How redpilled are the other boards?
I've tried to gauge Sup Forums's level, but it is a mixed result:
How redpilled are the other boards?
I've tried to gauge Sup Forums's level, but it is a mixed result:
Other urls found in this thread:
the other boards are filled with Reddit cancer
so is this board
Sup Forums was until reddit discovered it.
someone needs to post the image of the redditors confirming that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are closest boards to reddit content.
>implying Sup Forums isn't the closet board to Sup Forums content
you wish, you guys and Sup Forums always steal their memes.
can only speak to the other boards I lurk, but
> Sup Forums is total fucking cancer, was once told I can't be right-leaning and appreciate music
> /fit/ is actually pretty levelheaded
> /ck/ doesn't care
Sup Forums isn't even a real board. It's a fucking meme
"redpilled" means being old as fuck apparently
Yes, people who have more experience tend to me more aware of how the world works.
we all knew everything when we were 20
turns out, we were all just most easily manipulated at that age because corporations tailor their marketing towards that age group
Speak for yourself you mouth breathing troglodyte
>Trump's family's original name generations ago was Drumpf, everyone call him Drumpf
>How dare you call Bruce Jenner by the name he was known for decades
What do you think of /tg/?
It's almost like people who were raised with less liberal brainwashing actually less retarded.
redpilled means remembering a time before the EU rubbed it's ugly hands apparently.
Its almost as if retired people want more social benefits, while young people want a bigger potential job market.
neo Sup Forums's definition of being redpilled is being out of touch with the modern world.
these turds literally want to regress back to the 50's by banning technology like smartphones and fuel efficient cars.
Sup Forums is definitely anti-Sup Forums, they aren't called Sup Forumsmblr for nothing
It's a quality board.
Sup Forums is one of the most blue-pilled boards on this website, even /lgbt/ is more redpilled than them.
They aren't full-blown SJW's, but they're mostly annoying in that they think anything that goes against the popular thought currently being acknowledged by the masses, is some super secret conspiritard bullshit.
All the porn boards are redpilled.
Sup Forums is the same near-blue-pilled kiddy-dark corner it always has been where they try to be within an acceptable level of fringe.
/tg/ is mostly full of people now that have accepted that being an SJW is stupid, but are still apprehensive about things like being against race-mixing, etc.
Sup Forums I have no fucking idea, it's like everyone on that board is either full on anti-SJW, or either full-on SJW. Lots of shilling either way.
/vr/ is a neutral board.
Sup Forums is a neutral board.
Exchange jews with Greys or Reptilians for /x/ and you have sci-fi Sup Forums
/k/ is redpilled.
All the anime boards I haven't the faintest since I never go on them.
/r9k/ is fake redpilled.
Sup Forums is a cancer.
What makes you think that? Except for this one statistic where they agree with you.
Experience can often lead to the belief that you know all that is to know, even if you don't. This often makes people too certain of incorrect or unjustified beliefs.
Decent article here:
It was nice before the great purges of several years ago, which killed all history, alternative history, and adventure threads.
/k/ is ok.
/fit/ is pretty red-pilled, except during summer
rest of boards are DUDE WEED N ANIMAYS BRO
Sup Forums is half people from Sup Forums, and half people mocking them.
Its a subtle and fine entertainment to see the typical Sup Forumstard get trolled into fits of rage.
Sup Forums is literally blue-pilled. Probably one of the most sheltered and socially-ignorant board out there because even video games make you interact with people these days (granted it's generally with other people that only interact with people through video games). The only reason they show a semblance of red-pill is because Tumblr SJWs are taking over their industry and they hate it. They wouldn't give a shit if it didn't affect their little echo chamber.
>using the work cuck or cucks
you have to be 18+ to post here
/tg/ sometimes has some SJWs
Sup Forums has been always been at cuck levels, however Sup Forums autism has been getting worrying as of late. Hate seeing the random autist trying to "politically enlighten" people on Sup Forums or /jp/.
>he thinks they're being ironic
No, lots of NeoGAF users browse Sup Forums, that's why.
