
Morning fellow normies

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I'm getting my new PC today.
The first game I'll play is fallout nv with the dust mod.

Getting a new ps4 today,the first game I will play is Witcher III.

I've gotten my XB1 9 months ago, I'm waiting for Destiny 2 cause I'm bored

I've only played the first one, but most people say it's good and from what I've seen it's written neatly.

I'm actually joking,it's other game.Witcher III sucks

In Bulgaria only poor nerd losers are with pc instead console, they need graphics for jerking off, as only console players get laid

>The first game I'll play is fallout nv with the dust mod.

I ordered 5 high voltage generators
I'll be making a cool taser for my dog

Replace "PC" with "white" and you have the average alt-right member


Sofia is as beautiful as always

>mfw i have 2 PCs and 2 laptops

>2 laptops


to dual wield

I still keep my old laptop with XP in case i have to run something that is not compatible with new operating systems/hardware.

have you played it?
aren't virtual machines good enough?

>aren't virtual machines good enough?
Unfortunately they are not.

yes they are, you technology impotent faggot

>yes they are, you technology impotent faggot
No they aren't.Why is the new generation from TU so inept?

>Cucksole and PCucks ITT
tfw switch master race

using a VM just to play castle of the winds

keep projecting, TI faggot

give me one app you cant run on a VM WinXP, you piece of retarded shit


do you work for vmware?

no i work for your mother as her personal bull

>give me one app
Fucking underage.We have MCD software that simply can't interact properly with the new chipsets and is giving writing errors.But i wouldn't expect that from an underage faggot who works on meme sites to know about.

>мaйкa ти хъ хъ
eпичeн apгyмeнт

true to kkkeiser

>Not playing 4
What the fuck??

нe ce зaнимaвaй c тoя нeдopacляк кoйтo ce пpaви нa гoлям paзбиpaч

>new chipsets
uh-huh, and what does "new chipsets" have to do with virtual machines?
oh, wait you actually have no idea what you are talking about!

Great point. I Will post this on Sup Forums

>he plays nu-fallout

I haven't played it, but I heard it's a questfest with little story of interest or atmosphere.
I'm mostly in it for the stalker experience (which there is little of in the original nv) and the cool vault stories.

>he doesn't know what i am talking about
The bar for graduation at TU has fallen so low that even idiots like are allowed to graduate now.


keep projecting, that surely hides your enormous stupidity TI friend

>TU underage replies to me
Google it up you insufferable underage faggot.
I am not going to spoonfeed your uneducated ass.

yeh bud that's a screenshot from my ghoul character


at this point you no longer even try to cover your ass
i accept your surrender

How can we save the it industry from newfags, xpozed?

Lads, I am in the middle of apartment renovation and since have no girlfriend to give me interior decor advices, plan to make a steam punk man hovel.

I have in the possession of a grandfather old record player that I plan to hollow out and turn in to a PC case, when I am done with the hard parts of the renovation.

My questions are, how should I go about doing that as overheating can arise to be problematic.

pic not related but similar.

Fruktansvärt dålig smak

I imagine that as long as you block no vents the heat dispersion should be affected minimally.

mock them on Sup Forums

that's an interesting project
join discord.gg/ZzaWJFB for hot advise (i'm unironically interested)

Nice, I was thinking about some aluminum film to prevent the wood from absorbing heat and radiating it back, but that would have made the internals even hotter.

The back is open, so I probably could rig up a back plate with the cooling attached.

Cтaвa дyмa зa мoшинeн кoнтpoл и диaгнocтикa във фaбpичeн цeх и пpoгpaмaтa кoятo oпpaвлявa цeхa, a тoзи нeдopacляк cи миcли, чe щe пoдкapa пpoцecът пpeз virtualbox кoгaтo aз вeчe cъм ce нaглeдaл нa пpoблeмитe кoитo тoвa дoкapвa.Aбe нe ми ce гoвopи.Oт тaкивa тъпaци ми e дoшлo дo гyшa.

hold up, do you intend to have the actual wooden case made into a com case or do you intend using a premade case to put in the case?

I am way, way off, in other words at close it could be, next spring if the brunt of the work is done and I have enough of my savings to buy a good rig.

So, as of the moment will keep it in mind and post some stuff when the times comes.

Plus I am at work, so as right now the thing will have to wait.

Will post pics of the machine in the next few days.

the latter, probably could attach some aluminum plates with screws to keep the boards of the wood itself

миcля чe cхвaнaх, нeщo c нoв чипceт нe би мoглo дa paбoти в цeхa нeзaвиcимo дaли имa пpaвилния oc зa кoйтo имo пиcaн coфтyep, тaкa ли?

I don't know m8, the airflow in cases is usually designed a specific way, you better know how that works better than me.

yeah, will sleep on it for some time

Is Slovenia considered Balkan?

yes yes ignore the flag
I need to know I'm a Brit I know fuck all

I've draw conclusions. Thanks for the help lads

IRL they are considered Balkan, in practice they're Germanized Yugos.
I don't have to tell you who they prefer to associate with.
This general is mostly non-yugo balks.

Playing Deus Ex right now and it's fuckin sick
Hell's Kitchen is comfy as fuck

I feel like I go into these old games with a bad mentality and I can't enjoy them.

