hate the patriots. In general I don't like Bandwagon teams.
Cunt. Good thing I ain't too salty tonight. And Eli a stupid shit.
Bump, I wanna see the best insults you can give for this seemless and innocent Boston fan. Don't be a limp-dick.
>stupid shit
I thought Sup Forums's consensus was that he was autistic, not mentally retarded
My team is not a bandwagon team. I don't know where the fuck you got the idea that my team is a bandwagon. Seahawks and Dolphins are bandwagon teams.
their is a great dallas cowboys documentary from 1966-to present day
Brady voted for Trump. It's confirmed Pats will win
People need to realize Brady is the best ever and stop being so angry and accept the truth
Nigger. You wouldn't know a good team if it molested you in the ass.
>What are some movies about an undefeatable force who destroys everything in their way?
katie ledecky highlight reel?? :DD
She's ok.
wait a minute...
u changed part of her name to dick?!?!
The New York Giants
Not an original joke, but yes, that joke was spread in one thread during the particular thread during the Women's 100m. And it stuck with me. Come to think of it, she does kind have some male stuff going in her too.
>Jets being second in cheating
>still manage to suck
How fucking embarrassing JEST fans
>she does kind have some male stuff going in her too.
... im not 100% but i think this could possibly bully??
all white NFL players vote republican bro
I'm not trying to bully (she's still hot tho).
Eli? Did I anger you?
Kekeroni kekeroni give me the lulzeroni.
oh, ohkay :3c
It's still Tom, you jackass.
What a fucking dog, woof
dogs r mans best friend so actually you're saying something nice about her haha checkm8
Ayy lmao
Tom, you need to learn to read then.
I despise the Falcons with every bone in my body. Ive never really rooted for the Pats before but I'm gonna go full Affleck for this one.
dude the pats are 4-4 in the superbowl
Granted, they've been to 8 superbowls, but they've also lost half of them.
That's not even close to being true. I can think of two white guys on my team alone that bashed Trump
The World of The Worlds, because when they are in their in their element (at sea level) they can't be stopped, but when they go to higher elevations they end up choking
wow ledeckybro is posting in my thread :D
I am more happy that the Packers were finally exposed as the lousy cunts they really are.
Since i dislike the Patriots I will hope the Falcons end the Brady meme once and for all.
Brady's Pats are 4-2 though.
please stop posting that revolting thing that you try to pass as something fitable to say that is beyond the wildest of delusions
please stop posting that revolting thing that you try to pass as something fitable to say that is beyond the wildest of delusions
Dare I say it?
Steelersfag here, knew we would lose. Just bummed it isn't a memeowl with Pats against Seacucks or Cowgoys.