So why isn't Africa the richest continent on Earth with all its natural resources?
So why isn't Africa the richest continent on Earth with all its natural resources?
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Because they're unable to actually obtain this minerals without imperial or chinese overwatch.
Seriously if they actually took in anything that the British or the French taught them, Africa would be vastly different.
low iq nothing less nothing more
Extremely weak and/or corrupt civilian governments. That's literally it.
We built cities for them in the 20th century and now in many places they simply strip out the buildings for scrap metal to sell.
Africans are not a serious people.
Because it's full of niggers who are dumber than the dumbest working class scum in white countries.
Imagine a country where the intellectual elite amount to nothing more than rednecks and chavs, ruling over people who have the same IQ as people with Down's syndrome.
Maybe there too busy dieting of diseases and getting slaughtered by warlords? Also there niggers who can't team up to do anything besides be a thorn in Societys ass.
This. Just look at Venezuela. Same exact problem.
Nigeria is the only one who kinda does it. kinda.
If you sold diamonds for the price of European bread you would be poor too.
>nth post best post
Resource curse you idiots.
The same reason Africa has never had a successful civilization without outside help aside from egypt.
Niggers are dumb.
If you ask Liberals, its because Europe stole all those resources already
Its amazing the things we can do
Tiny % of the population of Europe strip mined the entire continent of Africa of everything in a few years while failing to exhaust the resources of Europe over countless generations
Nigeria does not do shit with their oil, Foreign companies do all the work and the profits mostly go to there corrupt politicians and not the people.
They dont manufacture a single thing in Nigeria, everything is imported and the second there oil bucks starts running out Nigeria will be an apocalyptic level shit hole instead of just a normal shit hole.
>soft drink concentrates
what do you mean? the evil white man robbed and enslaved the african continent since forever
Might want to put in the northernmost medieval catherdral in the world for northern Europe.
It's the "resource curse" which makes every place with lots of natural resources poor
Unless it's Norway or Canada or a white part of the United States, they have magical curse dispelling power
Africans happened, that's what.
Just watch a chinese guy's experience with africans, the best part is the last few 2 or 3 minutes, Chinese guy lays down reality for one African. In other parts of the documentary the Chinese guy looks around in awe as railroads built by euros decades ago are non-functioning or in disrepair while the African guy scratches his butt and head and looks on shrugging his shoulders.
I honestly think this poor chinese guy suffered, not from being in Africa, but from witnessing such ignorance and laziness, big projects the europeans completed left to rot by the ignorant, notice he said do you know what planning and work went into building this railroad decades ago and look at it. I bet his head got fucked up witnessing all that, I actually felt sorry for him experiencing all this. The look on his face in your pic says it all.
This film was a good redpill.
Aren't the Brits germanic?
Then we germanics can claim that we had the largest empire on earth and contributed a lot to science
I've heard some really awful stories about poor bastards that get stationed in Sudan, I've heard it sucks more there than fucking Trashcanistan
Because it's full of useless niggers
>Africans are not a serious people.
kek, I'm remembering this one
It's because evil colonialists created arbitrary borders and the states do not have a real identity that causes people to want to make them work.
By the way open borders for Europe I mean it's 2016 the nation-state is obsolete.
Brits only got good because of the Roman blood that was enfused 2000 years ago
Muh Nordic master race
>Extremely weak and/or corrupt civilian governments. That's literally it.
hit the nail on the head, user.
>Soft drink concentrates.
Don't worry about Africa. Worry about you white heathens going into slavery
I love the 'clothing and textiles' trees in morocco, great natural resource
btw that map is complete shit andmany of those countries are rich but don't give a fuck about their population. Algeria for example has huge gas reserves and money but then you go there and it's a shithole
>Aren't the Brits germanic?
>Then we germanics can claim that we had the largest empire on earth and contributed a lot to science
>Then we germanics can claim...
>we germanics
>literally WE posting
what did he mean by this?
I want some of those grains, buddy.
Africans, as a race, are in last place.
Not like 7 of the 10 oldest structures in the world are in northern Europe, some of which are two millennia older than the pyramids.
Check the CIA's world fact book for a clearer picture.
Big Congo is filthy rich in mineral wealth. Check the companies that go there to make sure they have their map right.
Africans have only been well organized under White or Chinese rule.
On their own they break back down into a very primitive version of European society.
Not enough resources or healthy people to create the things required to extract them: mines, oil rigs, trains etc.
I strongly support the idea of a first world country conquering that continent.
Ignoring all the Muslim countries all the native tribal populations are sick and miserable.