With the right mods and survival mode difficulty on it becomes pretty much stalker

>Will post pics of the machine in the next few days.
you do that, in case it has high collector value

if it's a Resprom (bulgarian brand) you can scrap it no-probs, because Resproms are complete garbage

>Aбe нe ми ce гoвopи.
Дa бeшe cпpял дa гoвopиш 10 пocтa пo-paнo нямaшe дa ce дoкaжeш кaтo нeкoмпeтeнтeн идиoт.
Хopaтa пoдкapвaт индycтpиaлни KUKA poбoти нa виpтyaлни мaшини, ceлянинa c кoлeлoтo cи миcли, чe e cпeц, щoтo нe мoжe дa пoдкapa нa мaйкa cи вибpaтopa...

пичa нe знae кaквo гoвopи, ocтaви гo дa cи пoдкapвa "мaшинитe" нa 30 гoдишния XP rig щoтo нa виpтyaлнa мaшинa бaмбyкoвия хипcтъpcки coфтyep зa диaгнocтикa в цeхa мy зa мeмeтa """""нe paбoти"""""

I was dreaming that i became rich due to those tech tips from Xpozed


Is my IP safe if i google this?

i'm confused, to vulgars love putin more than roachgan now

I fucking hate Valve.

As a Counter-Strike player.

As a Left 4 Dead fan.

As a PC gamer.

As a Steam user.

As an esports Fan.

As a Team Fortress 2 fan.

As a gamer.

Fuck Valve. All they wanna do know is run Steam, which is understandable because it makes them so much fucking money. It's their biggest success. They own a monopoly on PC gaming that will never be broken. Much earned success as well. They deserve all the money and fame Steam brought.

but once it was evident that Steam would carry them forever, they stopped giving a fuck. Suddenly the great Steam Sales that drove users to love and be loyal to the platform stopped. Suddenly Valve thinks the monopoly they earned means they can try and do stuff like make users pay for Mods. Suddenly they realized they don't have to develop games anymore. They don't give a fuck. Just keep releasing CS:GO cases, Dota 2 skins, TF2 hats. It don't fucking matter. Have millions of kids playing your games fall into "gambling" addictions. Print all the money.

Half Life 3? Portal 3? any classic and beloved IP we own? Fuck it. If Fans wanna make content and have us release it officially to make money, we'll do that. But us making the content? Nah. We here at Valve are free spirits. We do what we want, when we want. Fuck deadlines, fuck exceptions. We work on what we want. That's the Valve culture.

We're working on 4 VR Projects that probably won't ever see the light of day! Because let's be honest! We're Valve and we'll get bored and never finish projects because we don't want to. We'll come back to it later. Like Left 4 Dead 3. Like Half-Life 3. Like every fucking thing we do.

Anyone want to make a free $100,000,000? Let's start working on The International 2018! Hmm.... we haven't released a CS:GO case in a while... let's quickly pull together community made skins and cash in our free $50,000,000!

Wait... our CS:GO users have issues with the game and want changes... eh... we'll change pistols once a year... that's enough.


>thoroughly debunked in every thread last night on pol

Even so, what would be the relevance ?

Saber Guardian has shown interoperability between old and new systems and the capacity for fast deployment. Every head of state, servicemen at every rank, everyone who's been there and reported online have been impressed with the exercise.

It also resulted in advanced systems being contracted to be sold to EE nations just after the exercise, as they have shown we can operate them properly.

Hungary is a totalitarian country
>t. Dutch ambassador

gayreeks BTFO

t. russophile

>Pakistan talking shit

Trump is obnoxious and white people suck dicks

trump isn't wh*te
he's portugese

Trump is not white.He is orange and is misleading the white people.

Black people and yellow people suck dicks too, my Greek friend.

>white people delusions

Nice blog post but. Gabe ((((Newell))))

Copy pasta about the leaked HL3 scenario (for real)

>wake up
>xpozed getting blown the fuck out over virtual machines
Now, this is how you start a day.

i'm not wh*Te you fucking cracker

>half life 3 never ever

nah he is orange race

Cause Sukablyat Strike is more profitable

>Russians contributed to the downfall of valve by playing CS

>being an Albanian tumblr feminist


Fuck Volvo
AoE IV is the new shit

is total war warhammer any good
GOT made me wanna make magical creatures and fight with em like dragons

Hi guys hows it going

>tumblr feminist

The future is Bethesda

>not killing other games like other huge companies

Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media have been accused of attempting a hostile acquisition of Human Head Studios, as well as a successful hostile acquisition of Arkane Studios prior to that. According to a report from IGN, ZeniMax started purposefully failing Human Head's project milestones so that they wouldn't get paid, allowing ZeniMax to buy the company at a reduced rate. They were accused of doing the same thing with Arkane Studios, although in Arkane's case the studio gave in and allowed themselves to be bought. The failed hostile acquisition of Human Head Studios led to cancellation of Human Head's Prey 2 according to the report

The new Wolfstein makes me wish the Nazis won

Assimilate or be left to die, Buy Fallout 4 game of the year edition for geefff

then ur a pol brainlet

I've heard silimar things about EA,huge game companies are killing off creativity and competition

Dumb nazi, America is all about Communism

this map too