Sup Forums And The New Alt-Right

Do any of you realize how big an impact we are making? Our terminology has now gone mainstream. Our rayds, our ideals- the whole (((world))) is taking notice. Despite the fact that Sup Forums is kept off the front page of this site, we've still become one of the fastest boards on Sup Forums. Large sites like infowars, breitbart and even certain segments of fox mine our board regularly for content.

It's not unreasonable to say that we've red-pilled more people than all other right-wing sites combined. A lot may just come here for the top-tier memes/to laugh at "racist idiots", but they stay. And they change.

It's not unreasonable to say we're largely responsible for the alt-right getting more organized, for Leave winning, and for Trump making it as far as he has.

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>Despite the fact that Sup Forums is kept off the front page of this site

Oh is that true? I never noticed.


>we're merely Kek's servant. Prasie be to him and his meme magic xD LOL!!

All the fucking 14 year olds man

>Sup Forums


We made rand keep eating burgers



>being this deluded

M8, even /r/thedonald is more responsible for trumps nomination than this place.
