>indian guy gets whitey gril
>other pajeets assblasted in the comments
Indian guy gets whitey gril
The woman must be over 40.
opem bob
Stop being a paki
Experienced roastie, he'll regret it
why do Indians literally ass blasted about everything? How does it happen that indians became the most thin-skinned people on the planet?
russhit filth is just as assblasted all the time (if not more)
Lost my shit with your comment.
Such is life in 3rd world
Lmao jelly
>much practical
what did she mean by this?
She is butthurt because all others are lusting after whites
nah, i know we have that too but atleast we actually can take a joke, unlike Indians thank will always try to prove you wrong every time you joke about something insignificant related to their country/nationality/culture.
Dear God she could be his grandma. She might get into pedo considering she is w*itey
Insecurities, such is life in south asia
She is not interested in foreplay, she wants the D asap
Why do they do this?
Being aware that 29.8 percent of your country defecates in the open can make you very insecure since that isn't insignificant at all.
>age is just a number
Indian boiiiiiii
Now this is going to spawn another generation of memes to make us feel even worse.
If only he knew how bad things really are.
I love social media Indians, it's like they have no filter and at the same time they come across very innocent and straightforward, like any assholism comes just naturally to them and it's not edgy/forced
25% of people die here before they reach 60 y.o and most of it due to alcohol. But noone is ass blasted as you're when someone make's fun on russian stereotypes. That's bothers me mostly because i always thought that sense of humor is actually helps people to deal with conditions like this but it seems like you don't have it at all.
Can I get gril in india
>25% of people die here before they reach 60
I think that's a little lower than the average life expectancy here and alcohol is a more based way to die than from malnourishment and water-borne diseases.
You know about Sania Mirza, right?
Sonething realted to cricket iirc. I hate cricket
how to we stop the exploitation of young innocent indian men?
>will always try to prove you wrong every time you joke about something insignificant related to their country/nationality/culture.
Because if you're from MENA or Asia, 55% of the time the hate is unironic. Everybody on this board loves slavs because they're >le redpilled and traditional while most people hate us.
I don't give a shit either way btw. It's just that the more time you spend on this board the more likely you'll either turn out as a full anti-wh*Te poster like that Turk or fucking pic related..
>the absolute state of that person
It is heartbreaking to watch. Is he a full asian or a hapa?
But whiTes are the best humans
She's hispanic so it doesn't count
TFW, never will fark a white 40 yo American woman with identity crisis.
no, she is a tennis player. she married a cricketer from your cunt.