Thoughts about this kind of groups ?

Thoughts about this kind of groups ?

Is this the good strategy ?

Fucking pussies won't show themselves hahahaha

flawless. winning the hearts and minds of the people (Call of Duty fans)

I agree with the overall message but this redpill is just too much for normies

The only opposition to AntiFa that actually do something. I wish we had them in CA.

They see to have established an aesthetic, which is important.

However their speeches are largely disordered rambling and their videos are way too short to be interesting.

The biggest fault however: what is their objective?

At the moment it looks just like some sort of white pride thing, which is lame and will never appeal to many people.

Even Hitler had a final objective in mind when he formed his party. If they want people to get behind them they have to WANT TO ACHIEVE something.

Also re: their aesthetic I personally think they should wear shirts and blazers as the Nord Front in Sweden wear shirts and have a large following. Since the "British look" is most appealing when associated with the aristocracy wearing a blazer would improve their image.

But mainly they should attempt to achieve something, rather than standing in Bognor Regis town centre screaming that Adolf Hitler is kawaii.

They lost my respect after saying Nigel Farage should be assassinated to flare up tensions. Even one of their regions on twitter admitted that they hope Brexit fails so the pendulum swings harder.

paid for by jews to mantain the very visual idea of 'the evil dumb uneducated racists dressed in black and ready to erupt in violence'.

that's also why they hide their faces (because they are actors)

literally everyone is controlled opposition on Sup Forums.

if this were true, theyd get more media coverage. normies don't have a clue who they are.

this, pretty much. Even if they're real they seem fake. Like they're trying to make common-sense positions look fringe.

More often than not they're either controlled opposition to make the right look bad or just edgy thugs.
Only good use is for scaring off AntiFa.


>Hitler was right
>Hitler is an ally of Jihad

I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they pull on this one.

Too upfront - maybe infiltrated.

Staying hung up on Hitler is a bad move.

>Is this the good strategy ?
No this just reeks of edgy kids.

You mean Sup Forums users?

I think they're great

Actually most of us are in our 20s

All bluster, no action.

Hitler himself would have them sent in Auschwitz way before the jews. Just saying.

I'd say that too if I were underage on an 18+ board.

That group is basically what happens when some people engage in satirical shitposting and some other people take it seriously.

"Hitler was right!" *lol, I'm trolling these nubs*
"Hey.... you're right! He WAS right!" *shoots refugees, kills jews, burns down own city*

it does help shift things from a defensive mindset. if they can literally say that then it becomes harder to label "I want less immigration" as the "far right" point of view.

what ПГM stands for?

No, it isn't. Retards like this are what chase normal people away, because they don't want to be asociated with them, and without the support of normal people you won't get anything that.
Why the fuck do they need to use a iconography and symbols of a failure. Why can't nationalist get something new, better. And they think they are so smart about it - What's up with the hakenkreutz? That's not hakenkreuz, that is budhist symbol of peace. You don't look like budhist. Hurr hurr hurr hurr.

>they hope Brexit fails so the pendulum swings harder.

That may very well have been a better outcome. The current Brexit might let off just enough steam so that white people go back to sleep for another decade and lose the war for their future, etc. We'll see.

Пpaвocлaвиe - russian flavour of christianity
гoлoвнoгo мoзгa - of the brain, implying medical condition.

I fucking hate edgy cunts like this. All they're going to do is get arrested for plotting some stupid attack or they do attack someone and then all the decent nationalist groups get banned.

I hope so. The Hitler image is abused to make a movement seem unpalatable to the average person.

So, it's a Russian fedore meme pic, then?