My friend's neighbor keeps getting his Trump sign vandalised and taken down by people, so he put up a barbed wire fence to protect it. Heh.
My friend's neighbor keeps getting his Trump sign vandalised and taken down by people...
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Your 'friends neighbour' or your wife's son? Let's have some honesty here, cuck.
He should put up some cameras as well, to gather evidence of the vandals.
best part is, now the vandalists will have a harder time messing with it, or better yet be deterred by the fence; thus proving yes, walls do in fact work.
Someone can easily bring it down with a stick, not deep enough.
No, if anything it will cause people who normally wouldn't fuck with it to fuck with it. They'll see it as a challenge.
Yeah cause when I'm walking down the street and see a barbed wire fence the first thing I think is: "I'm gonna fuck with that barbed wire fence"
You're an idiot.
It looks like walls DO work afterall
Could get through that shit in under a minute with wire cutters. You may not think like that, but some people do.
Teenage me would go to tacobell at 6pm then wait until 2am, take wire cutters, get in fence and take a massive shit on it.
Or they will just spray-paint through the chain links?
Good job !
That's cause your a faggot. First thing anyone with balls wound think challenge accepted
That's how you get shot.
Looks like this dude needs guard dogs as well
I'm not a nigger.
> get caught in fence I just vandalized
>"this isn't where I left my car"
> go home
>see barbed wire fence on private property
>"hurr durr challenge accepted!"
>gets arrested and/or shot
Gee you sure showed me user. Well played.
obviously, from what you are saying, you ARE a nigger
A no trespassing sign and a couple German shepherds would work better.
he needs a land mine for these "i'll just get wire cutters" fags
> he was a fag that never damaged property do to teenage angst
I bet you've never took more than one piece of candy from an abandoned bowl on Halloween like a good little boy.
But anons, walls don't work????
> this is the fence I put up drawing more attention
> still think I was asking for it???
Fact: You are a nigger and it would have been better if you had been killed during your 'teen angst' episode
is this nigger slang for carjacking?
I would read this as an anti-Trump message. Makes it seem like, instead of closing off America from illegals and what not, America is closing off Trump.
>how to make trump supporters look like weirdos
When I was a young teen everyone would sneak out onto the yachts in the harbor for fun.
Once a kid vomited and took a shit on a deck.
>cutting up someone's fence on private property
Good way to get arrested or shot
No. A fence is not 'asking' to be destroyed.
But people like you are
vid related, beautiful screams of some degenerate junkies as they breathe their last breath
Damn me thinking
Stay made you were a shut in growing up.
niggers, everybody
Oh man I got the biggest erection hearing that bitch squeal like a whore knowing she was going to fucking die.
> implying I dont regret some of the shit i did when I was a child
No fun allowed
>shut in
Sorry, my escapades involved exploring the woods, catching snakes and eating catfish while camping
Stay niggerish though. I guess you must've grown up in an urban area with no father and there was nothing else to do but be a thug
And his wall grew 3 sizes that day.
Looked up her pic too just to see what she looked like. Was not disappointed
You would deserve to get shot
Does the 2nd amendment cover anti-personnel mines?
Tell him he should put animal shit on the wire to give anyone that fucks with it infections
Go full on Vietnam gorilla warfare on their asses
Here's the uncensored audio'
And same, justice boner every fucking time
Too bad the guy was killed outright and we didn't get to hear him squeal in regret
That's because you can plan more than ten minutes into the future. That's not the sort of people this exists to frustrate.
piece of candy =/= vandalism
nigger logic, everyone
That's rude man.
Oh wrong link. Fucking liveleak using the censored vid
What was censored from the other recording? I wanna know before I listen to the uncensored version.
At 15 me and my friends definitely would have tried to get into the fence and draw on the sign, not because we care about politics, but because it's fun to do hoodrat things with your friends.
I like this approach
an user posted it a few weeks ago
>tfw nasty sticky and ruins clothing too
So, being a productive and respectful member of society? Nigs gonna nig I guess
>I'm a thug
Top lulz
The 4 fags calling me a nigger are the vocal minority here. Self righteous faggots.
