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Some guy asked me if he could buy my worn socks...

gud edishin

>mention flyovers for (You)s
>also mention that it's easy to get (You)s
>some mexican that's desperate for attention does it
>said mexican claims it isn't asking for attention

Had a great idea guys, I'm going to willingly increase my chances to get cancer. After all cancer sounds like a lovely way to die, I mean who cares anyways right? Heard some really great things about getting cancer. Getting cancer is worth having a nice little rush to the head, it's just fantastic.

Please pay attention to me!

the ol' ball and chain



did you sell them?


No, I shall be the one receiving all the attention!

reminder that i have a patreon


great thread so far

need a qt jewess gf that looks like pic related

reading my brother's facebook.
1 person killed by a white nationalist and he makes 3 posts about it.
zero mentions of the terrorist attacks days ago or from the UK months ago or any others.


still at $0, I see


It's futbol time /cum/.

rade my X!!

get in on the ground floor

there better be a reward tier where I get a """""nsfw"""" photo of you in skimpy video game cosplay every month no homo

Those muslims don't represent real islam or muslims but that one guy represents all white people obviously.


bit gay

If God is real then why do black people exist?

glad he has the courage to speak against this violence

Now I know why the rest of Canada don't like you.

Can anyone tickle my neurons into remembering who was that /cum/ poster that had really good legs and was a dude? He dead?

He doesn't, no god would subject his creation to non white subhumans


Nice argument.


it's been an awful day
I wanna go back to work so I can chat with cute girls

Mexicans are subhuman and you Know it full well

Curse of Ham and to test the faithful

where do you work bud?

gross lol

No... how would I ship them anyway?

Oyster bay in?

Reminds me of that vid showing the aftermath of some black guy who was beat up breaking into some other black guys house, then they made him strip down naked and run away.

>talking to female "People"

retail store, plenty of college age girls here

oi vey!

added some rewards

God doesn't exist, Christianity is a lie that's been spread by those that want to eradicate TRUE white culture

Toca de aca pirata de mierda. AAAAAAAAAJ

have you ever had the feeling that you want to just take someones card and just buy the entire library of games and a plethora of useless accessories for a siingle game console

can you expand on the 3rd tier?

you will get in trouble.

credit card fraud is worse than theft over $5000 bud

>poor person
>plays consoles


Now what wh*te bois we graduatin now

if you don't have a pirate accent gtfo paki

You chicanos are a subhuman savage bunch

>doesn't burn cigarettes

How much money could you possibly spend on good games for a console, like $200?

reminder that finland is in love with me and loved when i watched him play dark souls

Usually you PC master race queers would say that pc is cheaper overall. Really makes you think, are consoles the actual platform for poorfags?

How can whitebois even compete with this African-American studies major?


did someone say cloned credit cards?

pay me and learn everything

think about the entire library, including all the shitty titles and shovelware, like 1000$ tops if you include the useless accessories too

>Being white

Reminder that this whole general is in love with me and desperate for my attention

added a post and rewards to my patreon


please donate to me


wHAT the hell is "that" thing

I will only agree with this post if you're a latina that's a cute as pic related

Imagine being a wh*te subhuman, grim

Reminder that this whole general is garbage and I'm the only good poster here.

Being a depressed slacker is the ultimate redpill.

just bought 64 ounces of HONEY

the patreon joke is a really good one

wish icame up with it

reminder: you're a fucking idiot if you disagree with me

just donated to someone on patreon

I like the vision, but I still think the 2nd and 3rd tier rewards need more explaining

I did a dry rip of the devils dandruff an hour ago and my plans tonight fell through

>caring this much about the price of devices to play games with

do you even have any money at all?

Reminder eternal damnation is a long time. God bless

you only like her because you look kinda like her

wish you were as cute though

This image is a really good argue for biological differences between races. Cara looks like human while the niglet in the back looks like a different species

and I already had 16 ounces

+1 to the filter list

why did he shoot those kids? When will he pay for his crimes?

Mexican American most likely

But I thought CHIs we're natural conservatives

i'm running on the scientology model here

pay me first

they just smell like my toes... you guys get off to that stuff? I dont get it

Googled hot anime babe and this was the first result

Are they the same species /cum/

Whiteny Ethnostatano

Nobody ever says that except CHI's on Sup Forums. Cubans are the spics who try to be right wing sometimes.

if you're a real female, sweat smells like female hormones

When I'm walking through my college campus and I pass the smokers, coughing it up with one another I stop and ask them if I can "bum" a cig. They usually oblige, and I take the little white stick from them and snap it in half like a twig and throw the pieces on the ground.

They look at me, dumbfounded, usually spouting a "bro, what the fuck?" and I tell them I just saved them 5 minutes of their life and they should be thanking me.

They never than me. It's a thankless job, but one that needs to be done.


Why are they such subhumans!
Absolutely not

I live in the northwest, and I went to school on that day.