What music does he listen to?

What music does he listen to?

Attached: 1519984484308.jpg (1024x768, 395K)


Who the fuck is this guy, can I get a quick rundown?


He recently got put on death row for the last big school shooting.

Bitcoin wizard

he invented music


what music does he listen to?

Attached: donwannosmoke.png (434x1530, 868K)

idk but it's definitely something cool

Sminem aka. Boy Sminem Cool, Russia's most popular rapper


Something from this ultra small subset of all music:
All music that is or was maisntream at the past at usa, uk, his own country and maybe japan, this includes to movies sountracks, game sountracks, cartoon countracks

He was a meme on russian chans. But now biz, int, and krautchan (rest in peace kc) adopted him
Its the hot new meme

Boy seminiem cool


Fucking harcachers, I came here not to see them and then again

He looks like an alien

name my band moo

Attached: boysemcool.jpg (985x768, 133K)


Its like some one clicked o the random character button in oblivion.


Party Rock Anthem

he is from my city lol

He hears everything and listens to NOTHING

Prom Kings

did you ever see him in real life

i was going to write something to this effect

oh my sides

he looks like me


Where are you from? I'm thinking Ukraine/Russia but might as well be south Brazil

the bogdanoffs bow to him

>russian chans
Such as?

2ch.hk would be the biggest one

fuck off
jeez, just use google
(except for the obv cancer ones like that one)

the same music that i listen to

yeah i know it sucks dont get mad nigga

Is that Xavier Renegade Angel?