Why didn't Germany build up NAZI loyalists again in their government...

Why didn't Germany build up NAZI loyalists again in their government. police after WWII so they live to fight another day?

Because the FR Germany is a vassal state of the USA since its creation? Nothing happens in the Bundestag outside the surveillance of their American overlords.

Because no one is stupid enough to shit their pants that badly again, no matter how crazy, not even Germany.

What makes you think we didn't? The new police was full of old police officers. It couldn't have been any other way. You can't exchange an entire population on the fly. The Allies could only persecute the very upper echelons of the Nazi state.

But because we lost a colonial war the way we did (as brutal and decisive and definitive) and because the nuclear age began we immediately realized (in contrast to everybody else) that the age of geopolitics is over. This is the age of geoeconomic. So we switched and have been very successful with it.

>tfw the EU is just a german attempt at gaining hegemony over the rest of europe

You're wrong mate. The EU decreases Germany's standing in Europe for the benfit of increasing its and in fact every other EU member state's standing in the world. Without the EU we would be less important in the world but much more important in Europe.

the eu has given germany what it cannot gain in war

Actually they couldn't remove most of the nazis for practical reasons, you can't replace the entire administration.
It took years to lose the bad blood.

There was a lot of continuity in personnel between the Second Reich, Weimar, National Socialism, and both post-war regimes. Germany was more like Austria and Japan in terms of the embarrassing number of ex-fascists in office until the 70s

>acting surprised when this has been the common anti-German theme in all your newspapers for years now

>bad blood.

Indeed. As Kissinger put it: Poor Germany: too big for Europe, too small for the world.
So we blanda'd up to be the right size for Europe and big enough for the world.

>sucks nazi cock
>is from a country the nazis recked
every time

>So we blanda'd up to be the right size for Europe and big enough for the world.
Actually Germany is not the right size for Europe. Before reunification it might have been since it was just as big as France and the UK and thus prevented anyone from claiming that the Germans are dominating again, now that we have a larger population and economy than both of them we are seen as the evil one responsible for all bad things

Non meme the ideologically Soviet controlled Stasi wiped out any viable Nazi remnants in Eastern Germany. In the West some few may have remained but the now very apologetic ruling elites aligned, and even converted to, American-British values so overwhelmingly as to effectively wipe out National Socialism.

There's no real continuity in between the third reich and today's German neo-Nazis despite their efforts to rally around a handful of figures bridging the generational gap. The best evidence for this is while WWII Nazis respected the British and may have been disapointed not to make allies out of them they were never Anglophiles nor did they see them as racial equals, whereas today neo-Nazis are strongly influenced by Americans and the colonial concept of "whiteness", for the most part they don't understand their nation in the same way their counterparts in the 1930's-1940's did.

Also non meme Nazis were fucking evil incarnate, most capable and educated people in post-war Germany did come to realize this eventually regardless of whether they may have mantained some of their previous personal allegiances. The current tide of white nationalism is for the most part unrelated to pan-Germanism or Nordicism, even if many of the dumb fucks involved like to appropiate the iconography of these movements. Yes, there are exceptions.

Sort of how Russia feels post USSR.

That is a bit of an exaggeration. The Soviets coopted ex-Nazis in East Germany rather than purging them, including in the secret police, and simply declared that everything was fine now because there was no more capitalism

They did co-opted them, they also made sure there were plenty of Kommissars stamping out ideological deviation, that was in fact the Stasi's main job.

I don't think you could call anyone of those Nazis after that.

Im not saying they made no mistake.
Invading countries that would have joined the national socialism in time was one of the mistakes

would have NL joined at the time? That's curious, tell me about your politics at the time of Hitler.

You mean how Russia feels post USSR about its former role within the USSR?

Yea, I guess, they can't really play superpower, but they also can't join a regional anything without dominating it.
Not exactly the same, but they do feel to be stuck in an inbetween.
You could call them a regional power, but that would be underselling them imo.

