Other urls found in this thread:
early fuck off
I've built one PC, do you think I should put that down?
Tried to hit a female police officer outside the kebab shop
Knacker, hope you get jail for aggravated assault
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the black man's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the black man to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
>monica still has posted her picture
enjoying a rather nice brazilian stew with prawns
Who /heem/ here
the smaller the world gets and the more we get to see of other cultures the more obvious it becomes that the Irish are just blatantly us
Irish people aren't human
It's spelt without an accent on the E. The spelling you have used is incorrect.
shameful behaviour
wouldnt mind a borg gf who would assimilate my ball bag
She got in my fucking face first
been enjoying hardy bucks
I've noticed that a couple of posters never leave these threads. Tragic.
wasn't talking to you
if i use the right spelling it says "you cant make a duplicate post for 5 minutes" so i have to adapt
good lad
About 9 years late
fuck off boyo
what kind of sad pathetic lives must they lead?
trying to listen to this jap / british band
sounds EXACTLY like the kind of music a moderately hairy autist who wishes he was a woman would listen to. absolutely terrible gayboy tunes
Thoughts on the last season of Peep Show?
Granddad's having a rant about Cultural Marxism again
meant to direct @78716695 at @78716661
I am VERY drunk right now
FOY off
hate people who idle their engines
turn it off
Just lie about shit that's easy to lie about mate. you just want to show you are productive in your spare time. Regular exercise, swimming, dog walking, fishing, study of x, collecting of x. just make sure you know a little bit about whatever you list so you can back it up when they ask you
like the one before it, not very good and happy it ended when it did because they were clearly grasping
What do you call it?
donald trunk
hey ;)
a series
NOT too great an idea to use the words "Dirty Knickers" in a urban area. Word of warning lads.
casillero del diablo
it's like proper wine but doesn't cost as much
grandson's been brainwashed by the ol' frankfurt school
cromwell did nothing wrong
what's it called when you're arguing with people and you just try to annoy them to the point that they give up
>Drunkposting on /brit/ at quarter past 4 in the day
I may have gotten pepper sprayed last night but atleast im not that guy!
kero kero bonito?
>be londoner
>open your window from fresh air
>die from pollution poisoning
>I may have gotten pepper sprayed last night
whappened la
being a leftie
*slams a pint down on the table*
shall be having port or hardys crest once done with this gay writing
Trad af
thats the one
sounds like they're trying way too hard to be cute, very similar to those skinnyfat poofs in stripey socks that always use ':3'
this is your typical kero kero bonito fan btw
he got pepper sprayed last night
love it when virgins get confused when a rich and famous person is dating an ugly woman
don't much care for port to be honest
or overly sweet drinks in general
>be yank
>walk across the road
>get arrested
haha alri......
big fan, unironically tbqh ngl
>Games 524
>1.8 hours past 2 weeks
That actually represents me very accurately desu
gonnae glass this taig cunt @78716792
impressed u still posting after doxxing urself
>2 semi finals this weekend
It's over Corbyn! I have the high ground!
what on earth could we do with his doxx la he lives in fucking ethiopia
Signed the Ethiopian up to about 50 websites
>death grips
>owning lots of steam games and not playing many
how's that gay?
The Ethiopians anime grill features leave me in hysterics
looks like an ayylmao
>kero kero bonito? not a fan
what the fuck is a kero kero bonito
never usually get it but saw it weres 6.50 so was cheap init
i think it's a type of sushi
google broken?
hate kero kero bonito
love actual jpop
simple as
gayro gayro bonerto
Some lad doxxed me ages ago when I posted that vid of myself in college. Don't gaf anyway. Will post my address in New York if you like.
>mum is being annoying
>politely ask her to stop
>she just keeps doing the annoying thing
>threaten to hit her
>she stops doing the annoying thing
shall be using this information for future encounters
The house of pain is in effect yall the house of pain is in effect
anyone who steps up is getting wrekt
what neighbourhood are you in in ny
who are the best jpops
i dont know, but i googled it and it turns out to be a band. in modern browsers, you can simply select the text that you don't understand and choose "search on google." a marvel of software engineering
for me, it's shiina
Midtown East. Tudor City
*enters brit*
alri snotfaces
Love are Nige.