Be American

>Be American
>wear shoes to bed

>Be Singaporean
>Can't chew gum

You will never know the joy of pic related

>be singaporean
>get arrested for littering

do americans really do this?

>Be American
>Microwave your shoes in the fridge

The only person I've ever known who did this was a legitimately schizophrenic Romanian

yea, strange culture

What if there's a fire and you need to run out of your house?

>Why are Americans so shit at chess?
>because they already lost 2 towers.

>be American
>wear shoes in the shower

Well you got to wash your shoes somehow.

>Wearing stinky shoes

>be American
>rides freedom scooter into Walmart
>slips on wet floor
>crashes and explodes

That's when you sue the store for 30 million

>Repeating the same joke from a previous thread

>Be Singaporean
>Have a peanut dick

>be american
>fridge is full of shoes
>no food

>be American
>invites guests for dinner
>tells guests to keep their shoes on

>home of the brave
>brave enough to get shot

>Be American
>Be fat
>Take 10 waddles down the road
>Get shot up by Tyrone
>He takes your wallet
>Roll to the hospital using your own grease to more or less glide there
>Have to pay 120k because Trump care best care
>Motorized wheelchair home (Another $2k)
>Watch news on how current generation of peaceful protestors and college students have another "Peaceful" protest about education, and basic economics.
>Take a swig of your "Heavy Cream Wet Dreamâ„¢" transfat drink
>Feel your heart stop beating because it's covered in fat
>Cry a single cholesterol tear as you whisper
"God Bless America"

>be American
>wear shoes to bed
>catch bus to school
>get bullet in head