You may get that impression if you only read negative press about Germany. In fact we have quite a number of allies within the EU for each topic. If we didn't we would have been isolated and no chance to push our policies. Hence, we actually do have the right size for Europe since enough countries feel that they can work with us nad are happy to form a blocks with us on certain topics.
There will always be antagonists, though, That's just the nature of politics. That doesn't mean that we see ourselves opposite a united front.
Politics isn't there to make you feel good. It's to achieve things.

East germany switched from being nazi to victors of history from one moment to the next when they came under Soviet influence. They never did the tedious work over decades to confront the Nazi past as the West did. Of course because it's much more convenient, but it's wrong to say they were cleaner. Hell, it was pretty common in the NVA to celebrate Hitler's birthday.

NSB was growing big in the 30s.
They were a huge supporter of nazi Germany

>Why didn't
but they did. Because there was nobody else after the war they literally put officials in office who were nazi loyalist. They did the same after the collapse of the GDR.

Well, Russians may feel about it that way now, but it was different actually. The USSR really was a colonial project of Russia. If you will, decolonization finished only in the 90s, a whole lot later after Western Europe decolonized.

Germany's role within the EU is in stark contrast to that. It may be a primus inter pares but that's not institutionally. It's merely an effect of France's current weakness. And for the smaller member states theEU is rather some kind of affirmative action. That's oposite of what happens in Empires like the USSR. Empires emphasize the center at the expense of the periphery. In the EU the center goes out of it's way to strengthen the preiphery.

>we immediately realized (in contrast to everybody else) that the age of geopolitics is over. This is the age of geoeconomic. So we switched and have been very successful with it.
>implying this was planned by someone or even a heterogeneous collective spanning various generations with widely different ideological views

>They did the same after the collapse of the GDR.
Put Nazi sympathizers in government positions?

Fair enough, tho I wouldn't go as far as to say East Germans didn't have to reckon with their Nazi past. The ideological and authoritarian leanings of Soviets aside they did suffer greatly in the war and were not exactly gracious in occupation.

Token acts of resistance aside, ideological indoctrination during the communist era was no meme, the Soviets did in fact ensure National Socialism was dead and not in their way.

no, put some unironic tankies into office.
You know regime loyalists. tankies and natsocs are not that big of a difference.

There was no mastermind behind it but it was still a concerted effort of some sort. Since the military was disavowed, the elite fled into the economy and diplomacy, until it became very clear not only that it is a very successful strategy but also why.

But for that matter, no project of any society that spans several decades or more can be thought of as a conscious process. This doesn't take anything away that by now we have very capable people in the ministries (state secretaries, under secretaries and the whole range of sherpas which make up the deep state) that has a deeper understanding of cause and effect of geoeconomics, as well as a superb managerial class which head all those countless so calle dhidden champions.

The chief of staff and most important advisor of chancellor Adenauer wrote the Nuremberg Race Laws in Nazi times

As the saying goes: West Germany got rid of the Nazi ideology but kept the generals, East Germany did the opposite. You wouldn't understand how things work in a communist police state if you hadn't lived under one (I did). Verbally denouncing fascists and national socialists and imperialists is encouraged, even if you're using the very same methods of those you criticize.
It's the same thing in Russia now. They're verbally bashing fascism in the shrillest tones, yet they themselves are a fascist state.

I didn't mean to equate them in any moral sense or to imply that Russia is or was in any way benevolent toward it's sphere.
They are committed to replicating their own flawed system now as they were then.
The difference is then they had the power to do it and now they really struggle.

I don't know about that. Obviously Russia is much weaker in Eastern Europe but abandoning Marxism gives today's Kremlin an ideological flexibility its propaganda the Comintern lacked

Yeah, I agree.

Also true, but on the other hand they can't simply send tanks anymore like they did in '53 in Germany, '56 in Hungary or '68 in Prague. They may look scary now with their hybrid warfare and subversive propaganda techniques which are unrestrained from any ideology, and indeed they are. But they're a lot less dangerous than before.