
uberman edition

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non white man with a PhD reporting in

dymaxion sounds like a black persons name

le monke face


need british bf to bully and humiliate me

did a big poo today

how big

Such a dork

post ur gf digimon

Just a friendlu rwminder than you could have born as an african

like 5 6 inches long tubes of poo
almost had to flush twice haha very proud

I too have a PhD in thugonomics

hello nigger

Or in Sinaloa

imagine being a Brit and saying dork
bet you say gross too

post her

legitimately can't think of any worse experience as a human than wanting to sleep but knowing you can't

How is it going your new life in Cyprus lad?

imagine being a cyprusfag


Real JF hours right now

bit hot

you an armed forces lad or an authentic greek

having blue balls desu

Imagine being in the armed forces



would unironically love it

meant for

new taylor swift single on spotify


it's easy as shit these days, nobody wants anything to do with them and they're running out of people kek

just show up with a year 12 certificate and weigh less than 100kg and the government will start throwing money at you

I'd join the USAF and get stationed at a base in England then defect and live with you :3

In a week you'll be used to

army is hard as fuck to get into these days lad. they'll knock you back over anything that could cost them a bit of money even 50 years down the line.

only sheilas allowed these days cobber

really? they came to my school 3 years ago with like 6 people and were begging everyone to do ADFA instead of going to uni

I think the entire ADF only has like 50,000 people anyway

might watch halt and catch fire
talk me out of it

dear god please let a meteor fortuitously pierce my cranium

good lad

you can't say cobber

might watch a pic of ur supposed gf Digimon

I really like Verve, it's a shame they have only one good album

ADFA is different. that's officer school, and they're trying to get people to avoid uni for that like you said to avoid just attracting dummies. ironically, enlisted positions are harder to get into which is probably what i'd prefer.

eating strawberry yogurt

urban hymns is great but their older stuff is good. They've been around yonks

Patrician taste thailad

why ever not

call the fucking king a fucking bender

really funny post right here everyone

Willy bum poo arse

Urban hymns is the best britpop album ever btw

no it isn't
be quiet

the king may or may not be a bender but i don't see how that's any of your business hmm?

Urban hymns is a funny way of saying be here now

nah it's that for years they said that the people they go for are athletic guys who've spent a lot of their life playing sport, particularly contact. now, they're actually cutting most of those guys over even small joint issues because they could potentially maybe unlikely have an injury and get rehabbed on the army's dollar.

every single person I know who is army was a lazy shit who didnt even touch a footy in high school while every footy guy i know who applied got knocked back.

Hmmm, why?

Hymn, why?

Pop music is for pussies and fags. Rock and roll is real man's music.

Going to sleep lads, may God bless us all

I did ADFA and the entrance requirements are still pretty high. A good fitness standard is generally around 50 pushups, 100 situps (nearly everyone does 100, but the test audio finishes at 100 anyway) and I can't actually remember what the good 2.4km scores are; beep-test-wise though, 12 .1 to 14.1 is considered good.

I think the highest amount of pushups I saw done were around 85 - keep in mind that it's to a cadence, so it's notably harder than at your own pace.

Nite lad

Tell me about Australian economics,

still thinking about how thailad BTFO that aussie
pretty impressive

still thinkin about how Digimon should post his gf's feet

Wait, who are you?

Wish me good night, please.
Night, bud.

the christian god?


>having sex with girl
>both really drunk
>i pass out during have no idea what happened after that
>she wakes me up by making out with me in the morning
>feel weird for some reason
was i raped???

nite and good luck with the summer

just a random Brazilian

Night buddy

Is having sex really as fun as it looks lads?

oh yeah, my issue with ADFA isn't fitness or anything. I have been told that a lot of guys who enlist post university and receive officer rankings through that are looked down upon, and I can see why.

i'd much rather enter as an enlisted man and learn how things operate like that. you get a lot more respect, and are more in tune with the guys you are commanding.

>implying white english children are not savages

The God that you believe the most

got an exam in two hours lads

It's fun if it's with someone you really like instead of some rando you met on Grindr because you were bored.

savages to the foreigner maybe

may I bless us all

in what

to be fair, she was just flaunting her hair there in front of them

Yea I guess so

what does girl's skin feel like

hello lads


>there are people ITT who unironically listen to pop music instead of Rock and fucking Roll.

in this case from now on the feminists have nothing on me then :^)

dumb digimon frogposter

Fair enough but I just did ADFA completely fresh out of year 12 and for the most part they reach you some good stuff, and at least we get to avoid going to Kapooka which is a god awful shithole. There are also a lot of different pathways depending on where you want to go enlisted or not, ADFA starts off with a stupid-easy 4-6 week course that covers basics like F88 training and some fieldcraft, and there's also multiple training events that build on that, but Navy does their own training prior to ADFA, Army has SSTs (training on uni holiday periods) where they learn 2/3 of their Army training (the last 1/3 is 6 months at Duntroon after ADFA) and Air Force just gets by with the bare basics (a ground defence training course) unless you're becoming a forward air controller, in which case you go through 18 months of Duntroon as well. Either way you have to do a lot of time consuming shit before getting posted anywhere



candyfloss and lemonade

post toot mang

Doesn't mean you can go around raping too

haha who remembers this?

>posters are all yanks

if you see a poster from france here, tell him to post toot