Gonna start this show tonight. What am I in for?

Gonna start this show tonight. What am I in for?

One good season followed by nothing but shit.



This, half of S2 is good. Had to stop after that. Season 1 is good stuff though.

First season is definitely the best, but I think the show stays pretty decent until season 4 or 5

Nothing but disappointment after 2 seasons, like all showtime shit

Don't do that, there's tons of other stuff you can watch.

Even Shameless and Episodes?

There was a definite drop in quality between 3 and 4, but 4 was still decent. 5 is when it all went to shit for me

wondering if uncle andy will ever get in them walls

>Even Shameless


I haven't watched Shameless because my mom fucking loves it, I can't help but think of it as a "mom" show

Never seen episodes, but my experience with Showtime shows has been

>2-3 excellent seasons

>1 season of "huh, this isn't as good as last season

>x-number of remaining seasons "is this even the same show anymore?"

Is it worth watching for JJL?

season 1,2 and 3 are the only good ones.

after they leave the subs the show goes to shit.

Ironically, Weeds is much more a "mom show", it's literally about a soccer mom.

That's fair, but my mom didn't tell me to watch Weeds, the girl I was seeing at the time did

although she's a mom now so I guess you're still right lol

Pretend the show only has two seasons.

Youre gonna watch s1 and love it. Then youll watch s2 and think
>eh that wasnt bad"

This will make you say to yourself
>Sup Forums always exaggerates, the other seasons wont be that bad

And then itll be too late. Youll have fucked up any fond memories of the show. Im talking "the ending Mass Effect 3" levels of disappointment

>One good season
there's not even one good episode

they should have shown mary's pusy bare so sexy and white and black hair!

You're in for a feminist version of Breaking Bad

LOL and it's soo funny tho

This show made me hate Kevin Nealon.

Even the first season is pretty trash with really shitty writing, and that season is only "good" because of its novel premise (DUDE MILF SELLING WEED LMAO). Most of the fags here are clouded by nostalgia or just really stupid teens who only just recently watched the show.

I gave up somewhere in season 4, then skipped to the end to see what happened. Literally had no idea who the fuck anyone was or what was happening, I think the entire cast rolled over except for the ultra-milf.

reminder that season 3 is the logical ending for the series

holy shit, my mom watches shameless too, binged all 5 season in a month

this so much


Downfall to nonsense.

After 4th season everything goes crazy but still funny.