I'm almost crying of laughter at picrelated because it so perfectly sums up my attitude towards lit and Sup Forums

I'm almost crying of laughter at picrelated because it so perfectly sums up my attitude towards lit and Sup Forums

He's the king of twitter

Unsurprisingly, both of you are whiny bitches.

That might be his best tweet

actually laughed out loud

Is he the first shitposter president?

Sup Forums is not happy with me--that's okay, i'll still keep reading that garbage

Every post in this thread is positive...except yours. Talk about whiny bitches lol

This is why we can't have nice things

I don't understand why people say his twitter shitposting antics are a bad thing; he's successfully understood and manipulated a medium that's generally pretty hard to understand for someone of his generation

When will 2017 cinema start getting good?

Honestly Coca Cola is fucking shit, all those drinks are disgusting

Wtf I love hate coke now

Well faggot, if you're not happy you can leave, because no one will miss you.

>I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt that the U.S. Government is sending them money
Holy fucking kek

wtf I hate Coke now - that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage

that barney frank tweet holy shit

what a great thread about television and/or movies

This place should be nuked half of the users don't watch anything and half have no idea what they are talking about and just meme opinions

What did that mean anyway? Is he going to keep drinking it or what?

these are all real. holy shit he is the king of banter

the fucking banter

Ariana Huffington absolutely BTFO

larger version

>I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt that the U.S. Government will start sending them money!

It's too bad he's such a crook because his bants are fucking based

Trump knows that Dr Pepper is the superior drink.

thanks, been meaning to look for that

>People Genuinely believe Putin and Trump are BFFs

You Americans either like the thought of your country being ran into the ground by a foreign leader or are just full on retard. Putin knows he can easily manipulate Trump by catering to his ego, and proceed to get what he wants. I will be watching your country's inevitable downfall with popcorn in hand.
fuck you Hillary was shit too. The US's downfall was inevitable once those two were your top choices.

Being friends with Putin isn't a bad thing you imbecile.

Once again, if you genuinely believe their is a friendship and no manipulation going on, you're an idiot. I never said good relations with Russia is bad, but when your leader is a man child who can be swayed by stroking his ego, he can be easily manipulated and if you believe Putin isn't buttering him up for those reasons, you're a fucking idiot.