You don't need to be a billionaire investor to see that the EU has been struck a mortal blow
*Schemes internally*
Here we go!
Soros needs to make a profit off the gold he bought somehow
Yep you guys won. Globalism is officially over. Now we just wait for ww3.
Someone post the pic, you know which one.
>We wounded grand-kike himself
This. Soros sure didn't want the EU to dissolve, but he is smart enough to see that it's inevitable at this point. So he and those even wealthier families whom he serves are pulling out and will try something new. Be wary, their European Union plan may have failed, but the New World Order will manifest itself once again, in a new form. The fight is far from over.
I hear the false song of globalism going flat.
Familia I got you
>but the New World Order will manifest itself once again, in a new form.
But for the moment they'll have to get back to the drawing board. The fight is never over but every single time they try they succeed for a while only to be struck down by the will of the people.
seems like he's shilling against the EU. This is an uncharacteristically defeatist attitude for Soros, and he's putting it on display. The EU won't fall apart just because one prominent member left, but it will if people give up on the idea. Not that that looks so bad right now, but if Soros is for it...
Oops I didn't see that you was already got. Consolation prize I guess.
>indoctrinated granddad who had no tool to form an opinion on such a complex matter manages to fuck up his grandsons' future before dying
truly touching
Did we fall for their tricks again Sup Forums? Was this what they wanted all along?
Your face when Soros set up the entire push for a united states of Europe, just so he could make more money.
You can't beat the Jew.
Do what I did, accept them as your overlords.
this guy is a cunt. He is fucking with everyone everywhere. In brazil he is trying to have them sell the pre salt oil to china.
Goddammit what the fuck....were we playing checkers instead of chess with the EU? DID SOROS PLAN FOR THIS FROM THE BEGINNING???
No you retard, Soros clearly says that the Brexit is "catastrophic"
I don't think so. The devil is in the defensive so he's acting appeasing to our movement. Soon Mr. Soros and others will say the complete opposite of what they said earlier because they fear the wrath of kek
Because reasons
> Whatever George whatever
What's said is said. What's done is done. And cannot be unsaid. And cannot be undone. #Brexit
>says it's catastrophic
>is making a killing in the markets while people panic because of those very words
Oh no what will the EU ever do without UK demanding turkey to send rapefugees across europe
> Soros
> Raped the UK economy and made himself a billionaire because of that
> Ever getting a podium to preach about what is good about the UK
What he has done to the UK is much worse than all bank robbers did to the UK since the millenium change.
Soros will now be planning how to make the most money from crashing the EU faster and harder
And what would pull Europe together better than a war with Russia?
It's coming.
You guys don't get Soros at all. For high stakes players like Soros, money is utterly irrelevant. They simply use it as a tool to achieve their goals. They couldn't care less about making money for the sake of making money. For them, it's all about achieving influence and global control and by losing the EU, they would lose a tremendous amount of influence.
yeah, for his bankaccounts
He profited nearly a billion shorting on Brexit. He will profit on the instability of the EU now too.
It is a huge blow to the globalist agenda, and its a victory, but its far from over.
Yeah and now that EU is losing control, he will plan to make most money he can to fund next attempt
Crashing the EU faster to make most money and to get onto next plan quicker
Absolutely. The U.K. leaving has made them realize that the EU isn't working, people are far too opposed to it and should they double down, there would be full-blown revolutions and it would collapse within the decade anyway.
So instead, they're going to put it down as gently as possible with minimal damage to themselves, and get right to work manufacturing a new plan to control Europe.
So, we are winning Sup Forums ?
He's what, 90 something years old? There won't be a next plan for him. The EU is the only chance the globalists have to achieve their world government without borders and national identities in the foreseeable future.
You can tell this jew hasnt slept for months
They COULD have rigged it. This result was ALLOWED to happen. The EU will begin to collapse and growing social unrest/market volatility will be used as a reason to manipulate and cripple economies, vastly expand and place a central European government. Germany's newest Reich is coming and it ain't gonna be peacefully achieved. This will be a war of totalitarian control vs freedom and democracy, every nation is already divided and hence ripe for conquer.
Germany will be split in two this time next year.cap this post
>listening to jew fearmongers
>Soros buys all of the gold
>EU collapses
>Soros makes a shitload of money anyway
fucking scheming kike
>all the rich globalist westerners fighting their hardest to beat people who value freedom over security
>China slowly colonizing the world
>And funding Russia's troublemaking to keep the West extra busy
>While also getting as many Americans as possible addicted on drugs, just the like the West did to them earlier (Opium wars...)
Brexit is enough to destroy de EU? i think they will go damage control with the other countries now
I wonder what diabolical plans the next generation of Jews will dream up?
They'll probably be complete shit, if Alex Soros's personality indicates anything.
Absolutely. Unless the EU majorly reforms Brexit is the beginning of the end.
This is a HUGE victory against globalists, but it's far from over.
Lel. The 6 foreign ministers of the EU founding nations met today and declared that they would use this opportunity to deepen the political ties between key member states.
A federal EU police, even more anti-terror laws and mass surveillance, stuff like that.
That doesnt exactly sound like they are planning major democratic reforms, they are prepping to crush political dissent.
Big mistake on their part. It'll just make people even more angry. If they had reformed, the bloc might have had a chance to survive. This will just make full-blown rebellion come all the sooner.
Did KEK defeat the eternal juden?
Its dumb when they do this. The public just get more paranoid and want to leave the EU even more.
They cause what they are trying to avoid.
So what's their next step? Manufacturing a war with Russia and Europe?
What worries me it's all the butthurt about a new referendum again, we are so close to save europe for a while and the cucks can ruin everything again.
