Do You Like Hot Indian Men?

Do You Like Hot Indian Men?

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What joy do you guys get from making fun of poor countries?

it's not joy but through the debasement of others they find a faction of themselves

that's Sup Forums fun

Show bobs

Unironically, White Women Love Indian Guys. I'm So Jelly.

They Collects White Pussies.

Do you legitimately find these photographs disgusting or nauseating or do you just say that to make us feel bad? Like do these pictures actually make you want to puke, or unless you were brainwashed by your liberal education, would it not automatically strike you that the creatures in the pictures are homo sapiens?

Why are taking this so personal pajeet? Koreans are called ugly plastic cucks in nearly every thread and they just take it by the stride.

It's just bantz m8.

Babby's first psychological concept. Why do people especially on Sup Forums spam the "le projecting" argument so much? Just parroting because they don't know anything else I guess.

India is too much meme

implying OP is a korean and not some wh*Te expat

Do you want me to believe this is real?

you never know

Sorry for giving you a hard time with my existence.


I doubt it. I know firsthand that one of the more regular Thailand posters is white but most posters from Korea tend to be natives.

It might be for dogs or something.

But the message in Hindi says "Eating on the carpet is forbidden."


no they do know anything else

because when you eliminate the other rationalities there is not much left

no one said anything about projection, there is no hidden insecurities here

why would a faceless nameless person start a thread in the negative about something entirely unrelated to him


Indian taking a shower

You shouldn't make fun of children mate...

Indians are rather ugly.

Probably one of the least attractive people on this planet. Besides blacks.

they're plastic vessel doll, hence the lack of soul of humanity. you should've understand that by now, m8.

Yeah, but do you actually want to throw up, for example after seeing this guy.

Why is India poor? There's so many smart people there, it seems like you guys should be pretty developed by now.

No, but they do look filthy.

nigger what? practice reading comprehension

>Hot Indian Men

>They've evolved to use poo as a defense mechanism

How about turning off your internet for a while? All those hours in Sup Forums can be unhealthy for you.
Why do Westerners have such bizarre skewed up perceptions about poor countries? Why don't you realise that poor people who live without running water and sanitation and wealthy people who can afford housing and education both exist in every third-world country. People on the internet have unironically asked me why I shit in the streets. When I said since I have internet access I must be having a toilet as well, they ask "Why don't you use it."


>Why don't you realise that poor people who live without running water and sanitation and wealthy people who can afford housing and education both exist in every third-world country
I do, that's why I'm asking what your affluent population has done for them.

I can't just walk outside and fix everything, can I? Besides India is among the least socialist and most classist societies in the world.

Most of the stains are from "paan" not shit.

I'm just asking what the political/social climate is like there.
>Besides India is among the least socialist and most classist societies in the world
I'll just take this as an answer, I guess.


Like Khat eh...

Yes. A lot of people keep spitting after chewing on walls and stuff.


What about this guy? I'm not asking about how unlikely he is to get pussy in your country. I'm asking are you actually repulsed by the sight of him?

He's fucking hideous

>I do
because you live in a third world country

>what your affluent population has done for them.
What has your affluent population done for the poor of America?

Man haven't seen anyone chew that for more than a decade.
How common is that in the indian subcontinent.

What's with those spoons? Indian skin static?

He looks like a sex pest.

I think India is cool desu
Indians are generally not very nice to look at but pretty much every non-Caucasoid race is repulsive in comparison.

I don't understand, what is so amusing in this picture?
Very common especially among the elderly.

>I don't understand, what is so amusing in this picture?
If you have to ask then you are part of the problem.

>I don't understand, what is so amusing in this picture?

No, really, explain. I don't get it.

no, i am rarely repulsed by the sight of people

he has a funny mustache but apart from that a rather average look with fat cheeks

i like that he smiles, most of us rarely smile

that's actually a pretty cool and ingenious idea

Explain the coke bottles pls

>but pretty much every non-Caucasoid race is repulsive in comparison.



Don't give the refugees any ideas.

It's considered worth your time in india to jury rig a flotation vest out of trash rather than just buying one?

Aren't Indians Caucasoid? They have a square shaped head.

still no reading comprehension, you completely misunderstood what I was saying pajeet

people have gone from lightly bantering india to cruelly bullying them


Actually Indians do make me sick. The though that I might speak with Pajeets on a board without flags and value him as an equal also makes me sick.

Hot Indians you say?

Overpopulation just make cities crowded, nothing more.
Japan is overpopulated too.

I like how the one who actually started the fire managed to get away unhurt.

Completely different living standards for both and I think India's much more overpopulated.

1. India is even more crowded
2. Japan could be even wealthier too with less overpopulation

the pajeet in this thread is such a crybaby

>Wah wah, people on Sup Forums make fun of my nationality
Pajeet, look, you gotta suck it up.
Everyone else is subjected to bants and sucks it up, some better, some worse.

Brazilians-sopa de macaco
China-soulless insectoid race
America-shart in mart

You ought to suck up like everyone else, just because they make fun of you, doesn't mean they're from Sup Forums.

Why are Indians so based?

Pakis get more shit than pajeets.
>bacha pazi
>muslim poo
>allahu akbar
Some of it doesn't even make any sense. I just do what any user does and revert to ad hominen attacks and cherry picked images of our girls which reminds me

Average paki girl

don't let the slant get to you, korean gooks are so famously ugly that they have to systematically surgically alter their faces just to look presentable. Even other Asians like the Japanese think they look like shit. He's just taking his frustrations out on you.

Where does she keep her fuse?


Indians are very ugly in general, but some of the light skin women are ok.

* lighter skin people look better
Just be honest with yourself Sven.

I'm into your trickery PIDF, trying to turn Sup Forums pro-pakistan by posting qts from your country

That's also true yes. Still it's more than just the skin tone. It's the bone structure, hair...



Are you the guy from South India who Brags about the solar airport and how his area isn't really actually that poo?

It is just banter, Dr. Vankarashijotra M Shivarajnawallah

Dude don't worry people are just having their fun. You guys just lost in the country meme lottery.

No. I am from West Bengal.

Wait are you guys allowed on Sup Forums? I don't think I have ever seen a Chinaman on here... Ni Hao shenme mingze. Lau she hao. DUE BU DUE!!!!

Oh, there's this guy who keeps defending his region from the very South. Hey can you please tell me a good recipe for masala chai?

stop fighting chinese at the border. wtf are you doing

Uh, West Bengal doesn't border China

I like Indians as a whole, they get a bad rep on Sup Forums because of meme spouting autists but they're okay people. Country looks nice too, you just need to avoid certain areas like any other.

They are

ching cho

I prefer spicy indian women

Great personality


>yfw you realize that india has nukes