Who seriously thought this was good? Made Jessica Jones seem watchable and doesnt hold a candle to season 1 of Daredevil

Who seriously thought this was good? Made Jessica Jones seem watchable and doesnt hold a candle to season 1 of Daredevil

The show seems like a BET show. As a white guy, should I bother watching it?

Well-made but apparently they didn't ever see Black Dynamite. Every time there was a big line or reveal in the show all I could think of was the action flair music. And "intellecutal colored kid from the hood" is hackey as hell.

Iron Fist will be the best one

its a self insert nigger fantasy
a bulletproof dindu walking around fucking white women

It was surprisingly good, up until Cottonmouth got killed off.

JJ >>> DD S1 >>>> LC >>>> shit >>>>> DD S2

There are no white women(0) in this show.

he fucks Jessica Jones in her ass
character is a self insert for niggers

The only good thing about jessica jones was that the villain had interesting powers. I couldn't even finish it because I ended up at the point where i was forcing myself to watch episodes.
the fight scenes were terrible because they had to showcase how strong jj was so they always had her throwing guys around. thats a really shitty fight.
i guess jj's "ugh i just don't care about anything" but really i do so i drink" schtick got old for me after about 4 episodes.

jessica jones wasn't in luke cage.

>Made Jessica Jones seem watchable
Now I know you're bullshitting.

He's not that wrong. This show is 98% uninteresting meaningless filler.

The Netflix shows are good overall but the general rule is first half episode = great; second half = meh.

Not only that but legitemately every single light skinned person as of chapter 5, couldn't watch anymore, is evil except for quadroon woman in Luke's past and a glorification of black culture that borders on we wuz kangs. Does nobody literally remember that Harlem was where rich whites used to live before blacks pushed them all out in the 20s and that nobody but white hipsters give a fuck about their so called cultural achievements

All this needed to be was shaft by marvel and they fucked it up

It felt like a less tongue in cheek version of a mock blaxploitation movie. I liked it. Anyone who uses racism as a complaint is meeming, or someone who hasn't watched it.

It's okay. I'd say it's between daredevil and JJ as in between hot steaming fucking garbage and actually one of the best capeshit shows to come out recently. This opinion seems to come from fans of either of those two show and I agree. I haven't finished it, but if someone asked if they should watch it I'd say, yea sure.

Jessica Jones was a good show regardless. The problem with Luke Cage is that it was produced by the same studios as Agents of shield. It was overall passable up to the point where diamondback shows up, then it went full retard.
The musical guests were great, I guess.

>its a self insert nigger fantasy
Is stormblr made up entirely of stupid?

Luke Cage is a literal blacksploitation superhero

I still like it, he's still a superhero. They slowly set up everything ridiculous just like Daredevil. Soon he will be a hero for hire.

>Who seriously thought this was good?
I did.

>Made Jessica Jones seem watchable
JJ started out really slow for me. Daredevil season 1 was so good. And jumping for DD1 to JJ was somewhat of a letdown at first. But overall I liked it. The sex scenes were stupid.

>doesnt hold a candle to season 1 of Daredevil
None of the Netflix/Marvel shows hold a candle to DD1 or DD2. And maybe it is unfair to compare Jessica Jones and Luke Cage to Daredevil because DD had such great villains from the beginning.

Again, I liked all three of the shows. But Daredevil was better. And I enjoyed LC more than JJ.

Anyone here liked GangStarr back in the day (I didn't even notice the titles at first)?

The problem with the ridiculous part was that goody fucking custom they put on diamondback. They didn't need to splurge all their budget on it, but they went too far in the opposite direction. Besides, Cottonmouth had such an interesting buildup and personality, I don't see why they needed to replace him with a bigger threat at all.

You sound reasonable user. Should I force myself to finish JJ after 9 episodes? Is it worth it?

>The only good thing about jessica jones was that the villain had interesting powers.

The good thing about Jessica Jones is that it is the only part of the MCU that has a good villain.

I didn't like it at first. But as it progressed I enjoyed it more. After sitting through the season a 2nd time with friends, I actually enjoy it more.

I watched it all the way up to Episode 7, everyone says the show gets shitty after that so I don't feel like watching it.

I mean, who are niggers suppose to self insert into? Captain America? Let the nigs have their Super Hero.

If anyone in the MCU has super strength it's Kilgrave, since he carried an entire show by himself. Seriously, was anyone else in that shit even trying? I don't even particularly like David Tennant all that much, but I thought he did a pretty great job in that role. Everyone else was trash.