So now that the dust has settled, what did everyone think of the new Altered States reboot...

So now that the dust has settled, what did everyone think of the new Altered States reboot? Shyamalan did a pretty good job imo.

literally haven't heard of it until now

Who /rejoice/ here?

They called him Mr. Glass.

Saw it at the theatre. I thought it was slow at points. Not as interesting as I thought it would be. It was good but I recommend waiting for a torrent or red box.

I've never been happier to be pure


Every post itt after this.

Great movie to watch with friends and pretty damned entertaining in it's own right
>tfw Patricia says "Kevin's going to be asleep for a while now"

/SCU/ when?

>David Dunn
>Lady in the Water

vs Horde

More like Dunn and Mr Glass vs the Horde

I'm pretty hyped for Dunn V Horde

>Dunn cant figure out how to beat Horde
>visits Mr. Glass in prison since he likes superheroes and comic books
>They team up with Dunn as the muscles and Mr glass as the brains to defeat the Horde

fuck this is kino

>Altered States reboot
you're a fucking retard on several levels

David was the hero to Elijah's villain. David needs to visit with Elijah so he can help him figure out who the hero to the horde's villain is. Kind of like in red dragon and silence of the lambs when the heroes receive help from Hannibal. In the course of all this he talks to the sole survivor Casey or Katie or whatever the girl from split is named (shame the cutie mixed girl died and didn't get more screen time in her undies) and of course David's ESP is going to tell him what her uncle has been doing (if she is even with her uncle and didn't tell that female cop).

Going by unbreakable the hero to the horde will be someone totally opposite. Someone who is singular in their mind and is unchanging someone... Unbreakable!!!

shame the cutie mixed girl died and didn't get more screen time in her undies

The saddest part of the movie desu

>'you must be truly desperate to come to me for help'

D v H : Dawn of DingDong kino

The hero to The Horde's villain should be someone extremely stalwart in their beliefs. Perhaps after an extreme, faith-rattling event.

Someone like Reverend Graham Hess

I watched it yesterday and it was good.

A nice touch of semi-nudity from the pretty girls, and the lead antagonist did a goos job with the role.

It fell a little heavily back on the 'mind over matter' thing though.

Fuck that was so cool. Welcome back shamalaymamanadingdong



I liked that enough that I might go back to the theater to see it again. Totally unexpected return to form, and I'm ok with it.

Best girl

She was so thicc and tasty. Fuck dat body was noice.


More than that. When kevin/beast was looking into the mirror talking about how he cant be hurt them suddenly the music from unbreakable kicks in. My mind was like WTF? Wait....what....the fuckkkkkk. And I swear i got goosebumps i was so excited. This has never/rarely happened to me with a movie. I was so fucking happy when I left the theatre.

Her tits are so nice.

God bless shymalama for giving us some cleavage shots of her.

Hell yeah she is sexy as fuck. Dat body. I was ready to fap in the theatre. I need more of her.