My silly opinion about the current status-quo (I said opinion and not fact): It's 21st century and we are still talking about nationalism.. about making countries great again.. about being alone in your own country. We still haven't learned that we, people, are the same, whatever country we come from. The only things that differ are our education and beliefs. We still haven't learned that people should work together, past the differences, fight against terror, teach each other.. It is sad that evolution and our history didn't teach us anything. We grew up to be a bunch of idiots ruled by media and bunch of trumpers because we ore too stupid to think for ourselves and say... hey.. lets see what this is about? what am I voting.. what to I want? My opinion is that they wanted to destroy Europe/EU, it started to be strong and maybe wasn't a good thing. I wish you the best, UK and hope sincerely you won't regret this decision.
Do you agree?
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No. Noone is created equal, nobody wants the same things and there are still genuine evil people in this world
>We still haven't learned that we, people, are the same
But this is demonstrably untrue.
If we're all the same, then why are you trying so hard to make everyone the same?
tell that to africa and china, they are the majority of the worlds population, not britain
>we, people, are the same, whatever country we come from
No, you filthy gypsy. I am superior to you.
This is all just a natural step in a broader cycle
who is this man?
Oswald spengler
Wrote "the decline of the west" which claims humanity don't move in a straight line forward but in broader cycles
aleister crowley
alright, thanks
its funny how the weaker countries preach globalism and stronger countries want nationalism.
I'm down, Race and gender are just easy distinctions to make to distract and divide the masses so they can run away with the pension funds
there u go m8, some cultures are better than others. if everyones equal and we are all the same then go live in some third world shit then you can preach about how we are all equal
We have more in common than we do different
The weaker countries want globalism because it provides them something they are incapable of obtaining in their current situation. They don't realize it just makes them even more dependent on others and therefore weaker in the end.
Alright, I'll bite. What would examples of these be OP?
Anatomy, laughter, facial expressions, the soul.
That hardly seems like similarities that would result in a cohesive and compatible society. Is there anything else you can add?
You don't think the soul can prevent the mind from causing chaos?
Has it worked so far?
This idiotic belief that things like fear, hatred, violence, can be ended by simply holding hands and singing kumbaya...
That's what's wrong with stupid liberals.
World peace cannot be achieved without a single world government.
And that government would have to be totalitarian dictatorship with a perfect ruler like a computer.
The only other option for world peace would be killing off all humans.
Those are the only ways possible that idiotic notions like "being inclusive" and "everyone being equal" can ever be realized.
But until then the only intelligent way to run a country is to be selfish and make sure that as little useless people enter the country as possible
and the ones who are already useless starve until they get off their lazy asses.
cheeto mussolini