Movie of the year

movie of the year

That fucking ginger was obnoxious.

not enough threads on Sup Forums about this kino desu

kinda the point?

>an Amazon Original Movie
>I can't watch it on Amazon
why are they doing this to themselves? Didn't they stream The Neon Demon at the same time it was in theaters? I would give them money, I just don't want to drive an hour and a half to see it in theaters

time to check for torrents I guess

Amazon Studios made the only movies I saw this past year that I enjoyed
>Neon Demon
>Manchester by the Sea
some others too I'm sure. Why are they stepping up so hard?

There's an HQ screener out there. Haven't DL'd (saw it in theaters) but from the screens it looks pretty watchable.

is weiner-dog unironically good? saw the trailer last year but never watched it.

kino end cut

I loved it. If you're a fan of Todd Solondz you will really enjoy it, it's one of his best.