We are japan´s heir

we are japan´s heir

pay some fucking respect

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Oi, there are many Brazilians in Oizumi, Japan



if there are so many japanese in brazil, then why is brazil so shit

i fail to see the logic here

The singer group of Brazilian girls. I love them.

Japan is better than you and you know it so why even pretend? Now tell me why the Nips are attracted to Brazil.

I tought we had more chinese people


send more qts

The girls were born and grew up in Japan

what the fuck am i pretending?
>if there are so many japanese in brazil, then why is brazil so shit
makes no sense and your comment too

>1.2 million out of 38 million

Jesus, this looks really weird.

Post WWII idiot

get the fuck out of here you knuckledragger
very intelligent one you are.

they came here to work in our farms

funny thing is Brazil and Japan couldn't be more different

Fucking leaf, why don't you google it?

We have a shitton of: Lebs, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and Japs. Most of them arrived by the end of the 19th century.
The government tried as much as possible to attract foreigners to this cursed lands, and at that time Brazil was a land of "opportunities".

There you go.

Even if we were completely asian/white as you wish, the fact that there are favelas and poor bastards JUST fucks this shit up. We're cursed forever but we've only noticed now.

yeah dude why fucking have conversations at all, just Google everything. all hail the Google state

It's quite interesting Brazil is technically one of the furthest placed countries from Japan although the two have very thick and close ties of blood.

Sorry-eh, I'm having a bad day. Actually I'm having a bad year.


The bulk of japanese people are in São Paulo only. I saw an BR once saying that japanese are very rare in Brazil, even though it's so common in the SP state.