How can you bigots keep slandering men of peace? Why do you crusade against Islam to avoid discussion about your gun laws that enable murderers and nutjobs to get weapons of war?

You need to open your hearts and cast out the hate.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Man of Peace

All of his peaceful shit is at the end of the quran. It's not chronological in nature, his initial message was peaceful but then he got violent saying it's totally justifiable to murder someone near the end. The writings of the Qur'an are arranged by size, not chronology.

why do they always have to say "Peace be upon him" and other weird memetic repetitions.

They keep repeating this shit like cult members do, surely they realise it's creepy as fuck and off putting right?


Is this bait or pure autism or autism?

Damage control.

>Islamic Artist

So where are his painting of Muhammad?

Sorry , I was born in 1989

I watched the twin towers get hit by planes on live TV.
I watched every senior in my highschool register for the military and get then put in the middle east

Meanwhile you sit here and beg and plea for my acceptance

Well , beg , grovel , cry , rage , barter , reason , slam it in my face ,

But no



>men of peace

>same sound effects and editing than those in ISIS' videos
Must be produced by the same people

This is amazing.

I hope any god that cares will just destroy islam already.

Muhammed completely ruined Human/ Alien contact for good.

Mohammed's peacefulness is fictional, just like Jesus' peacefulness is fictional. At the core of both shitty religions is a Semite all wound-up with Jewish myths about ethnic supremacy and Jewish historical conquest, and then redacted and embellished later to present that figure as the opposite of what he was.

Havent watched it but i have some questions in advance would appreciate some answers before hand
Is abu'bahker mentioned who altered the Koran to what it is today?
That everything outside the islamic state is a law and moral free zone and infidels can be slaughtered without repercussions thus opening the gates for the islamic conquest?
Is umar mentioned?
Who ordered to let, as an example, the egyptians starve because he raised taxes to an extend they just couldn't pay?
And is uthmar mentionend?
Who was the cause for the, still today happening, religious terror attacks?
And do they speak of ali?
Who should be the second Calif but got cucked?
That guy who let some mayore of damascus take the throne and altering the koran to an even more radical papper, it was radical in it's origins

Do they speak of the lolies mohammed had?
Do they mention that mohammed prefered byzantine boys as young as 8 for his sexual pleasure?

If you wouldn't mind answering i would give the video a shit Op


Didn't muhammad wipe out a whole tribe of jews in Medina, cutting the head off of all the men and enslaving the women and children?


kill yourself achmed

Wasn't Mohammad a child-molestor? You know, Aisha and all that.

Delete these now! Lest you provoke us!

What does the scribble next to Allah mean?

Reminder that "innocent people" in the quran =! nonbelievers.

Did Jesus ever do something that today we consider vile and could only be justified by "but that was normal and the custom of his time"? No.

Now, did Muhammad?

36. Blind man's wife/concubine
>Muhammad supported this killing because the women insulted him

Because 109 verses in the Quran state that muslims are to kill all non believers.

>meanwhile in mexico.

>who was muhammad
a pedophile?

Why don't muzzies just believe in Jesus and Christianity if they want a peaceful prophet with a nice message?

Jesus wasn't a pedo thug that wanted jihad and the Bible is much more simple and poignant than the quran.

t, muhammed

At the very fucking least is war for money.

Sandniggers are just indoctrinated retards with an even shittier civilization

t. MohaMAD

The funny this is that this shit was never common and that people use the same recycled pics from 2008 while I can find new pics and videos of muslims killing in the name of their religion.

If he can't eat pork how come Ham is in his name?

>Jesus wasn't a pedo thug
Hrm, about that...

Problem is not Muhammed nor the Qur'an itself... is a mounsier called Sayyid Qtub who wrote a book of 30(yeah, thirty) fucking volumes about how the Qur'an was to be used as a Constitution for all the Islamic countries (In the Shade of the Qur'an, the book is so-called).
Now, he was hanged, but too many people read that shit and thought it was an awesome idea to put it to work, that is the reason why a muslim do not need to be radicalized or anything of the sort, everywhere they are taught the Qur'an keeping in mind the views expressed in Sayyid Qtub book, ffs do a little research ameribros, I am a monkey from Brazil and know about shit like that, c'mon.
When Mohammed died he didn't left any "order" or guidance to how shit was supposed to go after his death, what was left was a social/moral code, but no laws or directions about what they were supposed to do exactly, reason why muslims divided themselves on sunnis and shiites (the later thinking there would be other profets and the former with the mind on Mohammed having the last word and being the "Seal of the Prophets").
IF, and I said IF, the word on the Qur'an is final, it is said that they(muslims) are only one people and not to divide into factions, if they do divide, muslims should all stay at home and not take sides, instead they are running around killing whoever they want to keep following their agenda... this shit is all about world conquest, do not fool yourselves.

That's organized crime, it has nothing to do with ideology.

come get me bitch

>Why don't muzzies just believe in Jesus and Christianity if they want a peaceful prophet with a nice message?

Muhammed developed Islam under the heel of the east "holy" Roman empire which was Christian but also a brutal and rigid militaristic empire with no regard for "heathens" like Muhammed.

Taking ideas from Christianity and building their own belief system was the only way to keep up with the times without being subjugated by an empire.

Islam allowed sandniggers to have a cultural identity of their own that survived through the centuries providing a stablizing force of peace just like Christianity and soccer even though violence is done in the name of all of them.

Osama bin laden and all those guys were directly influenced by Sayyid Qtub whose biggest influence in turn was the spread of American nihilism/hedonism.

Both were educated in the west and saw the cancer that grows there. ..but don't provide any solutions ofc.

>even spoke against those who had burned an ant
>verse shows "Do not burn bees"

And already he is lying.


>muh huly buuk

>Muhammad, Police would be upon him

Saying that he didn't do anything wrong is the same as saying that marrying and fucking your 9yr old adopted niece isn't anything wrong.

He did wrong, alot, but if you move to the critic without studying the past (though is a bothersome and hard study to do), you have the critic alone to use as a mean to explain what's wrong, it's like starting a building from the 5th floor... The bibliography is imense regarding some of the most discussed topics here on Sup Forums but I don't see an effort to promote an organized discussion regarding anything, just analysis on determined points of discussion without the bibliography involved, it might provide a few arguments but, that's about it.

>he wouldn't hurt a tree or an ant!
>text clearly states not to destroy fruit trees and bee-keeping hives as well as not to slaughter the cattle, because he still had to feed the soldiers after conquering christian land

If that's the start I don't see why listen any longer.

After reading that, I really don't feel like we're going to win against Islam. Not with boomers, not with liberals.

What do we do?
Can we do anything?
Are we doomed?

Subhanahu wa ta'ala, Arabic for "May He be glorified and exalted"

Mohammed is sucking an uncut cock but I thought Muslims were all cut? Is Mohammed saying it's important to love our fellow man by giving blowjobs to people of other beliefs? I think that is an important message and all men should follow in his footsteps and receive the wieners of the world with joy and peace and a mighty cum shot. PBUH

But Muhammad did similar or even worse things than the Orlando shooter.

He wasn't, Abdullah Chang.

Half of these people dont even know their own religion. Unlike other holy books, which are usually compilations of storys that took place during different periods, the whole quran was written by muhhammad in one lifetime. Like any other holy book, it has contradictions, but unlike any other holy book it was addressed IN the quran very clearly that should two verses contradict each other, the one that was written later supersedes the earlier passage. In the beginning of the quran is where all those peaceful passages are located. It was later on that the writings become more violent, and according to the book, it is those writings that are to be followed because they were written later.



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