Well I finally done it Sup Forums, after years of browsing these threads.
I must know...am I white?
Well I finally done it Sup Forums, after years of browsing these threads.
I must know...am I white?
White enough
>inb4 nigger
What service is this?
also dna thread
dna ancestry
Your 1% nigger. You're a shitskin in my eyes.
i think that means under 1% right
Salaam Aleykum insha Allah my Muslim brother
Your muslim great grandfather was a great man SubhanAllah
If I'm honest I'm more perturbed by the 4% Iberian than the
not as white as me
why is that?
>42% irish
Pick one
>Middle East
related: what does pol think about these DNA tests?
is it a government/jewish conspiracy to get their hands on our DNA or just bunkum
dna ancestry is a lot safer than the 23andme
>trace Middle Eastern
Nice try Paddy O' Laden
Does DNA ancestry have $50 sales like 23andme?
your grandma got TURKED or ARABED
I honestly dont know. I did it at a hundred. 23andme is 200 though, and their sales now are 100.
and it says right on their website they will hand your dna out.
Autosomal dna tests are pretty much a scam, even at conservative levels different tests have a hard time finding common ground
No you're not. Italians aren't white.
>Paddy O'Laden
Gave me a chuckle
>I must know...am I white?
Fuck no.