90% of Sup Forums is hardcore blue pilled on top of having the shittiest taste imaginable.
But the other 10% are firm red pills as far as I know.
Nice board, but one of the most cucked. Any remotely race or gender related joke causes butthurt among at least a few.
>he gets shat on by Sup Forums autists and takes it seriously
top drawer lel
>he gets shat on by Sup Forums autists and takes it seriously
I don't care in the slightest. Probably because I never respond to people who reply to my posts on there.
That seems to be a general problem and not really /tg/.
Go do that shit in any other board and you'll get similar responses
Before anyone names /his/, reminder that board is much, much more politically diverse thAn Sup Forums
/tg/ is really bluepilled, but there are a few threads that are almost obnoxiously redpilled, and whenever political arguments break out the right-wingers dominate everything. Some of the most savage bantz I have ever seen in my life erupted on /tg/.
The SoS guys are so openly right wing that the lead developer is regularly banned for funposting. The last time it happened, he made a game about space nazis during the ban and released it the second he got back. Fucking based game too.
BtG and Historical Wargames threads are also pretty good.
Generals killed Sup Forums.
there's a really big crossover between gaming related boards and /pol
I wonder why?
You fucking faggots
ah the young people who haven't been effected by it and would vote like the older people when they get old are complaining because old peoples votes apparently don't matter
>Sup Forums
Second most blue-pilled after Sup Forums
>not tumblr at all
Fake as fuck.
>/x/ is less tumblr than Sup Forums
Some general threads are pretty redpilled
This is now a Marvel Civil War thread
Don't complain it's about a war so it is Sup Forums
>> /ck/ doesn't care
/ck/ hates Sup Forumscat more than any other board on Sup Forums
Surprised s4s isn't higher, the ironic shitposting and all.
And more ellobarotive source?
>manchildren reading comic books
You need to get into sociology more
So what board is crossboarded the most with us?
It's /k/ right?
>I like /k/, even if they hate our guts
I would argue this is rarely the case. People tend to lock their world view down as they first get a taste for how big it is because "we're right, they're wrong" is a lot simpler than having to grow wiser through life. In general if you're old you're either.
A. Even minded since young adult-hood and have become wiser every day of your life becoming an interesting and informative sage.
B. The same idiot that you where when you left high-school except a lifetime more bitter as you've lived an unfulfilling life you could never quite get ahead in due to things always not turning out as you'd like them to.
The few wise old men I know are extremely hard to pin down politically as their views have only grown more complicated with time.
>young people want a bigger potential job market
And they refuse to entertain the idea that maybe the purpose of multiculturalism and "diversity" and the "refugee crisis" is to flood Europe with low-skilled subhumans in order to make the job market more competitive and keep wages stagnant (it is). But, nope. That's racist.
>People think majority of Sup Forums is bluepilled
Difference between not wanting you guys to shit up our board and being "bluepilled"
It's all a guess, but if we're going by ratio, it could easily be one of the smaller boards.
In terms of actual numbers, I'd say Sup Forums, easily.
/vp/oreon here. It's a bit of a tossup.
On one hand, nobody there really likes niggers. Even the niggers don't, though that may just be because of a handful of very obnoxious black Pokemon Youtubers. There is also a very strong Trump presence, especially after the announcement of this cheeky lil cunt.
On the other hand, that's really it. There's not really any race mixing in Pokemon games, and I think none at all in the show, so more red-pilled topics rarely come up.
That's probably the most popular reason to dislike Sup Forums on Sup Forums
But Sup Forums refuses to believe that
It has to be some deep conspiracy, how could a board POSSIBLY be annoyed by them
I check /fit/ from time to time and it's definitely more redpilled than it was a year ago.
No, there isn't. /RWBYg/ got the boot because of the red pills that were dropping. And that one Weissfag, but we don't talk about him any more.
You can barely have a discussion about Captain America anymore without someone rushing in and defending the Falcon taking over. Nobody says anything about Wilson being black before someone goes "Muh sidekick for decades! He deserves it!"
And I like Wilson. But the board is blue-pilled af.