Kekd. pretty much Felipe
The girl's screams for the most part
And that was the wrong link
Was he convicted? I hope not
Thanks user. This stuff is glorious. Know any more boner-inducing justice audio/video?
My thoughts exactly
And why is it always "tolerant, progressive" liberals who are so intolerant of other people's opinions?
About 1 in 10000 will spend significant amount of his resources to achieve something for recreational purposes.
So in any area, where there is lawn the fence will work perfectly.
Looks like he got life in prison. Total bullshit imo.
Careful user you'll be branded a nigger just like me
He got life, mostly because he waited a day to call the police, plus wrapped the bodies up.
Also made a creepy ass manifesto like recording right after the shooting
Dude should've been given mental care rather than locked up
>being a productive and respectful member of society
> as a child
Get over yourself
Apparently not committing pointless property crimes because you have half decent impulse control makes you "self righteous" these days.
Why are trumpfags such austists? They can't handle the real world so they erect walls and isolate themselves.
Must have been tough growing up without a dad, huh? Don't worry user, he'll be back from the store... some day...
Don't forget about how he killed them execution style after dragging their bodies while they were no longer a threat.
Why don't he just shoot the vandalizer? Unless he lives in Commiefornia, where criminals can put victims in prison, shooting trespassers is acceptable.
Lack of impulse control is what teenagers are known for.
>fuck you and your vandalism, I'd kill you if I could
If you're going to criticize someone for damaging property you shouldn't do so by acting like a violent nigger.
I wonder what was going through her mind in those final moments.
One could ask the same question to Berniebots who can't handle other peoples opinions and feel the need to fuck with their signs.
Autists on both sides make everyone else on their side look bad.
That ID - what does it mean?
trump the cuck
Maybe they should not have triggered a war vet, who knows.
> he sets up an audio-recorder
Seems legit.
You can't legally shoot someone merely for trespassing in the vast majority of US states. Learn the laws.
I am le coomoc
>there are about 600 - 800 million whites on the whole planet
Just in Africa there are more niggers than anywhere else. All non-whites want to get into white countries. So, to protect themselves they erect barriers.
>physical barriers work
There's a house here that had to do the same but they did a big transition from Bernie to Trump.
>Bernie signs all over front yard.
>Start of May, all signs are gone.
> Mid May, Trump signs started to show up.
>People started taking signs fucking up their property.
>Just two weeks ago: a new fence with spikes like in pic related is put up.
>Signs stay
>Vandalism stops
>And people say a wall won't work.
>protecting your property from feral niggers is acting like a nigger
No, that's is a white and asian person thing.
>people kept stealing Trump Sign.
>After Third Sign Stolen Replaced with "Hillary for Prison" Sign
>Sign Still untouched for over 5 weeks.
Also all you have to do is put up a 'no trespassing' sign and see someone trespassing. Never know if they have a knife or gun in their pocket
Why? That was clearly pre-meditated murder. Not that I'm shedding any tears for the victims but the guy was 110% in the wrong and deserved the electric chair.
Proof that trumpfags are sociopaths that are too afraid to actually do anything out of fear of getting their comeuppance in jail from Bubba.
>physical barriers work
Tell that to your parents.
>deserved the electric chair
Aww did the pretty girl getting shot for her actions trigger your inner /r9k/?
Dude is just stupid, should have killed the vermin and call the police.
Either way he only deserve a prize for ridding the world of filth.
Is that the secret?
Should we make not breaking the challenge?
>start moving job applications in armored cars, and well protected safes in ghetto neighborhoods.
>order police to arrest anyone they suspect is going to school for a STEM degree.
>Engineering is now gansta af
>nogs tripping over themselves to get degrees.
Holy shit, is there a cash prize if my idea gets me the Nobel Peace award?
In the south, we shoot liberal commies who fuck with shit in our yards. Castle laws.