It's that time again! Time for the new eternal NatSoc General! EVERY DAY, EVERY NIGHT UNTIL THE C UCK POSTERS AND (((SHILLS))) ARE PURGED
Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.
What is National Socialism? ==================== National Socialism is the product of over a century of political and social thought cultivated in Germanic nations, popularized and first put into action by its foremost proponent, German Führer (Leader) and Chancellor Adolf Hitler.
It represents the most sound means of assuring the survival and advancement of our race.
National Socialism was at first a political outlook adopted in several European nations, but evolved quickly into a pan-European vision.
Adolf Hitler summarized the worldview in Mein Kampf:
" For me and all true National Socialists there is but one doctrine: people and fatherland.
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland . . .
Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility. Then no theory will stiffen into a dead doctrine, since it is life alone that all things must serve. "
The practical goal of National Socialists today is to convert more people to our cause, in order to be able to create states guided by National Socialist principles.
In the French Revolution of 1789 Liberalism prevailed (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity). From this point onward it influenced the entire world, the entire 19th Century. In Germany it combined with the awakening sense of nationhood of the 1813 Wars of Liberation in the oxymoronic bourgeois “National-Liberalism.” But more and more the corrupting effect of Liberalism became apparent. With logical consistency one proclaimed free love, demanded the abolition of marriage and religion, abolition of the death penalty, and removal of all people-protecting arrangements and regulations. The nation became more and more unable to focus all of its strength in one direction. Individualism led to factionalization into countless political parties. Liberalism allows every opinion to count; it advocates the “objectivity” which ultimately leads to indecision and lack of conviction. – All ties to folkdom are gradually dissolved. The people is regarded as merely accidental, the external sum of individuals. The Liberal does not know what to make of the concept “people.” He thinks only economically, not nationalistically. Aside from the individual, he recognizes only the fuzzy concept of “humanity.” The consequence of this view is thus the International Idea. Marxism too is a child of Liberalism.
Cooper Parker
>that dislike to like ratio
How long until the media kikes label this as another raid attempt by "le ebil alt-right"?
Nicholas Sanders
I'm sure they already have. Their grip on public opinion is loosening dramatically. I wonder what they'll try next.
>William Joyce – Twilight Over England >Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany. archive.org/details/WilliamJoyceTwilightOverEngland
>The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany by Arthur Pillans Laurie >a view of National-Socialist Germany by a Scottish scholar inside Hitler's Third Reich. archive.org/details/TheCaseForGermany
(Just contributing to thread OP, I added some videos and PDFs on Jose Antonio I've found. It's hard to find English sources on this.)
Connor Sullivan
Bumping with some wallpapers.
Asher Martin
Lucas Peterson
Xavier Baker
I am an American/Brit. Why should I support something my countrymen died to destroy? ====== It is terribly painful to realize the American population was used by the Roosevelt regime and the shadow string-pullers behind that cabal, but the facts demonstrate that indeed the American people were deceived, abused, by traitors, to compel them to fight their brothers and sisters in Germany during World War II.
Are the American and British peoples happier today than before the war? Are American and British schools better, streets safer, cities more beautiful today than before the war?
Adolf Hitler sincerely sought alliance with the American and British peoples, as the record shows, but the criminal Roosevelt and Churchill regimes violently rebuffed his hand of friendship.
Why is that jewess even talking in court in this trailer? In reality, she never said a single word during the entire trial. Instead she hired a team of jewish lawyers to do the talking. David Irving, on the other hand, REPRESENTED HIMSELF.