I love a good joke no matter the expense. The problem is on other boards you get a lot of people trying the "haha fuck niggers, but IT"S A JOKE!!! HA DON"T BE SO UPSET". If the oppion is stronger than the humor it comes off as desperate and you get told to fuck off. If you've got something pretty damn clever I think people tend to appreciate it, I know I do.
Sup Forums is a very sad tale. These were of the culture who gave us the red pill metaphor. They had pretty stupid ideas but they were the original red-pill. They knew that the ultimate degeneration of their lifestyle would come from corporate consumerism and tried to put up so many safeguards to try and keep them out. They underestimated Jewish tricks. The Jews knew that the wall would not be undermined by infiltration, but by temptation. They appealed to Sup Forums's technophilia, they seized the means of technology and blurred the lines of ethics and abused them so quickly that before anyone could respond the entire world was part of the corporate botnet. Sup Forums has sold out its roots to return to the Matrix and because of these people abandoning their principals, the entire information structure modern world is under the thumb of a select few.
>RWBYg got the boot because they shat up the board with Sup Forumsshit
No way
>You can barely say racist shit about Falcon before someone tells you to fuck off because you're shitting up the board with Sup Forumsshit
Oh my god get the press!
Kids might be aware of the latest playground fashions, but grown ups know actual things.
Sup Forums has been turning the tide though.
There are more people against censorship, which is a leftist pillar as it enables them to censor shit that goes against the narrative.
SJW mods are found out and harassed with spoiler-tagged pictures and vile threads and replies, forcing some of them to leave as there are less anti-SJW threads being "shut down". More anti-SJWs have been applying for janitor duty that helps remove the 'Reddit' out of Sup Forums.
They're using cucks as an anti-left/SJW insult (eg King Cuck, AKA pro-SJW Anthony Burch). They're also using lots of Sup Forums memes to shut down SJWs.
Making fun of SJW developers, pseudo/e-celebs, professional victims, and other undesirables.
Promoting 'lewds', as it constantly triggers the SJWs because "muh objectification".
Making fun of SJW/SJW-influenced games like Battlefield 1 (WEWUZ memes), DA: I (AKA Cisquisition), etc.
And so on.
Here's a sample Sup Forums thread (with pro-Sup Forums views):
Reddit already lost. And now, it is Reddit that's being invaded and destabilized. Reddit is not a "safe space" as it used to be.
Just keep a detail on Reddit, to keep up with the destabilization, and set your sights on Tumblr. Drive them all out of their safe spaces, so they won't be safe. So they will be in constant fear.
>/fit/ less tumblr than Sup Forums
top kek
I just said that I don't mind the Falcon taking over the role. But I've seen on multiple occasion where an user goes
>inb4 Sup Forums chimps out over a nigger
as if they want to stir trouble. I don't give a rats ass if Cap is black, but it's Sup Forums who starts to derail.
Also /RWBYg/ was a general. The only place being "shat up" was the thread itself. And I'd hardly call it shit. It was editing MAGA hats, discussions on removing animal people from public places, and angry Bernouts. That was it.
Hey, I remember you and the other thread before that last one.
Amusingly I keep getting banned for saying cuck on Sup Forums, or for mocking people that are anti-Trumpers. The funny thing is I never get banned immediately, but generally at least 6-12 hours after the post is made meaning there someone who browses Sup Forums ONLY to report posts they don't like.
Speaking as someone who's been a regular poster since 2005 it's only been since the 2010s that Sup Forums has been that bad and, frankly, I blame Homestuck for bringing over the tumblr crowd. I've noticed that Sup Forums has been getting a little "better" as the tide of SJWs is slowly being stemmed as people are getting sick of their shit.
Yeah. Not sure if any of the examples they are giving about otjer boards being blue pilled are true as well.
Let's take his. Sup Forums claims the board is Reddit light and banns anything related to the holocaust and race, yet we do have a thriving conservative and reactionary community and quite regular holocaust threads.
holy shit the amount of OC Sup Forums constantly steal from Sup Forums is like Sup Forums is China to Sup Forums's USA
As far as I can tell /tg/ although they don't bring it up much are in the know
Laughing Chris Evans and Bane are both Sup Forums memes, and I've seen them fucking everywhere. Sup Forums cooks some dank memes, what can you do?
the problem is that /k/ belongs on Sup Forums, but Sup Forums doesn't belong on /k/
This is the best way of putting it. Sup Forums likes to talk about guns, along with Jews, Muslims, and other things.
