
The border edition

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Opinions on the Duke of Saxe-Meidingen?

im so bored


a toast to /cum/


Best poster coming through here.

>hate generation z

I remember the night this meme was made

italians have among the highest IQ in the western world and italian americans earn the average income that an average white does in america.

mexicans and puetro ricans are a standard deviation or more below in IQ and take advantage of all kinds of minority status programs that italians never could have. italian american families came here with nothing pre-welfare state and today are universally considered white.

t. italian american

You're a newfag if you don't remember this edition

i know

deep down

you guys love me

Well, although asian women are qt, I'd still say latinas and white women are more attractive. Asian women are just less fat so they seem better than others.

/brit/ gimmicks
>simple as
>doing a poo

/cum/ gimmicks:

Don't reply to Cara.

Just filter him. /^Cara$/

the guy who made said he wanted to make it a new thing but he didn't do anything with it so I post it every once in awhile. maybe I'll spam it hard sometime we'll see



>The border edition
Legacy edition

When I was in the airport in Maine there was this asian chick with a big butt, ludicrously short skirt and decent feet

That potato face turns my dick soft every time though man

Characteristics of a Meztiso:
>face like a fucking pitbull
>low hairline
>gibbering in spanish about some soccer game

I like fat asians, too, tho.

is stealing gimmicks a gimmick?

why does it have two mouthes


i have to say that i disagree with your conclusion and all things considered asians are better

that's its penis

milk posting is /cum/'s only worthwhile gimmick

Literally only beta whites think this

It's a special animal

CHI bullying

i don't live by such meme guidelines

do i look like the typical mestizo?


It's not milk



Italy has its shit together. Italians birthed incredible genius, art, innovations, culture. Italy is a reasonably thriving country.

Hispanic nations are mostly crumbling. (no not all) Brazil with its high black admixture is crime-plagued region and getting worse except the south where the whites have fled to. Hispanics keep voting for bluepilling socialists and communists. Hispanics have massive amounts of land in Central and South America. Illegals think they can depress wages and that the white culture that birthed the Constitution doesn't matter to them. If US whites tried to do that to southern countries we'd be immediately locked up. Fuck all of you communists.

>pic related:
>biggest redpill to leftist libertarians
Wake up.

umm, it is

>americans think he's speaking spanish
>mexicans think he's speaking english

I love you cara :3

You look like a cuban coke dealer

You look like a time-traveller

that was invented in Sup Forums

are you supposed to care what niggers think?

>he's is eating ants with his mouth
your point?

The original pic says Semen, it's photoshopped


Anime Asian girls and gays are okay with me

that's a real life gimmick not a /cum/ gimmick

Any Canadapoons from Ottawa?


i love you too user.

i woke somebody up i think

Watch yo mouf whitey, finna slap you wit my bbc

REALLY makes you think

redpill me on soy milk

does any1 have the "Ask CIA" pic?

>full of estrogens
>only asians even have the genes to properly metabolize it

It's shit

No gta

gives you titties

makes ur weewee small

It takes FUCK LOADS of water to produce that much almond milk too. Cattle aren't necessarily environmentally friendly, but tree nut farming is very water intensive


what is your preferred brand of milk?

have never consumed a soy product in my life

Alpenrose Dairy

Not him, but I used to buy organic pastures raw milk until sprouts started price gouging

Now I just buy trader joe's whole milk

dont drink it, use coconut milk or oat milk

if you really care about efficiency you should eat insects

I don't care, I'm just pointing out that the advantages of non-dairy milk are few

Outdoor spiders are our friends

i figured that out all by myself yesterday
no need to reward me, I have the knowledge

moved a spider outside instead of crushing him a few days ago

>not edalene dairy

except their fucking webs

going to do a cold shower any minute buds

wish this Novocaine would finally wear off

Good on you lad I do it all the time, they devour our enemies, the mosquitoes and the flies

Plus their silk is being researched to make bulletproof vests

yep > yup

next time just do a dry rip of the devil's dandruff bud


me at the bottom of the steps

Jokes on you 90% of the devil's dandruff is mostly novocaine

never watched anime

that's why you gotta rip one dry so you know if it's good or not


also kys

*hits on you*

>visiting a taiwanese basket weaving forum
>never watched anime


literally just watched an episode of anime and am about to watch another.

are all "Cara" posts here made by the same person?

you can't

I came to find the hacker Sup Forums
somebody stole my lulz and locked me out of all of my accounts


the milk that comes out of my dick and into your mom's hairy cunt

idk I just by local shit cuz muh town


Had the completely pure stuff from a cartel associate once, I don't even bother anymore because the stuff from dealers is fucking trash by comparison


(that's what i am also doing shh)

