Ryan Reynolds on shortlist for Green Lantern reboot

The madmen are really gonna do it

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Would Tom Cruise say yes?

That's fine. Ryan Reynolds wasnt the reason the movie was bad.

This is a math question with x being the proposed paycheck

They're gonna put a black guy in it, no way around it.

Why was this movie bad, again? Can someone tell me what the problem was?

I rely on the opinions of self-acclaimed critics to determine my own feelings about movies.

why would he want to do this again? he already has memepool

Because the bar is so low this could actually be a reboot that is better than the original.

Cheesy villain and clunky cgi. Other than that not really anything outstandingly bad

Well they let Reynolds reprise the Deadpool role even after Wolverine Origins bombed to hell and it ended up being a record breaking success.

Not surprised to see them take a second shot at that.

>Deadpool sucks
>Green Lantern sucks

Just give up, man.

It was a straight up copy of the first Superman movie with Reeves. It was never going to work today.

Rather than what they did, they should have focused on what GL is all about: Jedis with Imagination in Space.

None of those 3 are a good fit
They should go with someone lesser known
Like Cavill when he started

wasn't deadpool a massive success though

>Well they let Reynolds reprise the Deadpool role even after Wolverine Origins bombed to hell
Hmm, that's actually a good point.

Schumacher Batman tier cheesynes in a 2000s movie

Mark Strong was pretty based as Sinestro tho tbqh

Here's a better question: Would Ryan Reynolds want to? It just seems like GL left a bad taste.

How many jokes about Green Lantern were there in Deadpool?

I just want the shitty GL flick to be canon so Mark Strong can stay a Sinestro. 10/10 casting right there.

Reynolds wouldn't do it. He's busy with the Deadpool movies.

It needs a 'hook', it's too weird for normies. Either 'Funny' with, say, Joel McHale for Hal Jordan, or Tom Cruise - who would turn it into a 'Tom Cruise Sci-Fi Movie', which would have decent odds of succeeding irrespective of the franchise.

It would 'dilute' his brand. This is fake, i don't believe it. No actor is gonna play Batman 'and' Superman, or Captain Kirk 'and' Elian Sleazbaggano at the same time.

That's partially because Reynolds lobbied the shit out of FOX for years to get them to greenlight a solo Deadpool movie, because he felt like the character wasn't done justice in Origins.

He was completely right, of course, and was pretty much born to play the character, despite how tsundere Sup Forums is for the film.

Only one as I recall.

He was getting pushed on a medical trolley and he remarks "Just don't give me a green suit..." when promised they will make him a 'superhero'.

I didn't mind Reynolds as Green Lantern. The story just seemed poor. I dunno. I think you lose the audience when your villain turns out to be some unfathomably huge evil cloud. The scope is too grand.

Wasn't green lantern black in justice league unlimited? That's the green lantern I grew up with, seeing white GL fucks with me almost as badly as black Nick Fury

>Joel McHale as Hal Jordan

I would LOVE this

Deadpool was literally a low budget (relatively) movie that made a fuck ton of cash. 60million budget. Made over 500million. It was a huge success.

And really play up how Hal is dumb as fuck and a pedophile.

Yes. His name was John which was slight confusing due to Martian Manhunter.

If I recall Flash just called hm "G L"

It's a Green Lantern movie that takes mostly on earth.

Dead on arrival, in my opinion.

I like it, too. It's like the half-way point between Ryan Reynolds and Jack Black, Chris Pratt-ish.

I really, really think Hal Jordan could potentially be the dullest fucking character of all, and he's part of a labyrinthine mythology that will frustrate Chad and Stacey if it's done too 'earnestly'.

Would he be the first actor to star in Marvel and DC movies at the same time then?

i hope cruise turns it down, he's too good for capeshit

even knight and day 2 would be less of a fall

>hates capeshit
>comes to shitpost on a thread about capeshit
Like clockwork.

Didn't this movie bomb into oblivion?

No, because he stars in a Fox and DC movie.


I grew up with Kyle Rayner, but I'm not getting him, no sir.

And yet he was in weebshit. And it was GOOD

How is it a "reboot" if Ryan Reynolds plays Green Lantern?

Well you see user, they'll just ignore the 2011 film ever happened.


You really need to calm down.

>It's Jamie Foxx
or Kevin Hart

Movie wrapped up in a minute. One minute there is this almighty cloud eating the fucking world. The next hal throws him into the sun.

Successful doesn't mean good.

Deadpool fans waited so long for that film that they had to delude themselves into thinking it was good.

When will people realize that certain super powers just don't translate well outside of cartoons/comics?

Green lantern is one of my favs. But let's be honest, the fucker really doesn't translate well to the big screen.

Mr fantastic as well, who the fuck wants to watch a dark edgy movie starring stretch Armstrong

>it's another thread with redditors pretending Deadpool was a good movie.

Yup and now 4channit will pretend Logan is hella fuckin jawsome

>Mr fantastic as well, who the fuck wants to watch a dark edgy movie starring stretch Armstrong

It shouldn't have to be dark and edgy in the first place, and first and foremost Reed Richards intellect and inventiveness is his superpower first with his stretching ability second.

>His intelligence is his superpower
Stop posting memes.

>no one mentions blake lively
she is trash and didnt help the movie whatsoever
this movie needs an earthly villain, not some shitty blob

go eat a kettlebell

Bad direction
Everything looked oddly cheap and uninvolving

The CGI blob at the end was lame and kinda abstract

I'd add , from my view, they shouldn't have made it an origin movie. He's a space cop ...you don't need to really explain that much.
Should have been more a Sci Fi than a superhero flick

Fantastic four as a whole are boring fucking characters.
Then they get plot armored out of situations that should have been waaaaaay beyond their power scope.