/k/ only likes to talk about guns. Knives and tanks and other things of course, but you get me.
>implying i wasn't complaining about Sup Forums stealing Sup Forums's content
>implying Sup Forums's "Where were you when memes transcended reality?" suddenly devolved in the very unfunny and forced KEK worship
>implying Sup Forums's JUST is now constantly being spam in Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a great board in spite of Sup Forumsfaggotry
They like talking about all sorts pf weapons, pre or post gunpowder.
>no /f/
Not sure on (specifically /wpsg/), wish I knew.
I think they're bernouts mostly.
/f/'s been pretty much dead thanks to /gif/ and /wsg/ getting sound webms.
Plus, they don't really talk to each other that much, they just ask for SAUCE on the music in the .swfs
Sup Forums leans towards the redpilled side of things in my experience.
Sup Forums is a board full of cucks.
[spoiler]/mlp/ is also somewhat redpilled, although it predictably has a pretty high amount of degenerate scum[/spoiler]
throwback Sup Forums, has smart people in it
slow Sup Forums
economics Sup Forums
/r9k/ reform board. they know they're supposed to be trying to improve but they don't know how. homoerotic overtones
apolitical topic boards have people doing really cool stuff, instead of just a shoutbox circlejerk like the Sup Forums family
BLUEPILLED (but worthy of mention)
not very redpilled, but they know good music after you get past the pretentious people who act like you have to like american football and swans to have taste
mix between knowledgeable people and tumblrshits who like feminist pulp fiction quasiporn
really really awful board, basically a bunch of high schoolers trying to act smart. no one here knows what theyre talking about. school/degree/stem elitism abound. reference: i have a math degree and am in an EEE phd program, and all the math threads there don't go beyond anything you learn in high school and the Numberphile pop math youtube channel. there are better infotainment sites better than /sci/ and i basically view it as a containment board for homeschoolers and the children of indian/asian helicopter parents.
tripfag worship and lgbt highschoolers who want to be seen as artists without putting in the necessary hard work
sperg version of /gd/
skiddie containment board. no one here has ever done actual work on a computer before, they endlessly change settings, themes and config files until the computer can't run properly, then they wipe the system and start again.
reddit version of Sup Forums.
everything else is garbage not worth mentioning.
Sup Forums is pretty redpilled. The only ones who aren't are the SJW faggot types like commie, or the retarded ESLfags in LN/WNshit threads.
I dunno, even places like Sup Forums and /lit/ seem to have a more active anti-cuck force, in /tg/ blue-pilled seems accepted.
love interest
Sup Forums is the most red pill ed board that isn't Sup Forums.
Sup Forums understands very well how evil tech corporations are, are against state-snooping, understand fully about SJW subversion in FOSS communities and the industry, and know all about how H1Bs let poo-in-loos take their jobs.
On the other hand a lot of them are consumerist whores, the FOSS community has plenty of pseudo-commies like Stallman, and most of them don't know what the fuck they're talking about half the time.
post more redpanels
Sup Forums is all sarcasm
Bane posting was dogshit, worst meme in years, the only good thing in it was the meme magic concept.
Chris Evans was average at best.
The biggest Sup Forums achievement is Smug Pepe, this one is just too perfect to die.
/mlp/ is basically our twin
so its true? i allways thought this is just a age old meme
i only browse /fit/, /fa/, and Sup Forums
>enlightned cru
Degenerate horsefucker here, can confirmed /mlp/ is the most Sup Forums-like board outside of Sup Forums.
>will never die
There are homo furries there.
Top kek
Sup Forums is full of faggots.
This comic is fucking great though.
has some Sup Forums discussion and generals. It just happens to be a cancerous cesspool of autism and fetish fuel as well.
>inb4 Barney fag shows up