Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians? Srs. Is it genetics?
Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians? Srs. Is it genetics?
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material wealth
chinese genetics and heritage
US support.
>Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians?
They're not tho.
Tiny dicks
>muh american support
Then why is the Philippines not developed as well?
Why is it that only East Asians (don't confuse this for chinks) are the only Asians capable of developing good civilizations and countries in Asia.
Gyeongju and Kyoto are the Kind of Sister Cities. It is historically culturally similar. The Japanese king came to Gyeongju to perform ancestral rites several times.
Sorry but it's not.
They are historically too intertwined with Japan.But It is. Even though I Don't Like Southern East Part of South Korea. They are historically too intertwined with Japan.
Because the US didn't need the Philippines to be strong to contain the USSR.Hell, Australia needs US support to thrive as well. As what is essentially an island nation by an archipelago, they need a strong naval force to escort all their over seas shipping. Before the US, it was the UK. Why do you think Canberra agreed to go into all of those American wars Australia has no stake in?
we wuz japanese
Japan didnt interwined with korean tho
There are several scholars who claim that South Korea's southeastern dialects are the origin of the Japanese language.
Stop presenting shameful display
Probably all the dumb ones have killed themselves. Both countries have the highest suicide rates.
>Because the US didn't need the Philippines to be strong to contain the USSR
>what is history
Do you forget that Japan was a legitimate power from the mid 19th century all the way to the mid 20th one? Do you forget they built their country from being a war torn shithole within literal decades? Do you forget you never had an intention to make Korea strong or developed?
If the "inferior" and "stupid" Asians makes the standard, would these two are still "more intelligent"?
Ego and family ego
So basically
Because the Philippines is occupied by the Americans.
More Americans = more stupidity.
>Do you forget that Japan was a legitimate power from the mid 19th century all the way to the mid 20th one?
Almost as if something happened during the mid 20th century that caused it to collapse.
> Do you forget they built their country from being a war torn shithole within literal decades?
Almost as if they had help. grips.ac.jp
>Do you forget you never had an intention to make Korea strong or developed?
"From 1953 to 1974, when grant assistance dwindled to a negligible amount, the nation received some US$4 billion of grant aid. About US$3 billion was received before 1968, forming an average of 60 percent of all investment in South Korea. As Park's policies took effect, however, the dependence on foreign grant assistance lessened. During the 1966-74 period, foreign assistance constituted about 4.5 percent of GNP and less than 20 percent of all investment. Before 1965 the United States was the largest single aid contributor, but thereafter Japan and other international sponsors played an increasingly important role.
During the mid-1960s, South Korea's economy grew so rapidly that the United States decided to phase out its aid program to Seoul…
United States assistance ended in the early 1970s"
Also, the United States has been a major importer of South Korean goods for decades. Even though it has dropped since the turn of the century, it still takes in about 15% of South Korean Exports.
This isn't some jingoistic chant, this is just geopolitics.
>As Park's policies took effect
Do people forget it's only because of his policies that things REALLY turned around?
They are comming
Why irrelevant white pig are always summoning them?
usual Japanese never think gooks are intelligent.
Aren't Signapore and Hong Kong way more educated?
usual Japanese never think netouyos are intelligent.
Are u upset zainichi or proxy? XD
How have they ever contributed to the world?
That's not what this thread is about. The US has contributed a massive amount to the world but half their population are practically chimpanzees.
$4 billion is a pittance for a nation.
Actually, I remember hearing that the use of logo-graphic scripts (I.e. Kanji) has a lot to do with it, as it requires the reader to think abstractly, which is something most IQ tests test for.
Genetics and most of all cultures that promote hard-working people and condemn lazy, aggressive, irresponsible people.
Absurd work ethic + competitive enviroment + dishonor ending in sudoku = natural selection where everyone is either hardworking or smart to the point where they outclass everyone else as to not shame their famiries
Basically this, the US forced capitalism on them for their own good, while most of the rest of Asia got ignored or went communist.
not so much US support, as just being the most willing to adapt to the best parts of western culture thanks to US intervention.
because their skin is white