What activities do children do for fun in your country?

What activities do children do for fun in your country?

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white """"people"""" are so awkward and cringy

But look how innnnnocent and chaste they are!

This is unironically what Sup Forums aspires to.

They seems like 12 or so and what they are doing seems as 5 years old or so. So it's true that whites seems older than they actually are.

show us your moves roach

Just normal cool kid stuff like your pic.

They are sheltered little pussies that are cut off from reality, that's why they grow to be pacifist leftists sucking Muslim dick and afraid of everything that seems gosh darn not nice.

Better that than bombs and niggers desu.

At least bombs and niggers teach them what the world is actually like instead of this dumb Anglo concept of "innocent childhood".

Dig holes and poke ant hills.

Actually, where on the earth this video was taken?
I am getting little threatened by this, honestly.

The US of A presumably.

>I am getting little threatened by this, honestly.

Why, you sniveling Nip

Tha's a kurd retard
We look way better than you MONGOL wannabes who end up looking like mongrels thanks to n*rdic genes

Those kids are diaabled. Dont be mean.

>We look way better

which one of them are you?

Cutting other kids kites.


Sometimes bikers would get their necks cut due to a mixture of glass and glue on the threads.

Looks like a model compared to a n*rdic rapebaby
Let's see your face you genetical failure

Bikers are all cunts do they deserve this

This shall teach them not to be faggoty bikers

I-i'm a biker Chaim.

Hope you get your neck cut then

Not so fast.


Oh, you're a motorbike biker? thought you were talking about bicycle bikers.

>Anglo concept
there are 6 yr olds walking around with knives in my ends lol

it's just Americucks that are sheltered

>pic related

basically we just ride our bikes around, smoke weed, steal shit (especially other kids' bikes), get into fights and break shit

literally there is nothing else to do around here, england is a shithole these things at least make it fun

What do the posh cunts do

Oh, just a bit of the ole' ultra-violence, aye?

>What do the posh cunts do
never been one, wouldn't have a clue but I assume they don't do much

there aren't cutesy suburban neighbourhoods in England like there are in American movies

die yank