Trumpfags will defend this.
I don't indulge in the electric Jew, but even I can tell that violent video games don't make people violent.
Trumpfags will defend this.
I don't indulge in the electric Jew, but even I can tell that violent video games don't make people violent.
>Dec 2012
>Dec 2012
>3:09 PM
So on what date did he stop being a fucking retard and start being the master tactician we all know and love today?
Have you never changed your opinion?
>I can tell that violent video games don't make people violent.
That's where you're wrong, redditman
S-surely Trump d-doesn't actually believe this anymore...h-he's a g-god...
He's right, actually.
Oh, wait, is that you, Anita?
He'll change his mind when he sees how often the other side loses court cases to the game industry, vidya is art
all that kickstarter money had to go somewhere
>Liberals grab guns
>Republicans grab videogames
Conservative as fuck. Can't get more based that this. Movies should be banned too.
2012! A business man makes a tweet and you act like it was today. That tweet was 5 years ago.
I know I get a little more agrees I've when I play World of Tanks and I have to fight tier X tanks with my IS-3!
So an older man like Trump is out of touch with a few minor things.
Tell me again how does this make him less electable?
Funny that you defend this but go crazy about Hillary's flip-flops. You can't pick and choose, faggots.
I mean he's not wrong
instead of sitting in front of a capitalist moving pixels watcher you could be forging strong family bonds (hunting, learning how to tie a fishing knot)
998 out of the past 1000 mass shooters have been male and I'm sure most of them played various murder simulations
It works vice-versa too. Bullshit flows both ways, SRS.
Ok, so? Just because he doesn't 100% align with your views doesn't mean he's not the better choice. Though, knowing the Sup Forums contrarian circlejerk the response to this will be
>hurr but he's right muh degeneracy
They do make people violent though. Same thing with gang culture and music. How can you honestly say there isn't an influence?
He just wants to encourage losers to stop wasting their time and to start making white children.
> filename
>Americans will honestly say that video games and hip hop need to be banned or censored to prevent people who might be susceptible to committing acts of violence, but absolutely refuse to talk about measures to prevent these same people from purchasing firearms with ease.
He's right. People that play video games are losers, and even they know it, but the addiction is too strong. The only people that UNIRONICALLY believe video games have NO effect on the way you think are neckbeard Gamergaters that thought they were saving the planet from a woman that made YouTube videos.
If someone plays 10 hours of video games a day, do you really think that won't affect how they think?
I'm talking about glorification. Nigger gangster worship is so bad for the black community
Allowing nutters to easily get guns is so bad for the not wanting their bodies perforated community.
I'm pro gun but this cunt is kind of hypocritical
>Ban vidyagames played by over a billion people worldewide
>Don't ban guns tho
He's not talking about violent children. He means stupid feminazis that complain about violence towards women in videogames.
>mass murderers since 2000
>none of them played video games
>mass murderers since 2000
>all of them had guns
There it is
Phenomenal mental gymnastics
its a logically consistent opinion that is utterly false. You can easily surmise that extreme acts of violence being pumped into developing brains would have a net negative impact.
Alot of people probably still hold this view, and not just of video games, but of tv and movies.
It's completely unjustified by the data though. It's not so much a problem that he had that opinion, it would be very bad if he continued to have the opinion in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
Video games create a bunch of weeb faggot basement dwelling retards with too much time on their hands
Sounds like monsters to me.