Dude, its a superhero movie.

>Dude, its a superhero movie.
what did he mean by this?

I thought the parts in space were great, but the ending back on earth was awful.

it was better than Thor, but the ending with the not FF's cloud galactus was pretty terrible

It was just that bad
I watched it in theaters back then hoping to be proven wrong despite the low ratings
How can the guy made Casino Royale fucked up Green Lantern?
>only 10% space green lantern shit
>not enough focus with other GL members
>90% pointless earth drama
>yet another F4 cloud villain
>wasted actors (tim robbins etc)
>shameless product placement
It should've been training day in space with GL corps, and probably have Hal returns to earth in the final scene to defend it with the rest of GL.
That's definitely a better way of utilizing them than just a few minute cameo of them shooting power rings into space.

GOTG did pretty much what GL should have done in the first place. It just needs more space shit

I doubt it. /our cruise/ doesn't dabble in capeshit and lowbrow scifi.

Probably not. He has to be lead. He won't do ensemble.

>implying it won't be armie hammer

He & cavill became beasties after they filmed The Man From Uncle

>lowbrow sci-fi
What is Obilivion

Or Edge of Tomorrow, for that matter.

I'd love if they swerved hard and included multiple universes

Honestly I'd be happy if GL, Flash and Cyborg just remain as ensemble movie characters.

None of them are interesting enough to carry a film, buy maybe team up films.


"can i please make a sequel to a movie that very nearly killed my career at a studio that doesn't have a clue what they're doing?"

>knowing who Martian Manhunter is

I love that woman

The green lantern character is bad though.

There was a Green Lantern trading card in his wallet as well.

I Hope they put her in Green lantern movie as an alien

he already said he would never be green latern again, someone is having a leg yank.


More shekels for his bank`s account.

The Martian manhunter is now in the normie feminist Supergirl show though.

Cry about Marvel movies all you want, but I'm so glad superhero movies aren't like this anymore. This is utterly juvenile.

warner is so lost it's funny
anyway tom should play vandal savage

>I just want the shitty GL flick to be canon so Mark Strong can stay a Sinestro. 10/10 casting right there.
>It should've been training day in space with GL corps
This. It still can be.

Hell, have Sinestro incapacitate Hal and have the Guardians summon Guy and John and Kyle.

They can even say the stupid rushed post credits scene happens halway through the movie.

The movie can start with him still as a GL and reveal he is using the yellow ring halfway through the film.

I mean, i get what youre saying, but this wouldnt be the first time an actor has played lead superhero roles multiple times

Ben Affleck was daredevil and batman. Evans was human torch and captain america (both marvel). Halle Barry was Catwoman and Storm.

Not at the same time.

Pretty sure Ryan said he's done with capeshit aside from dyingjacuzzi so not gonna happen

>anyway tom should play vandal savage

I love Tom, but I couldn't stand the midget they had on the CW show, so fuck that noise, just get Kevin Durand

Halle Berry DID do cat woman and storm at the same time. X2 was 2003, Catwoman was 2004 and X3 was 2006.

If Ryan Reynolds agrees to play GL again, they'll probably drop some references to the X-Men universe. It'll be the closet thing to a crossover with just Fox and DC.

I was positive they were going to use the black Green Lantern this time around.

They're doing both Hal and John Stewart


>EXCLUSIVE: Warner Bros and DC are moving aggressively on a new screen version of Green Lantern. They’ve set David Goyer to write the script with Justin Rhodes for Green Lantern Corps, with Goyer and his Phantom Four banner producing, with DC heads Geoff Johns and Jon Berg exec producing. The new version is described as Lethal Weapon in space, and it’s based on a comic book origin story. The focus will be on two characters: Hal Jordan and John Stewart. The latter is an African American Marine sniper before he joined the Lantern Corps and the story very much focuses on his relationship with Jordan and the Corps. The story was conceived by Goyer and Johns.

>It'll be the closet thing to a crossover with just Fox and DC.

He already did that in Deadpool referencing Green Lantern several times.

Why didn't he just make new helicopter parts instead of car parts and have the helicopter take off again?

Its gonna feature 2 human green lanterns, Hal Jordan handing over the ring to the black guy. I forgot his name.

People give Hal Jordan shit for not being imaginative, but sometimes sweet and simple works, ad a giant green hand grabbing the chopper would have been a more direct way of stopping it than some elaborate hotwheels racetrack.

Pretty much this. They should have just made a First Flight like movie with Hal taggin up with Sinestro or something like that. They wouldn't even have to do his betray in the first one, because if they would had done it right they could have made more then one.

>Joel McHale

Dr Strange didn't exactly get the neurons firing but I just realized that the way they handed the Strange/Mordo relationship was very much like what happened between Sinestro and Hal, a mentor and a pupil having a falling out though what happened with Sinestro was much more dire what him basically ruling his planet with a green iron fist.

>my face when that whole planet got soured on Green Lanterns because of him but then he turns a shoot into a work by having his daughter save the day by "beating" him

MFW no Nathan Fillion in this thread...

inb4 2 old... no one is too old with current technology.

>the DCEU is so shit that they'd actually make GL canon again and it'd still be better than the majority of the DCEU

Ben Affleck has played Daredevil, Superman and Batman.

>he doesn't know Tom Cruise tried to get Iron Man off the ground for close to a decade

>tfw apple juice is sugar water devoid of nutrients, just like Fanta