We all know what is the purpose of the EU, they can't change that and they don't got any good alternative for us
Also, Hollande is fuckign retarded saying no to something democratic as a referendum, this will go against him
In that case opposition will shift from the political arena towards open revolt and violence.
Thank god we're getting the fuck out
>best of all possible deals
>was getting leeched on by greece and other shit show countries
good one kike
We are at end if pour cycle.
Soros want à progressive ceasar like Napoléon or à european balkan, he know ue is finished
From the mouth of the arch-kike himself:
>German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to open her country’s doors wide to refugees was an inspiring gesture, but it was not properly thought out, because it ignored the pull factor. A sudden influx of asylum-seekers disrupted people in their everyday lives across the EU.
Is it too late to buy gold?
He's plotting. Faux admittance of defeat, playing possum.
>Britain had the best of all possible deals
Nothing is worth the freedom of your sovereign nation.
Definitely, he'd only say this if he had some gameplan in place
Why doesn't he go to south America and jew them?
I have posted this three times already but it gets ignored every time.
This brexit was fucking planned, they're going to crash the economy on purpose and will use brexit as the blame.
Has he forgot he was pushing these guys into Europe as fast as he could.
Good to see the elites now tearing at eachother.
How is this guy still alive?
Well it doesn't take a genius to state obvious facts, no matter how much of a globalist shill you are. Although somehow liberals and leftists still usually completely fail to do that.
>bet on brexit
>buy up gold
>gold up 300
>bet gold against euro
He was just testing the waters. Now its onto the final stage
"Freedom is worth more than gold to those who dont have it"
Always thought that was a great quote. From Deus Ex, Human Revolution
Even if the EU collapses. Something LIKE it has to remain, and the UK HAS to be part of it. But something more like the EU in it's original inception, a trade union that sets standards for products for sale across Europe.
Move it's central office away from brussels, too much association with the old EU, Denmark or the Netherlands perhaps.
Maybe all the old currencies will come back, would sure make holidays a bitch, unless we can have a shared currency that isn't mandatory, but rather simply accepted everywhere. with a base value attached to the UK, France or Germany's currency.
This fkn piece of shit played God 3 times and successfully destroyed peaceful nations
I hope he dies a horrible painful death somehow
Divide and Conquer
The Greater Israel will burn from the ashes of european civilization.
If Trump doesn't win, I would almost certainly say that's their next plan. WW3 with Russia, have the U.S. win because even with the nukes it's highly unlikely Russia would win, and then use the U.S. to control the entire Western World through their political puppets.
Stem cell therapy im sure.
Eurasian Union soon
feels good to be a jew round about now.
>britain had the best of all deals with the EU.
When will the "dealing with the EU, is your best option" meme end?
Not to mention death is hot on his heels, he knows it otherwise he wouldn't be showing his ugly face, the rest of the family heads are also growing old too, their "plan" could take at least a decade to manifest, and by that time they might all be dead and their retarded children might more than likely be worse-and yet just as dumb if not dumber.
>The Economist is an English-language weekly newspaper owned by the Economist Group
>The Economist Group is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders
>It is 50% owned by the British branch of the Rothschild family and by the Agnelli family through its holding company Exor. The remaining 50% is held by private investors including the editors and staff
Nothing to see here goys
Yeah because globalism is the answer to all the world's problem you fucking nigger.
What about this one? I know its not the one you want,however, its not without its value
Could be why they're panicking a little, they know they can't trust their children to complete their plans, they're not as smart or as cunning, and they're far too bratty and narcissistic. The foundations for whatever plan they manifest have to be laid now.
i agree with this but this is a risky as shit move for them, it entirely depends on what the actual fuck happens in britain and other countries from here on out.
you see they can jew but the just relinquished their hold on europe, they are betting on everything going to shit and russia going after europe i bet, since one government is 100 times easier to control then the clusterfuck that was the EU
actually this makes me worry a bit about my own country in that particular case and now i want to see what the fuck actually happens in the election.
Soros will live for 666 years and then he will become one with the "force" that surrounds us.
kek. good stuff. Nigel is indestructable.
Our establishment brexiters are now trying to keep Nige out of the negotiations with the EU. Sick of their shit
Soros is a modern day Talleyrand; anything he says has some underlying self beneficial purpose.
Please Paco, stop, Spain will be far worse outside the EU.
>Unidos Podemos opening the borders to shitskins in Ceuta and Melilla
We're fucked on our own, majority of students are leftards.
Oh, Great Britian, what have you done?
Look at this terrible trend you've begun!
You make me sick, you contemptible dog,
I blame you for the death of the EU!
The EU used to be such a magnificent thing!
Beautiful pawns and dazzling refugees.
But you gave the people your Nationalist beast,
And in turn now the EU will be deceased...
How things have changed from when I was a boy!
Jewing with tricks and it would bring me much joy!
But, with your advance, there's no need to gloat--
Everything charming has been left behind!
Oh, Great Britain, you dirty fiend!
Your Nationalist thinking is cruel and obscene!
I was a user of goym great and small!
They all were my puppets and you've murdered them all!
How could a goym commit such a crime--
To murder immaculate keepers of time?
Why should a Nation so foul get away?
Britian, you're gonna pay!
So, Great Britannia, just watch your back!
Hide all those proudfull kids who live on the your clay,
They'll soon end up smashed to bits in a bog,
Because you, you, you, you, YOU
Caused the DEATH OF THE EU!
Death to the Fourth Reich.
You think they pushed this hard because it was now or never for the current globalists in power? They were getting too old and they did not trust the next generation to have the skill or will necessary to continue the program, so they had to push to create it to help solidify it so the next generation could inherit.
It's almost like Bismarcks system of alliances in WWI. His successors couldn't handle the minutae and it lead to catastrophe.
funny how financial sites all agree on short term crash with long term gains since the uk has links to asia, africa and america but no EU interference.