They would be elated for rich white people to take over, assuming they weren't there to simply turn them into slaves again.
Most of them are at the worst state a human can possibly be: sick, starving, poor, and miserable.
How can anyone argue that conquering them would be bad for them?
They can't possibly have a worse life.
In fact slavery would be preferable if treated humanely.
If the uncivilized lands of Africa became civilized this would be a great thing for humanity.
Whole new countries of working people.
Untapped resources being brought to the rest of the world.
New farms, new cities, new countries being born to trade with and to visit.
I hope that once oil starts running out either the US or China begins colonization of Africa.
And I believe China is already one step ahead of us.
Hopefully we won't be too late.
Norgefriend .... do you really intend to convince random strangers on the internet of something you already feel sure of?? ... especially people who respond with literal bait-posting (e.g. the american >WE post)
If ya gonna play Sup Forums-ball learn to meme!
The problem with Africa is that it's full of Africans
Maybe this is the problem. Could you teach a bunch of late 19th century Europeans to function in a early 21st century society? Maybe. What about someone from Napoleonic era, Baroque, Medieval times? It gets harder and harder.
Were Africans forced to leap too many development stages? Question remain if they were biologically capable to adapt into post-industrialist world given more time. But this question is a no-no except in Sup Forums perhaps.
Because the white people left or treated their subjects so poorly they were violently removed.
>If ya gonna play Sup Forums-ball learn to meme!
This place is 50% shitposting.
> We wuz Kangz an shieet
>treated their subjects so poorly they were violently removed.
fuckin' dumbass NP government ruined seffrica with that shit-as apartheid polciy
exactly, so for what purpose does posting actual facts serve? I will concede that people here respond well to facts presented in easy-to-digest memefrographics -- but that's often too much time to bother (unless you have some *funding* for such an operation)
What they needed was new borders drawn along ethnic, religious, and tribal lines, after decolonization.
But the UN didn't foresee the present day problems with tribal/ethnic/religious tension. It's hard to develop a country with the permanent instability that results from this.
Good thing our blacks know that they were never"Kangs 'n shit"
What is your webm from?
Its absolutely riddled with niggers.
There is no saving that shithole just glass it already.
What you mean like Rhodesia? Where the majority both black and white agreed that it's best to leave the UK and keep things as they are rather than dismantle a perfectly functioning and wealthy state? The place that's currently paying for its stupidity by letting mugabe rise to power and starve the country to death while shamelessly disenfranchising white people (the only functioning members of their society)
Oh wait, no he begged for whites to return didn't he? Yes that's right, Robert fucking Mugabe is begging for whites to come back to zimbabwe. That pretty much ends the whole debate. THE man who rose to power using anti-white rhetoric in africa is now begging for them to come back.
Laughing it up here.
Fuck off, plenty of sound, intelligent whites in Southern Africa. Nuke central and northern Africa.
Hi newfag
Empire of Dust. It's on YouTube.
>exactly, so for what purpose does posting actual facts serve?
Killing time.
Let's say you have a dog that doesn't do what you tell it to. You try to train it using techniques such as talking harshly to it if it misbehaves, restrict it's food, etc. If this does not work, you begin to beat it until it follows your order.
Same thing with Africans.
Their governments are corrupt which fuels conflict. They lack the human resources to make use of any of it so they dig it up with shovels and send it to the Chinese or Russians. In the Congo and other really shit countries its the rebels who control a lot of the mining sites. They force people to work them for protection and shit pay.
>continent that is home to niggers
>is the most embarrassing continent in the history of the planet
>the black population didn't accomplish anything without Arab and white help for over a thousand years and after their help left everything that was enriched collapsed due to black incompetence
hmmmm I wonder
>Killing time.
wouldn't watching inconsequential Laotian slice-of-rice motion-pictures achieve said purpose more effectively?
It's full of Africans.
wow - africa is so infinitely exploitable. They literally can't do anything right.
exploitation via foreign firms and poor leadership, not to mention colonialism
yeah, that kind of works -- but you also gotta reward with some nice stuff when it does good(for a dog, maybe some nice lamb/beef bones; for an aff... weed usually does the trick). or else you just end up with a really fucking angry dog that can't do anything except getting really pissed-off.
I suppose, but in this analogy isn't a raised standard of living/infrastructure the same as giving the dog treats? After all, both are the result of the 'dog' doing the right thing.
Not really. Besides, it seemed to work. The faggot left. Another internet argument won.
>natural resources
What natural resources?
This meme is dumb and you should feel dumb for posting it.
Gola is a constitutional right