I am outraged that he made this highly offensive tweet and facing no consequences. Please sign the petition for Viacom to warn/punish/fire him.
I am outraged that he made this highly offensive tweet and facing no consequences. Please sign the petition for Viacom to warn/punish/fire him.
Who the fuck is this nigger?
Based Trevor Noah. Where's the petition to get OP banned?
no, redpill trevor noah by getting the Anti Defamation League and all that to shit all over him for daring to badmouth God's chosen. Sounds like he needs a reminder that mixed racers still rank behind jews on the oppression totem pole
>redpilling mongrels
the funniest of memes
That's was funny and true. Fuck you
When did humor become so sensitive? There's always been offended parties, but now it's to a level that can kill a career in the span of a minute.
>posted in 2014
A south african. Even our coloureds are red pilled
let the niggers and jews fight each other, fracturing the leftists even more
>How is a fact racist
Lmao, can't believe his nigger liberal ass just used this as a defense. Facts aren't racist Trevor unless they are pointing out that blacks are the most violent people in America.
>how is a fact racist?
The mental gymnastics these people must do to live out their life with no shame while being a complete hypocrite.
Trever Noah used to be funny. Then he went to America and tried too hard to be American.
>Trevor Noah
>red pilled
He literally shits on white south Africans and white Americans every chance he gets. He isn't red pilled, he's just another black guy who makes a living whining about white society while benefiting from it. Only reason he called out kikes was so he could bitch that a white (niggers think Jews are white) guy makes more than a nigger that's good at rhyming.
You're delusional if you think he's red pilled.
He cashed in and sold his soul.
Most of his jokes are probably written by liberal jews now.
Thats what makes this past comment of his so funny.
Shut up kike, you and everyone else who actually has looked into Jewish control of media industry knows it's accurate.
The only reason you kike and JIDF fags are sensitive and trying to hide the fact instead of being proud for your success is because you fuckers have malicious intentions behind your business operating procedures.
This. He is literally a poc token used by liberals to pander towards their agenda. He's way out of place in the daily show
Couldn't care less about this nigger, but I'm glad to see him ask, "how is a fact racist?"
guys, time to bring out the hardcore twitter accounts and side with him for telling it like it is and not letting the merchants silence him
The merchants aren't silencing him, they're giving him content to speak about
While trying to get him fired and silenced for stating a factual observation supported with empirical data, and yet screaming that its not true and to say it is is antisemitic (racist)
I'm actually kind of envious we didn't come up with that quip, that's a pretty good one
This is actually pretty-red pilled of a statement, as much as I dispise Trevor Noah.
Google Bert Padell. When Biggie said no worries there, my accountant handles that, he was talking about that guy.
Funny fact, Bret Padell is worth serious millions doing all the taxes and whatnot for the whose who in hiphop and entertainment in general, yet the cheap fucker uses a fucking reduced fair metrocard to get the subway into wallstreet. That is how jewish this guy is.
Nah he does good work turning liberals away from liberalism.
>how is a fact racist
As much as I think he's a faggot, I'm not gonna try to get him fired for the one true thing he's ever put out there. Sorry, user.